Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

When you’re having a tough time and someone asks you how you are, it’s tempting to just say “I’m fine” and be done with the conversation.

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Not everyone wants to talk about how they’re feeling all the time, and sometimes it seems easier to act like everything’s hunky-dory than start spilling your guts. However, people can see through the act, and they know when you’re not really okay. Here are some things you can say instead of bottling up your emotions. You’ll feel better, I promise.

1. “I’m having a bit of a rough day, to be honest.”

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This is a good way to admit that you’re struggling without going into too much detail. It allows you to be honest, but doesn’t necessarily set the stage for diving deep into your problems. It also leaves the door open for the other person to offer support if they choose to.

2. “I’ve been better, but I’m hanging in there.”

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This shows that you’re going through a tough time, but you’re trying to stay positive. You’re admitting that you’re not necessarily at your best, but you’re also not feeling completely hopeless. As a bonus, it’s a gentle way to let others know you might need some extra understanding or patience.

3. “I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment.”

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Many people can relate to feeling overwhelmed, so this honest response might open the door for support if the other person wants to offer it. It’s also a good way to explain why you might not be as responsive or available as usual.

4. “Not great, but I’ll get through it.”

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You can acknowledge your current state while also making it clear that you back yourself, and you’re strong enough to get through it. It’s a good way to be honest without inviting too much concern or pity. You might use something like this at work, where you want to be honest but still maintain a sense of capability.

5. “I’m struggling a bit, but I don’t really want to talk about it right now.”

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Sometimes you want to be honest about not feeling great, but you’re not in the mood to discuss it. Saying this sets a clear boundary while still being truthful. This way, you don’t feel pressured to explain or elaborate, since you’ve said upfront that what’s going on isn’t up for discussion.

6. “I’m feeling a bit down today.”

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This is a simple, straightforward way to express that you’re not at your best emotionally. It’s vague enough to use in most situations but still honest. Saying something like this can also help normalise the fact that everyone has off days sometimes.

7. “I’ve got a lot on my mind at the moment.”

unhappy friendsSource: Unsplash

This is a good option when you’re preoccupied with worries or stress but don’t want to elaborate. It can also explain why you might seem distracted or less engaged than usual.

8. “I’m just trying to take things one day at a time right now.”

two women chatting on park bench outdoorsSource: Unsplash

You can let someone know that you’re going through something challenge (and it’s up to you whether or not to elaborate on what), but you’re doing your best to cope. It’s honest without being too heavy. It also implies that you’re actively working on managing your situation, which can be reassuring/help the people in your life worry a bit less.

9. “I’m not at my best, but I’m working on it.”

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You can admit that you’re not doing great without minimising your strength and capabilities to overcome adversity. When you say this, you let people know that you’re not just giving up or giving in — you’re working on making things better.

10. “I’m feeling a bit stressed, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

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People get stressed — that’s just part of life. Maybe you’re grateful for people’s concern, but you’re actually okay and handling things on your own. By saying this, you admit that you’ve got a lot on your plate at the moment, but you don’t need any help because you’re doing fine.

11. “I’ve had better days, but I’ve had worse too.”

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This puts your current state into perspective. It acknowledges that life’s not necessarily sunshine and rainbows right now without making it seem like a major crisis. It also shows a sense of resilience and an understanding that moods and situations fluctuate.

12. “I’m feeling a bit off, but I’m not sure why.”

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Sometimes we’re not feeling great but can’t pinpoint the reason. This response is honest about that uncertain state of mind. It can also be a way to express that you’re trying to understand your feelings better.

13. “I’m dealing with some stuff, but I’ll be alright.”

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You can be going through stuff without it overwhelming you, and if that’s where you’re at right now, this is a great response. You’re not lying and saying everything is amazing, but you’re also not being overly dramatic or negative.

14. “I’m not great, but I appreciate you asking.”

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It’s nice to show appreciation for people’s concern, especially when people are so often caught up in their own drama in life. Here, you’re giving an honest response while also showing a bit of thanks for their thoughtfulness.

15. “I’m hanging in there, just taking it day by day.”


This shows resilience in the face of ongoing challenges. It’s a good response when you’re going through a tough period but trying to stay positive. It also implies that you’re focused on the present rather than worrying too much about the future.

16. “I’m not feeling my best, but tomorrow’s another day.”

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Everyone has bad days sometimes — that’s just how life goes. Sometimes it helps to admit that you’re having a tough time because it takes the weight of having to act like everything’s great off your shoulders. However, it also keeps you feeling positive and upbeat by looking toward the future. Nothing lasts forever, right?

17. “I’m doing alright, considering everything that’s going on.”

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This hints at challenges you’re facing without going into detail (though if you’re going to use this one, you might need to elaborate a bit). It also suggests that you’re coping as best you can given the circumstances. This can be a good way to acknowledge tough situations while still maintaining a sense of composure.