Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Some people consistently say offensive things without concern for anyone else’s feelings.

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They’re so tactless that they have no qualms about making inappropriate comments that can hurt, embarrass, or anger everyone around them. Here are 16 common things you’ll hear come out of their mouths — chances are, you’re all too familiar with them.

1. “Wow, you’ve gained weight!”

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This one’s a classic. As if people don’t have mirrors or aren’t aware of their own bodies. It’s never okay to comment on someone’s weight, whether they’ve gained or lost. It’s personal, and usually none of your business. Plus, you never know what someone might be going through  — health issues, stress, or medications can all affect weight.

2. “You look tired. Are you sick?”

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Gee, thanks for pointing out that I look like crap today. This comment doesn’t help anyone feel better. If you’re genuinely concerned, there are kinder ways to ask if someone’s okay. Maybe they’re dealing with insomnia, stress, or just had a late night — either way, pointing it out doesn’t help.

3. “When are you going to have kids?”

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This question is loaded with assumptions and can be really hurtful. You never know if someone’s struggling with fertility, doesn’t want kids, or just isn’t ready. It’s a personal decision, not small talk material. Besides, some people might be dealing with recent miscarriages or other painful situations you’re unaware of.

4. “You’re still single? What’s wrong with you?”

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Being single isn’t a disease, and it’s not always a choice. This comment suggests there’s something wrong with not being in a relationship, which is just nonsense. Some people are happily single, focusing on their career, or just haven’t met the right person yet — and that’s completely okay.

5. “Is that what you’re wearing?”

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Unless someone’s asked for your fashion advice, keep it to yourself. This comment just makes people feel self-conscious about their choices. Everyone has their own style and comfort level, and your opinion on their outfit isn’t necessary or welcome.

6. “You’re too sensitive. It was just a joke!”

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This is the classic defence of someone who’s said something offensive and doesn’t want to take responsibility. If your joke hurts someone, it’s not funny — it’s mean. It’s better to apologise and learn from the experience, rather than trying to make the other person feel bad for being hurt.

7. “No offence, but…”

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Newsflash: saying “no offence” doesn’t give you a free pass to say offensive things. If you have to preface your comment with this, maybe just keep it to yourself. Chances are, if you think it might offend someone, it probably will.

8. “You’d be so pretty if you just…”

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This backhanded compliment is just insulting. It implies that the person isn’t good enough as they are. People don’t need your suggestions on how to be prettier. Beauty is subjective anyway, and everyone has their own unique features that make them attractive.

9. “Why don’t you just get over it?”

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Everyone processes emotions differently. Telling someone to “get over” something they’re struggling with is dismissive and unhelpful. It minimises their feelings and experiences. Healing and moving on take time, and that timeline is different for everyone.

10. “You don’t look old enough to [insert activity here].”

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Whether it’s having kids, being in a certain job, or even buying alcohol, commenting on someone’s perceived age is just rude. It’s often either patronising or insulting, depending on the context. Age doesn’t determine capability or maturity, and making assumptions based on looks is never a good idea.

11. “I thought you were smarter than that.”

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This is a sneaky way of calling someone stupid. It’s condescending and hurtful, especially when someone’s made a mistake or is asking for help. Everyone has moments of forgetfulness or confusion, and intelligence isn’t measured by a single action or decision.

12. “You’re not like other girls/guys.”

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This might sound like a compliment, but it’s actually pretty sexist. It implies that there’s something wrong with most men or women, and sets up unhealthy comparisons. It’s also often based on stereotypes and doesn’t recognise the diversity within any gender.

13. “Have you considered trying [insert fad diet here]?”


Unless you’re a doctor and the person has specifically asked for your advice, keep your diet suggestions to yourself. This comment assumes the person needs to lose weight and that you know better than they do about their own body. It can also be triggering for people with a history of eating disorders or body image issues.

14. “Why are you still hung up on that?”


Everyone processes things at their own pace. This comment dismisses someone’s feelings and experiences. It’s not up to you to decide when someone should be “over” something. Some experiences, like grief or trauma, can have long-lasting effects that aren’t always visible to others.

15. “You’d be happier if you just [insert unsolicited life advice here].”

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This assumes you know better than the person what would make them happy. It’s patronising and often just projects your own values onto someone else. Happiness looks different for everyone, and what works for you might not work for someone else.

16. “I don’t see colour.”

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While often said with good intentions, this comment actually dismisses the real experiences of people of colour. It ignores the very real impacts of race in our society and can be quite offensive. Acknowledging and respecting differences is more helpful than pretending they don’t exist.

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