Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

People are often trying to mind their Ps and Qs and avoid saying the wrong thing, but what about the things we should be saying more often?

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There are certain words we often hold back on sharing with the people around us, and that’s a shame. You don’t want to wait until it’s too late to say these things to those who matter most.

1. “I appreciate you.”

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Expressing genuine gratitude goes beyond a simple “thank you”. By specifically acknowledging someone’s value, you strengthen your relationships and create a positive atmosphere. This can be particularly impactful when directed at people whose contributions might often go unnoticed.

2. “I need some time to think about that.”

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In a world that often demands instant responses, it’s crucial to give yourself space for reflection. This statement sets healthy boundaries and ensures you’re making decisions based on careful consideration rather than impulse or pressure from others.

3. “I made a mistake, and I’m sorry.”

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Owning up to your errors without excuses or deflection is a sign of maturity and integrity. This straightforward apology acknowledges your fallibility and demonstrates your willingness to take responsibility for your actions, which can greatly improve your relationships.

4. “That’s interesting. Can you tell me more?”


Showing genuine curiosity about others’ thoughts and experiences not only helps you learn, but also makes people feel valued. This encourages deeper conversations and can lead to unexpected insights and connections.

5. “I’m proud of myself for…”

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Celebrating your own achievements, no matter how small, is crucial for building self-esteem and motivation. By vocalising your pride in specific accomplishments, you reinforce positive behaviours and boost your confidence.

6. “I disagree, but I respect your perspective.”

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This allows you to stand firm in your beliefs while acknowledging the validity of different viewpoints. It opens the door for constructive dialogue and shows that you value diversity of thought, even in disagreement.

7. “I need help with this.”

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Asking for assistance isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of self-awareness and strength. By verbalising your need for support, you create opportunities for collaboration and demonstrate trust in those around you.

8. “I’m setting this boundary because…”

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Clearly communicating your limits and the reasons behind them helps others understand and respect your needs. This helps you to assert yourself while providing context, which can prevent misunderstandings and resentment.

9. “I’m feeling overwhelmed right now.”

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Acknowledging your emotional state, especially during stressful times, is crucial for self-care and maintaining healthy relationships. This honesty allows others to offer support and helps you recognise when you need to step back and recharge.

10. “Let’s find a solution together.”

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This collaborative approach to problem-solving encourages teamwork and creativity. By inviting others to join in finding resolutions, you demonstrate respect for their input and create a sense of shared responsibility.

11. “I’m excited about this opportunity.”

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Expressing enthusiasm openly can be contagious and motivating. By vocalising your positive feelings about new ventures or challenges, you cultivate an optimistic mindset and inspire those around you.

12. “I don’t have all the answers, but I’m willing to learn.”

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Admitting that you don’t know everything shows humility and a growth mindset. This opens you up to new knowledge and perspectives, positioning you as a lifelong learner rather than someone who pretends to have all the answers.

13. “Your efforts are making a difference.”

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Recognising the impact of someone’s hard work, even if the results aren’t immediately visible, can be incredibly motivating. This acknowledgment shows that you notice and value their contributions, encouraging continued effort and dedication.

14. “I’m choosing to let this go.”

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Deciding not to hold grudges or obsess over annoyances is liberating. By verbalising this choice, you remind yourself of the power you have over your reactions and emotions, promoting a more peaceful and positive mindset.

15. “I value our relationship and want to work through this.”

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During conflicts, reaffirming the importance of the relationship can shift the focus from winning an argument to finding a mutually beneficial resolution. This shows commitment and sets a constructive tone for difficult conversations.

16. “I believe in myself.”

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Self-affirmation is powerful. By declaring your belief in your own abilities, you boost your confidence and resilience. It can be particularly helpful when facing challenges or self-doubt, serving as a reminder of your inner strength and capability.