Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Most people would consider themselves friendly and approachable, but how many really are?

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It’s easy to have a distorted view of how you come off to the people around you, but if you have these qualities, chances are you also have a big social circle full of people who love you and love being around you. That’s a special gift!

1. You actually care about people.

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When someone’s talking to you, you’re all ears. You ask questions, not just to be polite, but because you actually want to know more. People can tell when you’re really listening, and it makes them feel valued. You’re not just waiting for your turn to speak — you’re actually really curious about what they have to say.

2. You smile a lot.

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Your face is basically a welcome mat. You’ve got a warm smile that puts people at ease right away. It’s not a fake, plastered-on grin, but a genuine “I’m happy to see you” kind of smile. People feel comfortable around you because you look, well, friendly!

3. You’re a champion small-talker.


Some folks dread small talk, but you? You’re a pro. You can chat about the weather, someone’s new haircut, or the local sports team without breaking a sweat. You know how to keep the conversation flowing and make even mundane topics interesting. It’s a skill, and you’ve nailed it.

4. You remember the little details.

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When someone tells you their dog’s name or their favourite ice cream flavour, you actually remember it. Next time you see them, you ask how Fluffy’s doing or if they’ve tried that new gelato place. It shows you were paying attention and that you care. People love that.

5. You’re not afraid to be vulnerable.

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You don’t put up a front of being perfect. If you’ve had a rough day, you’re honest about it. If you’ve made a mistake, you own up to it. Your openness makes people feel like they can be real with you too. It’s refreshing, and it makes people trust you.

6. You’ve got a great sense of humour.

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You know how to lighten the mood with a well-timed joke or a funny observation. But you’re not a class clown — you know when to be serious, too. Your humour is inclusive and kind, never at someone else’s expense. It makes people want to be around you because, well, you’re fun!

7. You’re a good listener.

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When someone’s talking, you give them your full attention. No checking your phone or looking over their shoulder for someone more interesting. You nod, you make eye contact, you respond appropriately. People feel heard when they talk to you, and that’s a rare and wonderful thing.

8. You’re open-minded.

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You don’t judge people for their opinions or experiences. Even if you disagree, you’re willing to hear them out. You’re curious about different perspectives and ways of life. Your open-mindedness makes people feel safe sharing their thoughts with you, even if they’re different from yours.

9. You’re generous with compliments.

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You’re quick to notice and point out the good in people. Maybe someone’s rocking a new hairstyle, or they did a great job on a project. You let them know. Your compliments are always sincere, never over-the-top. It’s just one of the ways you spread positivity around.

10. You use people’s names.

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When you’re chatting with someone, you use their name. Not in a weird, over-the-top way, but naturally in conversation. It personalises the interaction and makes people feel acknowledged. Plus, it shows you’ve made the effort to remember their name, which always feels good.

11. You’re patient.

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If someone’s struggling to find the right words or taking a while to get to the point, you don’t rush them. You give people time to express themselves. Your patience makes people feel comfortable opening up to you, even if they’re not the most articulate.

12. You’re not afraid of silence.

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You know that not every moment needs to be filled with chat. You’re comfortable with moments of quiet in a conversation. Your ability to just ‘be’ with someone without constant talk is actually super comforting. It takes the pressure off and makes interactions feel more natural.

13. You’re empathetic.

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When someone shares a problem or a tough situation, you really try to understand how they feel. You don’t immediately jump to giving advice or trying to fix things. Instead, you acknowledge their feelings and offer support. It makes people feel understood and supported.

14. You’re authentic.

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What you see is what you get with you. You don’t put on airs or try to be someone you’re not. This genuineness is refreshing and makes people feel like they can be themselves around you too. There’s no need to guess what you’re really thinking or feeling.

15. You’re respectful of boundaries.

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You can pick up on social cues when someone needs space or doesn’t want to talk about something. You don’t push people to share more than they’re comfortable with. The fact that you have so much respect for personal boundaries makes people feel safe around you.

16. You’re inclusive.

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In group settings, you make an effort to include everyone in the conversation. If you notice someone’s being left out, you’ll try to bring them in. You ask for different opinions and make sure everyone has a chance to speak if they want to. It’s a quality that makes you a great friend and colleague.

17. You find it easy to be happy for people.

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When someone shares good news or an achievement, you’re sincerely pleased for them. You celebrate their successes without any hint of jealousy or competitiveness. Your genuine happiness for other people’s good fortune is rare and beautiful. It makes people want to share their joy with you.

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