Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Looks aren’t everything, and even if you have model good looks, that doesn’t excuse bad behaviour.

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There are certain things people do that completely turn off everyone around them. As a result, they don’t usually have many friends, and their romantic relationships don’t last very long, either. No matter how conventionally attractive someone is, if they do these things, they suddenly become kind of ugly.

1. Being mean to waiters is a big no-no.


If you’re rude to servers, bartenders, or anyone in customer service, it’s a major red flag. It shows you don’t respect people, plain and simple. Nobody wants to hang out with someone who’s nasty to people just doing their job. Be kind to everyone, regardless of what they do for a living.

2. Constant complaining is a real buzzkill.

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Always moaning about everything? That gets old real fast. Sure, life can be tough sometimes, but if you’re always focusing on the negatives, you’ll bring everyone down with you. Try to find some silver linings now and then. A little positivity goes a long way.

3. Gossiping non-stop makes you look bad.

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Yapping about people behind their backs isn’t cool. It makes people wonder what you’re saying about them when they’re not around. Plus, it creates a vibe of negativity and distrust. Instead of tearing people down, why not focus on more positive chat?

4. Being glued to your phone is just rude.

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If you’re always on your phone when you’re with people, it’s like saying, “My Instagram feed is way more interesting than you.” It’s disrespectful and makes people feel unimportant. Put the phone away and actually engage with the humans around you.

5. Bragging all the time is super annoying.

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Nobody likes a show-off. Constantly talking about how awesome you are gets old really quick. It often comes across as insecurity rather than confidence. Let your actions speak for themselves and show some interest in what other people are up to.

6. Always being late is not cool.

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If you’re consistently late, you’re basically saying your time is more valuable than everyone else’s. It’s frustrating and disrespectful to those left waiting. Make an effort to be on time. If you’re running late, give a heads up and a genuine apology.

7. Not owning up to mistakes is childish.

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We all mess up sometimes, but not everyone can admit it. If you can’t say sorry or acknowledge when you’re wrong, it’s a sign of immaturity. It’s okay to make mistakes  — just own them and learn from them.

8. Interrupting people is just rude.

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Cutting people off mid-sentence is super annoying. It’s like you’re saying your thoughts are more important than theirs. Good chat is about listening as much as talking. Wait for a natural pause before jumping in with your two cents.

9. Poor hygiene is a real turn-off.

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Bad breath, body odour, dirty clothes — these things can make people want to keep their distance. Basic hygiene is just part of being a decent human. Take care of yourself — shower regularly, brush your teeth, wear clean clothes. It’s not rocket science.

10. Being super judgmental is not a good look.

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If you’re always criticising everyone, people will start avoiding you. It creates a negative vibe where everyone feels like they’re being judged. Try to be more open-minded and accepting. Remember, everyone’s got their own stuff going on.

11. Dodging responsibility is pretty lame.

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Always blaming other people or making excuses? That’s not cool. Taking responsibility for your actions, good and bad, shows you’re mature and trustworthy. It’s about owning your stuff, even when it’s not comfortable.

12. Only talking about yourself is boring.

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If every conversation is all about you, it’s a problem. It makes you seem self-centred and uninterested in other people. Good chats involve give and take. Ask questions, listen to people, and show genuine interest in what they have to say.

13. Being aggressive all the time is exhausting.

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If you approach every disagreement like it’s a fight, people will start avoiding you. It creates unnecessary drama and stress. Learn to express yourself calmly and respectfully. You can be assertive without being aggressive.

14. Being super jealous or possessive is not healthy.

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A little jealousy is normal, but going overboard is toxic. Constantly questioning your partner’s loyalty or trying to control who they talk to is not okay. It stems from insecurity and can ruin relationships. Work on building trust instead.

15. Lying, even about small stuff, is a deal-breaker.

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Once people catch you in lies, it’s hard for them to trust you again. This includes little white lies and exaggerations. Honesty might be uncomfortable sometimes, but it’s crucial for good relationships. Just tell the truth, even when it’s tough.

16. Lack of empathy makes you hard to connect with.

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If you can’t understand or share other people’s feelings, you might come across as cold or unapproachable. Empathy is key to forming real connections. It’s about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. Practice listening and showing genuine concern for other people’s feelings.

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