Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Some people are naturally more contemplative than others — it happens.

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People who tend to think about every little thing (okay, sometimes it’s overthink) end up mulling over some pretty strange and random questions, but they can also be really fascinating. Here are some of the things that pop into their heads.

1. Are we living in a simulation?

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This one’s a real mind-bender. What if our whole reality is just a super advanced computer program? It sounds bonkers, but some pretty smart people reckon it’s possible. It’s the kind of thought that can make you question everything you see.

2. Do we actually have free will, or is it all an illusion?

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Sure, we feel like we’re making our own choices, but what if it’s all predetermined? Maybe our brains are just really good at making us think we’re in control. It’s a tricky one that gets you wondering about every decision you’ve ever made.

3. What happens to our consciousness when we die?

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The big mystery, isn’t it? Does our awareness just blink out, or does it go somewhere else? It’s the ultimate unknown that’s had people scratching their heads for millennia. No pressure, but it’s only the meaning of life we’re talking about here.

4. Is there a multiverse where different versions of us exist?

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Imagine a universe for every choice you didn’t make. Wild, right? It’s not just sci-fi anymore — some physicists reckon it could be real. It’s enough to make you wonder about all those roads not taken.

5. How do we know our memories are real?

guy on his own side viewSource: Unsplash

We trust our memories, but how reliable are they really? Our brains are pretty good at filling in gaps and even creating false memories. It’s a bit unsettling to think that your cherished memories might not be as accurate as you think.

6. What is the nature of reality beyond our perceptions?

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We only experience the world through our limited senses. So what’s really out there beyond what we can see, hear, or touch? It’s like trying to understand the ocean by looking at it through a straw.

7. Is time a human construct or a fundamental aspect of the universe?

serious man standing on barren roadSource: Unsplash

We organise our lives around time, but is it actually real? Some physicists argue it’s just a way our brains make sense of change. Try wrapping your head around a universe without time — it’s proper mind-bending stuff.

8. Are we alone in the universe?

woman in coffee shop looking to the rightSource: Unsplash

With billions of galaxies out there, surely we can’t be the only ones? But if there is other life, why haven’t we found it yet? It’s a question that makes you feel tiny and huge all at once.

9. What is the self, and is it constant?

man seriousSource: Unsplash

We all have a sense of ‘me’, but what is it really? And does it stay the same throughout our lives? It’s a head-scratcher that gets you questioning the very core of who you are.

10. How much of our personality is shaped by our genes versus our environment?

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The old nature versus nurture debate. Are we born who we are, or are we shaped by our experiences? It’s a question that makes you wonder how much control we really have over who we become.

11. Can we ever truly understand the consciousness of another being?

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

We can’t even jump into someone else’s head for a second. So how can we ever really know what it’s like to be them? Or a cat? Or a bat? It’s a puzzle that highlights how alone we all are in our own minds.

12. Is mathematics invented or discovered?

man looking to the sideSource: Unsplash

Maths works eerily well to describe the universe. But did we create it, or did we just uncover something that was always there? It’s a question that blurs the line between human thought and universal truth.

13. How does language shape our perception of reality?

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The words we use influence how we think. So, do people who speak different languages experience the world differently? It’s a thought that makes you wonder if we’re all living in slightly different realities.

14. What is the purpose of art in human existence?

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We’ve been creating art since we lived in caves. But why? What deep human need does it fulfil? It’s a question that gets you pondering the very essence of human creativity and expression.

15. If you could live forever, would you want to?

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Sounds great at first, but think about it. Watching everyone you love die, seeing civilisations rise and fall. Would it be a blessing or a curse? It’s a question that really makes you think about what gives life meaning.

16. Are our political beliefs shaped more by reason or emotion?

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We like to think we’re rational beings, but how much of our worldview is actually based on feelings? It’s a question that can make you second-guess your own convictions and wonder about the roots of social conflict.

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