Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Socialising is important, no doubt, but it’s equally critical that you spend time on your own.

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For a lot of people, this is uncomfortable or even miserable, which is all the more reason to do it. Getting comfortable with your own company and learning to enjoy solitude will ultimately lead to a happier, healthier life, believe it or not. Here’s why.

1. You can finally hear yourself think.

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When you’re constantly surrounded by people, it’s hard to hear your own thoughts. Alone time gives you the chance to listen to that inner voice without any outside noise. You might be surprised by what you discover about yourself when you actually take the time to listen.

2. There’s no need to compromise on what you want to do.

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Want to watch that weird documentary about cheese-making, or spend three hours reading fan theories about your favourite show? When you’re alone, you don’t have to negotiate or explain your choices to anyone. It’s liberating to do exactly what you want, when you want.

3. You can recharge your social batteries.

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Even if you’re an extrovert, constant socialising can be draining. Spending time alone allows you to recharge those social batteries. It’s like giving yourself a mini-break so you can come back to your social life feeling refreshed and ready for fun.

4. It’s a great opportunity for self-reflection.

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When was the last time you really thought about your goals, your values, or your life direction? Alone time provides the perfect opportunity for some good old-fashioned self-reflection. It’s harder to ignore those big life questions when it’s just you and your thoughts.

5. You can practise self-care without feeling selfish.

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Sometimes, taking care of yourself can feel self-centred when you’re around other people. However, when you’re alone, you can indulge in that face mask, take a long bath, or spend an hour doing yoga without feeling like you’re neglecting anyone else. It’s your time, use it how you want.

6. It’s a chance to get to know yourself better.

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We tend to define ourselves in relation to other people, but who are you when no one’s watching? Spending time alone can help you get to know yourself better — your likes, dislikes, quirks, and all. It’s like dating yourself, and you might be surprised by how interesting you are.

7. You can be more productive without distractions.

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To be honest, other people can be distracting. When you’re alone, you can focus on that project you’ve been putting off or finally finish that book you’ve been reading for months. Without the constant text notifications on your phone or incessant chatter in your ear, you might get a lot more done.

8. It’s an opportunity to face your fears.

Yuri Arcurs

Being alone can be scary for some people, but facing that fear can be incredibly empowering. Start small — maybe a solo coffee shop visit or a walk in the park. You’ll eventually realise that being alone isn’t as terrifying as you thought, and you might even start to enjoy it.

9. You can develop new skills or hobbies.

Yuri Arcurs

Always wanted to learn how to knit, or maybe you’ve been meaning to try your hand at painting? Alone time is perfect for exploring new hobbies or developing skills. There’s no pressure to be good right away, and you can enjoy the process of learning something new just for yourself.

10. It allows you to process your emotions.

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In order to get through the hectic pace of everyday life, it’s easy to push your emotions aside. Spending time alone gives you the space to really feel your feelings, whether they’re good, bad, or somewhere in between. It’s a chance to process what’s going on in your emotional world without judgement.

11. You can enjoy the silence.

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Our world is noisy. Between conversations, traffic, music, and the constant ping of notifications, silence can be hard to come by. Alone time gives you the chance to enjoy some peace and quiet. It’s amazing how calming and refreshing a bit of silence can be.

12. It’s a chance to be spontaneous.

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When you’re alone, you can change your mind on a whim. Fancy an impromptu dance party in your living room? Go for it. Want to drop everything and go for a walk? No one’s stopping you. There’s a certain freedom in being able to follow your whims without having to consult anyone else.

13. You can practise mindfulness more easily.


Being present in the moment is much easier when you’re alone. Without the distraction of other people, you can really focus on your surroundings, your breath, or whatever you’re doing. It’s a great way to reduce stress and increase your overall wellness.

14. It can boost your creativity.

Yuri Arcurs

Ever notice how some of your best ideas come when you’re alone? That’s no coincidence. Solitude can boost creativity by giving your mind the space to wander and make new connections. Whether you’re an artist, a writer, or just someone who likes to think outside the box, alone time can be a creativity goldmine.

15. You can practise self-reliance.

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When you’re always around other people, it’s easy to fall into the habit of relying on them for everything from decisions to emotional support. Spending time alone helps you build self-reliance. You learn to trust your own judgement and handle things on your own, which feels amazing.

16. It’s a chance to appreciate your own company.

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Here’s a radical thought: you might actually enjoy your own company. Spending time alone gives you the chance to appreciate yourself as a person. You might find that you’re pretty good company after all, which can be a real confidence booster.

17. You can do absolutely nothing without feeling guilty.

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Sometimes, the best thing about being alone is that you can do absolutely nothing. No need to entertain anyone, no pressure to be productive. You can just exist, guilt-free. Doing nothing can feel like a luxury these days, and alone time gives you the perfect excuse to indulge in it.

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