Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

You’d like to think that you’re the only person your partner has eyes for, but is that actually the case?

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No matter how long you’ve been together and how strong you think your relationship is, no couple is immune to possibly developing feelings for someone else. That’s why, if you notice these signs, your partner might have another person on their minds. Obviously, this isn’t a conclusive list, but it definitely should open a line of honest communication between you about what’s going on.

1. They’re constantly checking their phone.

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If they’re glued to their screen more than usual, it could be a red flag. Maybe they’re waiting for a message or constantly scrolling through someone’s social media. Try to have an honest chat about it — there might be a simple explanation, or it could be time for a serious talk.

2. They seem distracted during intimate moments.

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When you’re getting close, their mind seems to be a million miles away. It’s like they’re physically there, but mentally checked out. This can be a real mood killer and might suggest their thoughts are with someone else. Communication is key here — let them know how you’re feeling and see if there’s something on their mind.

3. They start comparing you to other people (or one other person in particular).

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Suddenly, they’re pointing out how their coworker dresses or how their friend handles situations. These comparisons can sting, especially if they’re unfavourable. It might be a sign they’re fixating on someone else’s qualities. Don’t be afraid to call them out on it — you’re not in competition with anyone else.

4. They’re less affectionate than usual.

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The hugs are less frequent, the kisses feel rushed, and they’re not holding your hand like they used to. This cooling off could mean their affection is directed elsewhere. It’s worth having a chat about it — there could be other reasons for the change, but it’s important to address it either way.

5. They mention someone else’s name a lot.

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If a certain name keeps popping up in conversation, it might be more than coincidence. It could be a sign that this person is on their mind more often than not. Pay attention to how they talk about this person — if there’s a sparkle in their eye, it might be time for a heart-to-heart.

6. They’re suddenly very protective of their privacy.

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Where once they were an open book, now they’re password-protecting everything and angling their screen away from you. This newfound secrecy could suggest they’re hiding something — or someone. It’s okay to express your concerns about this change in behaviour.

7. They’re dressing differently or putting more effort into their appearance.

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A sudden interest in hitting the gym or a wardrobe overhaul might seem positive, but if it comes out of nowhere, it could be for someone else’s benefit. Of course, they might just be focusing on self-improvement, but if it coincides with other signs, it’s worth noting.

8. They’re less interested in your day-to-day life.

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They used to ask about your day and remember the little details. These days, it’s clear they’re only half-listening. This lack of interest could mean their attention is focused elsewhere. Don’t be afraid to call them out on it — everyone deserves a partner who’s genuinely interested in their life.

9. They’re picking fights over small things.

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If they’re suddenly irritable and starting arguments over nothing, it could be guilt or frustration manifesting. They might be looking for reasons to create distance. Try to stay calm and get to the root of what’s really bothering them.

10. They’re working late more often.

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Extra hours at the office could be innocent, but if it’s coupled with other signs, it might be an excuse to spend time away from you — possibly with someone else. It’s okay to ask questions and express your concerns about the change in routine.

11. They’re less present during quality time.

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Movie nights and dinner dates feel different. They’re physically there, but mentally absent. This could mean their thoughts are with someone else. Try planning some engaging activities to reconnect — if they’re still distant, it might be time for a serious conversation.

12. They’ve stopped talking about the future with you.

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Those plans you used to make together? They’ve gone quiet on them. This could mean they’re reconsidering the relationship or imagining a future with someone else. It’s important to address this change — your future matters too.

13. They’re suddenly very curious about your schedule.

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If they’re overly interested in your comings and goings, it might not be because they miss you. They could be figuring out when they can contact or meet someone else. Trust your gut if this behaviour feels off.

14. They’re less physically affectionate in public.

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Where they once held your hand proudly, now they’re keeping their distance in public. This could be a sign they’re open to attention from other people. It’s worth discussing how this change makes you feel — your comfort matters too.

15. They’re reminiscing about past relationships.

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Suddenly, stories about their ex are popping up more frequently. While it’s normal to mention past relationships occasionally, constant reminiscing could mean they’re making comparisons or even reconsidering old flames. Don’t be afraid to ask why these memories are surfacing now.

16. They’re less engaged in your shared social circle.

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Group hangouts and couple dates don’t seem to interest them anymore. This could mean they’re pulling away from your shared life, possibly because they’re invested in someone outside of it. It’s okay to express how this affects you and ask what’s changed.

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