Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Empathy is a wonderful trait to have, but like with many things in life, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing.

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Being able to walk a mile in other people’s shoes and understand where they’re coming from, even when it’s somewhere completely unfamiliar to you, is a blessing. However, it can also become overwhelming in harmful when your empathy levels are too high.

1. You absorb people’s emotions like a sponge.

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When you’re highly empathetic, you tend to take on the feelings of those around you. This can be exhausting and overwhelming, especially in emotionally charged situations because you’re feeling everyone’s feelings on top of your own.

2. You struggle to set boundaries.

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Your strong empathy might make it hard to say no or set limits with people. You’re so attuned to their needs and feelings that you often put them before your own. Sadly, this can lead to burnout and resentment over time.

3. You’re prone to emotional exhaustion.

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Constantly feeling and processing other people’s emotions can be draining. You often end up emotionally wiped out after socialising or even just watching the news. Basically, your emotional batteries are always running low.

4. You can be easily manipulated.

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Your ability to understand and feel for people can make you vulnerable to manipulation. People might take advantage of your empathy, knowing you’ll be quick to forgive or help out. It’s a trait that less scrupulous people might exploit.

5. You often neglect your own needs.

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In your rush to help and understand other people, you might forget about taking care of yourself. Self-care often takes a back seat when you’re always focused on everyone else. Over time, you can end up with burnout, mental health issues, or even physical illness as a result.

6. You can get overwhelmed in crowded places.


Large events or crowded spaces might feel overwhelming. You’re picking up on so many different emotions and energies that it can be sensory overload. It’s like being in an emotional storm with no umbrella.

7. You have trouble making tough decisions.


When you can see and feel everyone’s perspective, it can be hard to make decisions that might hurt someone. Because of this, you often struggle with choices that require putting some people’s needs before others. You feel like you’re being pulled in multiple directions at once.

8. You’re more susceptible to anxiety and depression.

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Your heightened sensitivity to emotions, both your own and other people’s, can make you more prone to anxiety and depression. The weight of the world’s pain can feel very heavy when you’re empathetic. You’re always carrying an emotional burden that’s not entirely yours.

9. You can be too trusting.

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Your ability to see the good in people might lead you to trust too easily. You might give second (or third, or fourth) chances to people who don’t deserve them, which can leave you vulnerable to getting hurt repeatedly.

10. You struggle with conflict.

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Highly empathetic people often avoid conflict because they can feel the discomfort on all sides. Unfortunately, this can lead to issues festering instead of being resolved. You end up walking on eggshells to avoid causing any emotional pain.

11. You might enable negative behaviour.

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Your understanding nature might lead you to make excuses for other people’s bad behaviour. While you mean well, this can enable people to continue harmful patterns without consequences. It’s a fine line between empathy and enablement.

12. You can be indecisive in relationships.

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In romantic relationships, you might struggle to end things even when you’re unhappy. You can feel your partner’s pain so acutely that you stay to avoid hurting them, and this can keep you in unfulfilling or even toxic relationships.

13. You’re easily affected by negative news.

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Watching or reading the news can be a harrowing experience when you’re highly empathetic. Global tragedies and local sad stories alike can deeply affect your mood and outlook. It’s like the world’s pain becomes your own.

14. You might struggle with guilt.

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Empaths often feel guilty when they can’t help or when they need to prioritise themselves. The terrible thing is that this guilt can be a constant companion, making it hard to enjoy life fully. You’re always feeling bad for not doing more, and that’s no way to live.

15. You can be overly self-critical.

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Your ability to understand other people’s perspectives might turn inward, making you hyper-aware of your own flaws and mistakes. As a result, it can lead to harsh self-criticism and low self-esteem. You’re your own toughest critic, and that critic has some pretty mean things to say.

16. You might have trouble with healthy detachment.

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It can be hard for you to separate yourself emotionally from situations or people, and this lack of healthy detachment can make it hard to maintain objectivity or make rational decisions. You’re always too close to the situation to see it clearly.

17. You can become a dumping ground for other people’s problems.

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People might start to see you as their personal therapist, always coming to you with their issues. While it’s nice to be trusted, this can become draining and one-sided. You end up carrying the emotional baggage of everyone in your life, and that’s just not fair.

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