Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

They say that sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt you, but that’s not exactly true, is it?

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The words we use can absolutely wound people, which is why it’s so important that we use the right ones so that we can uplift, inspire, and show love to the people we care about on a regular basis. Here are some words to start using with your loved ones more often — I promise they’ll appreciate it.

1. “Thank you.”

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Saying “thank you” might seem simple, but it goes a long way. Whether it’s for a small favour or something bigger, expressing gratitude shows the other person you appreciate what they do for you. When people feel valued, it strengthens your bond and encourages more positive interactions.

2. “I’m proud of you.”

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Everyone loves to feel recognised, even for the little wins. Telling someone you’re proud of them boosts their confidence and shows you’re paying attention to their progress. It’s a reminder that you’re there, cheering them on, and that can mean the world.

3. “I’m sorry.”

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Owning up to your mistakes and offering a heartfelt apology can make a huge difference. It shows that you’re willing to take responsibility and that you care enough to make things right. A genuine “I’m sorry” can heal rifts and bring people closer together.

4. “I miss you.”

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Letting someone know they’re on your mind, especially when you’re apart, is a great way to keep the connection strong. It shows that their presence matters to you, even when they’re not around. Sometimes, a simple “I miss you” can bring you closer emotionally, even across the distance.

5. “I’m here for you.”

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When times are tough, knowing someone has your back can be incredibly comforting. Telling someone you’re there for them reassures them that they’re not alone and can count on your support whenever they need it. It strengthens trust and deepens your relationship.

6. “You mean a lot to me.”

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We don’t always realise how much it means to someone to hear they’re important in our lives. This simple phrase can make a huge impact, showing the other person that you value them and appreciate the role they play in your world.

7. “I love you.”

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This one’s a classic, but it should never lose its meaning. Whether it’s romantic, familial, or friendly, telling someone you love them reminds them of the bond you share. It’s a phrase that reinforces emotional security and keeps your connection strong.

8. “I appreciate you.”

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This is about more than just appreciating what they do—it’s about valuing who they are as a person. Letting someone know you appreciate them, just for being them, can create a deeper sense of connection and mutual respect in your relationship.

9. “You’ve got this.”

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When someone’s facing a challenge, a little encouragement can make all the difference. Letting them know you believe in their abilities gives them that extra boost of confidence to tackle whatever’s ahead. Sometimes, just hearing someone say “you’ve got this” is enough to keep them going.

10. “I believe in you.”

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When someone’s doubting themselves, hearing you believe in them can be incredibly uplifting. It shows you have faith in their abilities, even when they’re struggling to see it themselves. That kind of support can be the nudge they need to push through tough moments.

11. “I’m listening.”

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Given how distracted everyone is all the time, letting someone know they’ve got your full attention is powerful. It shows respect and genuine interest in what they have to say. Being a good listener strengthens communication and helps build deeper, more meaningful connections.

12. “Let’s catch up soon.”

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Taking the initiative to make plans with someone shows that you value your time together. It’s an easy way to keep friendships and relationships alive, even when life gets busy. Reaching out and saying, “Let’s catch up” shows that you care about staying connected.

13. “I understand.”

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Sometimes, all someone needs is to feel heard and understood. Acknowledging their feelings, especially in difficult times, can create a sense of safety and trust. It shows empathy and lets them know you’re there with them, even if you don’t have all the answers.

14. “You look great.”


A genuine compliment about how someone looks can brighten their day. Just make sure it’s sincere and fitting for the moment—people can tell when it’s not. A little positivity like this can boost someone’s confidence and help them feel good about themselves.

15. “I’m happy for you.”

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Sharing in someone’s joy without any envy is a great way to show how much you care. Whether it’s a promotion, a new relationship, or any other achievement, celebrating their success lets them know you’re in their corner and genuinely rooting for their happiness.

16. “Take care.”

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Sometimes the smallest phrases can carry the most warmth. Ending a conversation with “take care” shows that you genuinely wish the best for the other person. It’s a thoughtful way to show you’re thinking of them, even in the simplest interactions.

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