Valerii Honcharuk

Thoughtful people always consider how their words will affect the people they say them to. They value empathy, understanding, and respect in their interactions. So, while they might have strong opinions, they choose their words carefully. Here are some things you’re unlikely to hear from someone who truly thinks before they speak.

1. “That’s stupid.”

Valerii Honcharuk

Dismissing someone’s idea or opinion outright is a quick way to shut down a conversation and hurt feelings. A thoughtful person would instead take the time to understand the other person’s perspective, even if they disagree. They might say, “I see things differently, and here’s why…”

2. “You always…” or “You never…”

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These sweeping generalisations are rarely accurate and can put someone on the defensive. Thoughtful people focus on specific behaviours or situations rather than making broad accusations. They might say, “When you did this, it made me feel…”

3. “I told you so.”


This phrase is the verbal equivalent of rubbing salt in a wound. It’s condescending and unhelpful. A thoughtful person would offer support and understanding instead of dwelling on past mistakes. They might say, “I’m here for you if you need anything.”

4. “It’s not a big deal.”

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Minimising someone’s feelings can make them feel invalidated and unheard. Thoughtful people acknowledge the other person’s emotions, even if they don’t fully understand them. They might say, “It sounds like you’re really upset about this.”

5. “You’re too sensitive.”

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Sensitivity is not a weakness; it’s a sign of emotional intelligence. Thoughtful people understand that everyone processes emotions differently. They might say, “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Can we talk about it?”

6. “Just get over it.”

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Healing takes time and everyone copes with challenges differently. A thoughtful person would offer support and encouragement, recognising that moving on is a process. They might say, “Take your time and let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

7. “This is how we’ve always done it.”

Valerii Honcharuk

This phrase is a roadblock to progress and innovation. Thoughtful people are open to new ideas and ways of doing things. They might say, “Let’s explore some different options and see what works best.”

8. “Why can’t you be more like…?”

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Comparing someone to someone else is never helpful. It undermines their individuality and can create resentment. Thoughtful people appreciate people for who they are, not who they think they should be. They might say, “I value your unique strengths and talents.”

9. “I don’t care.”

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This dismissive phrase can make someone feel unheard and unimportant. Thoughtful people express genuine interest in other people’s lives and opinions, even if the topic isn’t personally fascinating to them. They might say, “Tell me more about that, I’d like to understand.”

10. “That’s your problem, not mine.”

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This phrase shuts down empathy and connection. Thoughtful people offer support and understanding, even if they can’t directly solve the problem. They might say, “I’m here for you, let’s brainstorm some solutions together.”

11. “Calm down.”

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Telling someone to calm down is often counterproductive, as it invalidates their emotions. A thoughtful person would acknowledge their feelings and offer a listening ear. They might say, “It’s okay to feel this way, I’m here to listen.”

12. “I know exactly how you feel.”


While well-intentioned, this phrase can sometimes minimise someone’s unique experience. Thoughtful people validate other people’s feelings without claiming to fully understand them. They might say, “I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you.”

13. “You should…” or “You shouldn’t…”

Konstantin Postumitenko

Unsolicited advice can be perceived as judgmental and controlling. Thoughtful people offer support and guidance when asked, but they respect people’s autonomy to make their own decisions. They might say, “I’m here to help if you’d like to discuss your options.”

14. “Whatever.”

Source: Pexels
Pexels/Alexander Suhorucov

This dismissive word can be incredibly hurtful. It signals indifference and a lack of respect. Thoughtful people engage in conversations with genuine interest and respond thoughtfully. They might say, “I’m not sure I understand, could you explain it again?”

15. “You’re overreacting.”

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Telling someone they’re overreacting dismisses their feelings and can exacerbate the situation. Thoughtful people validate emotions and try to understand the root cause of the reaction. They might say, “Tell me more about what’s upsetting you.”

16. “I’m too busy for this.”

Dmytro Sheremeta

While everyone has busy schedules, thoughtful people make time for those they care about. They understand the importance of connection and prioritise meaningful interactions. They might say, “I can’t talk right now, but let’s schedule a time to chat later.”