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Nosy people are like mosquitos buzzing around your personal life picnic. They’re relentless, annoying, and always trying to get a taste of your juicy secrets. But don’t worry, you don’t have to be a victim of their prying questions. With the right comebacks, you can shut them down, set boundaries, and protect your privacy like a pro. It’s time to reclaim your personal space and send those nosy people packing.

1. “I’m not really comfortable sharing that information.”

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This is a simple, straightforward way to shut down a nosy question without being rude. It’s direct, polite, and gets the message across. If they continue to pry, you can simply repeat the phrase or change the subject. This shows them that you’re not interested in discussing the topic any further.

2. “Why do you ask?”

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This comeback puts the ball back in their court. It forces them to explain why they’re so interested in your personal life. If their reason is valid, you can decide whether or not to share. If not, you can simply say, “I’d rather not talk about it.”

3. “How about we talk about something else?”

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This is a gentle way to redirect the conversation. It shows that you’re not interested in discussing the topic, but you’re still willing to engage in conversation. You can suggest a different topic or simply ask them a question about themselves.

4. “That’s a personal matter.”

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This is a more assertive way to shut down a nosy question. It makes it clear that the topic is off-limits, and you’re not willing to discuss it. It can be helpful to use this comeback with people who are particularly persistent or pushy.

5. “I’d rather not say.”

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This is a polite but firm way to decline to answer a question. It doesn’t offer any explanation, which can be helpful if you don’t want to give the nosy person any ammunition. It also leaves the door open for you to share the information in the future if you choose to.

6. “My therapist and I are working on that.”

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This comeback is a bit of a curveball, but it can be effective in shutting down nosy questions about your personal life. It implies that the topic is sensitive, and you’re not comfortable discussing it with just anyone. It also adds a bit of humour to the situation.

7. “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”


This comeback is obviously a joke, but it can be a fun way to lighten the mood and let the nosy person know that you’re not taking their question seriously. Use it with caution, as it might not be appropriate for every situation.

8. “That’s none of your beeswax.”

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This classic comeback is a bit sassy, but it gets the message across loud and clear. It’s a way of telling the nosy person to mind their own business. Use it with caution, as it can come across as rude if you’re not careful.

9. “Did you hear about [insert juicy gossip/news]?”

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This comeback is a masterclass in deflection. By immediately switching to an entirely different topic, you catch the nosy person off guard and effectively derail their line of questioning. It’s a great way to shift the focus away from your personal life and onto something more interesting (or at least less invasive).

10. “Sorry, I’m not really in the mood to talk about that right now.”

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Honesty can be a powerful weapon against nosy people. By simply stating that you’re not in the mood to discuss a particular topic, you set a clear boundary and communicate your discomfort. This comeback is also effective because it doesn’t invite further questioning or probing.

11. “I’m still figuring that out myself.”

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This comeback works particularly well for questions about your future plans or decisions. By acknowledging that you’re still in the process of figuring things out, you take the pressure off yourself to provide a definitive answer. It also implies that the topic is personal and not something you’re ready to share with everyone.

12. “That’s a story for another time.”

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This comeback is a bit of a tease, but it can be effective in shutting down a nosy question without being rude. It suggests that there’s more to the story than you’re willing to share at the moment, but it also leaves the door open for future conversation (if you so choose).

13. “I’m not sure how to answer that.”

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This comeback is a bit vague, but it can be helpful if you’re caught off guard by a nosy question. It buys you some time to think of a more appropriate response or to simply change the subject. It also communicates that you’re not comfortable with the question and don’t feel obligated to answer it.

14. “I’ll tell you when I’m ready.”

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This comeback is a confident and assertive way to shut down a nosy question. It makes it clear that you’re in control of your own narrative and will share information when you’re good and ready. It also sends a message that you’re not going to be pressured into revealing anything you’re not comfortable with.

15. “Is there a reason you need to know that?”

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This comeback is a bit challenging, but it can be effective in putting the nosy person on the defensive. It forces them to justify their curiosity and explain why they’re entitled to your personal information. If they can’t come up with a good reason, you can simply say, “Then I’m not going to share it.”

16. “Can we please respect each other’s privacy?”

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This comeback is a direct appeal to the nosy person’s sense of decency. It reminds them that everyone is entitled to their own personal space and that it’s not okay to pry into someone else’s life without their permission. This can be a powerful way to shut down a nosy question and set a clear boundary.

17. Give them a blank stare and walk away.

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Sometimes, the best comeback is no comeback at all. If a nosy person is being particularly persistent or rude, you don’t owe them anything. You can simply walk away or ignore them altogether. This sends a clear message that you’re not interested in engaging with them and that their behaviour is unacceptable.