Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

There’s no use pretending like you don’t care — we all want to be liked.

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Whether it’s making new friends, impressing colleagues, or winning over a potential partner, charm can be a powerful tool. Unfortunately, it doesn’t necessarily come naturally to most of us. Here are some tips to help you become more charismatic and win people over, without coming across as insincere or manipulative.

1. Learn how to truly listen.

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People love to feel heard and understood. When someone’s speaking, give them your full attention. Make eye contact, nod, and offer encouraging responses. It  shows you value their thoughts and opinions, which makes them feel important and appreciated.

2. Remember and use people’s names.

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There’s something magical about hearing your own name. When you meet someone new, make a conscious effort to remember their name and use it in conversation. It’s a small gesture that can make a big impression and helps create a sense of familiarity and connection.

3. Smile genuinely and often.

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A warm, authentic smile can light up a room and make people feel at ease. Plus, it’s contagious and can instantly boost the mood of those around you. Practise smiling with your eyes as well as your mouth for maximum effect (“smizing,” I believe Tyra Banks used to call it) — it’s the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one.

4. Get interested in other people.

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Everyone has a story to tell, so ask questions about people’s lives, hobbies, and passions, and show curiosity about their experiences and opinions. When you show sincere interest in other people, they’re more likely to find you interesting and enjoyable to be around.

5. Develop a good sense of humour.


Laughter is obviously a great way to connect with people and put them at ease. You don’t need to be a stand-up comedian, but learning to see the lighter side of life and sharing that perspective can make you more approachable and enjoyable to be around. Just be careful to keep your humour kind and inclusive.

6. Be generous with compliments, but keep them sincere.

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Genuine compliments can brighten someone’s day and create a positive association with you. Notice and appreciate the good qualities in other people, whether it’s their skills, appearance, or character traits. Just ensure your compliments are honest and not overdone — insincerity can be off-putting.

7. Practise empathy and compassion.


Try to see things from other people’s perspectives. When someone shares a problem or concern, show understanding and offer support. Being empathetic creates deeper connections and makes people feel valued and understood.

8. Be confident, but not arrogant.

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Confidence is attractive, but there’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Believe in yourself and your abilities, but remain humble and open to learning from other people because you definitely don’t know everything. A balanced sense of self-assurance can draw people to you without alienating them.

9. Use positive body language.

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Your non-verbal cues speak volumes. Stand tall, make eye contact, and use open gestures. Avoid crossing your arms or turning away from people because it can seem defensive or disinterested. Mirroring other people’s body language subtly can also help build rapport.

10. Be reliable and keep your promises.

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Nothing damages charm faster than being unreliable. If you say you’ll do something, follow through. Being dependable builds trust and respect, which are important parts of any relationship. People appreciate and are drawn to those they can count on.

11. Show appreciation and gratitude.

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Regularly express thanks for both big and small gestures. Acknowledging other people’s efforts and kindnesses makes them feel good and paints you in a positive light. Gratitude goes a long way in both building and maintaining relationships, that’s for sure.

12. Be present in the moment.

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When you’re with someone, give them your undivided attention. Put away your phone and focus on the conversation at hand. Being fully present shows respect and genuine interest, which people find extremely charming, especially since it’s so rare these days.

13. Have a positive attitude, especially when it’s tough.

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Optimism is infectious. Try to find the silver lining in situations and focus on solutions rather than problems. A positive outlook can make you more enjoyable to be around and can help lift other people’s spirits, too. Keep it genuine, though — no toxic positivity allowed.

14. Be open-minded and non-judgemental.

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Everyone has different experiences and perspectives. Show respect for views that are different from your own, and be willing to learn from other people. Being open-minded and accepting makes people feel comfortable around you and more likely to open up.

15. Use touch, but make sure it’s appropriate.

Yuri Arcurs

Physical touch can be a great way to connect, but it’s important to be mindful of boundaries. A light touch on the arm or a warm handshake can help build rapport, but always be aware of the other person’s comfort level and cultural norms. When in doubt, err on the side of caution.

16. Share your own vulnerabilities.

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While it’s important to be confident, showing your human side can make you more relatable and approachable. Don’t be afraid to admit when you’ve made a mistake or share appropriate personal stories. Your willingness to be vulnerable can help other people feel more comfortable around you.

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