Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Narcissists often lose their cool over everyday stuff that wouldn’t bother most people.

Seva Levitsky

Whether it’s a minor inconvenience or even just people going about their daily lives and not catering to the narcissist non-stop, there are certain things that set these toxic personality types off and make them lash out.

1. Nobody notices when they walk into a room.

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Narcissists love attention. If they enter a room and people don’t stop what they’re doing to greet them, they might get upset. They might start acting out or making a scene just to get people to look at them.

2. Someone gives them a bit of feedback.

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Even mild criticism can feel like a slap in the face to a narcissist. They might blow up, get defensive, or try to make the other person look bad. It’s like they can’t handle the idea that they’re not perfect.

3. They don’t win or aren’t the best at something.

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Losing a game or seeing someone else get praised can really set a narcissist off. They might accuse people of cheating, say the game was stupid anyway, or throw a full-on tantrum like a kid.

4. They have to wait their turn like everyone else.

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Narcissists often think they’re too special to follow the same rules as everyone else. Being asked to wait in line might lead to them demanding special treatment or having a meltdown.

5. They don’t get their way in a group decision.

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When a group decides on something the narcissist doesn’t want, watch out. They might try to manipulate people, make people feel guilty, or just throw a fit to get what they want.

6. Someone else gets attention or praise.

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Narcissists can get really jealous when other people are in the spotlight. They might try to steal the attention back or start putting the other person down to make themselves look better.

7. They’re held responsible for their actions.

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When called out on their behaviour, narcissists often go into denial mode. They’ll blame other people, make excuses, or flat-out pretend it never happened. They might even get aggressive if pushed to take responsibility.

8. They’re not invited to something.

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Being left out of plans can really trigger a narcissist. They might start badmouthing the event, try to make the invited people feel guilty, or create drama to ruin everyone’s good time.

9. Someone disagrees with their opinion.


Narcissists often think their views are the only right ones. If someone challenges them, they might turn it into a heated argument or try to make the other person look stupid.

10. A conversation isn’t about them.

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If they’re not the centre of attention, narcissists might keep interrupting or changing the subject to something about themselves. If that doesn’t work, they might get visibly annoyed or just walk away.

11. They’re told ‘no’.

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Narcissists don’t handle rejection well. When told ‘no’, they might try to guilt-trip you, get aggressive, or give you the silent treatment if they don’t get their way.

12. An ex moves on with someone new.

Kniel Synnatzschke

Seeing an ex happy with someone else can really set a narcissist off. They might try to mess up the new relationship, spread rumours, or make dramatic attempts to win their ex back.

13. They don’t get special treatment.

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When rules apply to them just like everyone else, narcissists often can’t handle it. They might get angry or try to argue their way into getting special treatment.

14. Nobody notices their new look or accomplishment.

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If their new haircut or achievement isn’t immediately praised, they might start dropping obvious hints or straight-up ask for compliments. If that doesn’t work, they might get moody.

15. They face a small inconvenience.

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Minor setbacks that most people would shrug off can feel like huge deals to a narcissist. A slight delay or small mistake might lead to them complaining non-stop or dramatically declaring their day is ruined.

16. They’re not seen as the expert on something.

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Narcissists need to feel like the smartest person in the room. If someone else knows more about a topic, they might start making wild claims about their own expertise, even if it’s obviously not true.