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We all know that person who makes us cringe, roll our eyes, or want to flee the room as quickly as possible.

They may not realise it, but their habits and behaviours are making them insufferable to be around. While we all have our quirks, some traits cross the line from endearing to downright annoying. If you’re wondering if you might be the one people are secretly avoiding, see if you have any of these insufferable habits.

1. You constantly interrupt and talk over people.

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It’s as if you’re in a race to get your words out before anyone else can finish their thought. You don’t listen, you just wait for your turn to speak. This behaviour shows a lack of respect and makes it impossible to have a meaningful conversation. People feel unheard and unimportant, leaving them with a sour taste in their mouths.

2. You always have to be right.

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Every conversation becomes a battleground as you fight to prove your point, even when it’s clear you’re wrong. You refuse to acknowledge other perspectives and get defensive when challenged. This constant need to be right shuts down meaningful dialogue and makes you seem arrogant and closed-minded.

3. You’re a chronic complainer.

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Nothing is ever good enough for you. You complain about the weather, the traffic, your job, your food, and pretty much everything else under the sun. Your negativity is contagious, and it sucks the joy out of any situation. People start to avoid you because they don’t want to be dragged down by your constant grumbling.

4. You’re always late.

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Your lack of punctuality shows a disregard for other people’s time and schedules. It makes people feel like you don’t value them or their commitments. Whether it’s for work, social events, or even just a casual coffee date, your chronic lateness sends the message that you’re unreliable and inconsiderate.

5. You’re a know-it-all.

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You act like you have all the answers and love to lecture people on every topic imaginable. You dismiss other people’s opinions and experiences, believing that yours are superior. This arrogance is off-putting and makes people hesitant to share their thoughts or ideas with you, fearing they’ll be met with condescension or dismissal.

6. You’re obsessed with yourself.

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Every conversation revolves around you, your achievements, your problems, and your opinions. You rarely ask questions about people or show genuine interest in their lives. This self-centredness makes you seem shallow and uncaring, and it leaves people feeling like they’re just an audience for your one-person show.

7. You never take responsibility for your mistakes.

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When things go wrong, you’re quick to blame other people, make excuses, or deflect responsibility. You refuse to acknowledge your own role in the situation and never offer a sincere apology. This lack of accountability makes it difficult for people to trust you or rely on you, as they never know if you’ll take ownership of your actions.

8. You’re a drama queen (or king).

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You thrive on chaos and love to stir up trouble. You blow things out of proportion, create unnecessary drama, and feed off the attention it brings. This constant need for drama is exhausting for those around you and makes them hesitant to share anything personal with you, fearing it will become the next big scandal.

9. You’re constantly chasing validation and approval.

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Whether it’s through social media likes, compliments, or excessive reassurance, you constantly need people to tell you that you’re good enough, smart enough, or funny enough. This insatiable need for validation is draining for those around you, who feel pressured to constantly boost your ego. It also makes you seem insecure and overly reliant on external sources of self-worth.

10. You’re a one-upper.

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No matter what story someone tells, you always have a better one. Did someone just get a promotion? Well, you got a bigger one last year! Did someone just go on an amazing holiday? Well, you’ve been to more exotic locations! This constant need to outdo everyone else is competitive and makes you seem like you’re not genuinely happy for other people’s successes.

11. You’re always negative and pessimistic.

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The glass is always half empty for you. You see the worst in every situation, focus on problems instead of solutions, and always expect things to go wrong. This negativity is a drag to be around, as it sucks the energy out of any room and makes people feel less optimistic and hopeful about their own lives.

12. You’re judgmental and quick to criticise.

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You have a strong opinion about everything, and you’re not afraid to share it, even if it’s unsolicited. You judge people’s choices, their appearance, their beliefs, and their lifestyles, often without knowing the full story or considering their perspective. This judgmental attitude creates a hostile and uncomfortable environment for those around you.

13. You’re overly competitive and can’t stand to lose.

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Whether it’s a board game, a sporting event, or even just a casual debate, you always have to win. You can’t stand the thought of losing or being second best. This hyper-competitive nature can make you seem like a sore loser and make it difficult for other people to enjoy activities with you.

14. You’re always trying to change people.

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You believe that you know what’s best for everyone and feel the need to “fix” them. You offer unsolicited advice, criticise their choices, and try to mould them into the person you think they should be. This behaviour is controlling and disrespectful, as it disregards their autonomy and individuality. People don’t want to be around someone who is constantly trying to change them.

15. You’re passive-aggressive and never directly address issues.

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Instead of communicating your concerns or frustrations directly, you resort to subtle digs, backhanded compliments, or silent treatment. This passive-aggressive behaviour creates confusion, tension, and resentment in your relationships. It prevents you from resolving conflicts in a healthy and productive way.

16. You’re unreliable and flaky.

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You cancel plans at the last minute, forget important dates, and fail to follow through on your commitments. Your unreliability makes it difficult for people to trust you or count on you. It sends the message that you don’t value their time or their relationship with you.

17. You’re always talking about yourself and your problems.

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Conversations with you become one-sided monologues about your life, your dramas, and your grievances. You rarely ask questions about people or act like you care about them at all. This self-absorption makes you seem insensitive and uncaring, as it signals that you’re only interested in using people as a sounding board for your own issues.