Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

You used to have tons of friends, and seemed to meet new ones everywhere you went. However, that’s not the case these days.

You don’t feel like anything has changed, but something clearly has because your social circle is dwindling by the day. Here are some signs you’re becoming more unlikeable as the days go by.

1. You never let people finish their thoughts.

You might have a really exciting story to share, but surely, it’s nothing that can’t wait until other people have finished what they’re saying. Conversations are meant to be a two-way street, mate — you have to let other people talk. If you don’t, they won’t want to talk to you at all.

2. You never offer to help anyone.

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Life can be tough, and everyone needs a helping hand sometimes. If you’re always the one receiving favours but never returning them, people might start to see you as a bit of a taker. Even little things, like offering to grab a coffee for a colleague or helping a friend move, can go a long way in building goodwill.

3. You complain non-stop about everything under the sun.

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We all have bad days, but if your conversations are always dominated by complaints and negativity, people might start to dread spending time with you. A little bit of venting is okay, but try to balance it out with some positive stories and more laid-back conversations.

4. You go out of your way to outdo everyone.

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Sharing your own experiences and patting yourself on the back is fine, but if you’re constantly trying to outdo people, it just makes you seem unnecessarily competitive and insecure. Be happy for other people’s wins instead of trying to overshadow them with your own. There’s enough room for everyone to succeed.

5. You never show up on time.

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Being late all the time shows a lack of respect for other people’s time. It sends the message that you don’t value their schedules or consider their commitments important. If you struggle with this, there’s no excuse. Try setting reminders, leaving earlier than you think you need to, and letting people know ASAP if there is a legitimate hold-up.

6. You never say you’re sorry (even when you’ve really messed up).


Everyone makes mistakes, but refusing to own up to them or say you’re sorry makes you extremely unlikeable. It tells the other person that you have zero empathy and don’t know how to take responsibility for your actions.

7. You never admit when you’re wrong.

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Everyone has blind spots and makes mistakes, but emotionally mature people can actually admit it. If you insist that you’re always right even when it’s clear that you’re not, you just seem arrogant and close-minded. Accept the fact that you don’t know everything and be willing to learn from other people.

8. You’re always the centre of attention (or trying to be).

Source: Unsplash

You don’t need to be a silent wallflower, but if you’re always trying to steer conversations back to your favourite topic of conversation (you), it can be exhausting for the people around you. Make an effort to listen to other people and be interested in their stories. You just might learn something!

9. You give a lot of advice that no one asks for or wants.

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It’s great that you want to help the people you care about, but giving advice when it hasn’t been asked for just comes across as patronising and judgmental. Instead of assuming you know what’s best for someone else, try listening to their concerns and offering support without immediately jumping in with solutions.

10. You gossip constantly.

Source: Unsplash

A bit of innocent gossip can be fun, sure, but if you’re constantly talking about other people behind their backs, it’s a major red flag. It makes you seem untrustworthy and unlikeable — how do people know you’re not talking about them the same way?

11. You’re always trying to impress people.

Source: Unsplash

The best people tend to have humility in spades, meaning they don’t need to brag about how great they are or all the wonderful things they have/have done. If you truly want to impress people, you don’t need to go out of your way to do it. The harder you try, the more you’ll end up getting the opposite reaction.

12. You never take responsibility for your actions.

Source: Unsplash

Again, making mistakes is part of being human, but if your instinct is to blame everyone else for your problems, or you refuse to accept your flaws, it makes you look immature and irresponsible.

13. You’re always negative.

Yuri Arcurs YAPR

A positive attitude can be contagious, but so can a negative one. If you’re always focusing on the downsides of life and complaining about everything, it can drain the energy of everyone around you. Try to find the silver linings in difficult situations and cultivate a more optimistic outlook.

14. You’re not a good listener.

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You can’t bond with people in any way if you don’t listen to them, and they don’t feel heard. If you’re always interrupting, checking your phone, or thinking about what you’re going to say next, it shows that you’re not truly engaged in the conversation.

15. You need constant validation.

Valerii Honcharuk

It’s normal to want to feel appreciated and valued, but if you’re constantly fishing for compliments or chasing people’s approval, it can come across as needy and insecure. True confidence comes from within.

16. You don’t respect people’s boundaries.

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Everyone has different comfort levels and needs for personal space. If you’re always pushing people’s boundaries, it can make them feel uncomfortable and violated. Consider people’s limits and respect their right to say no.