Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Loneliness is something millions of people in the UK suffer with on a daily basis — 27% of us, according to the Office for National Statistics.

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While knowing you’re not alone in that experience highlights just how widespread the problem is, that doesn’t make things any better. Those feelings of isolation and disconnection can be overwhelming, and they often lead those who have them to also have these upsetting thoughts when they’re on their own. If these sound familiar to you, please don’t hesitate to get the help you need.

1. “No one would notice if I disappeared.”

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This thought hits hard when loneliness really sets in. It’s that feeling of being invisible, like you’re just going through the motions without making any real impact. Some might even start imagining scenarios where they vanish, half-hoping someone would actually miss them. It’s a dark place to be, making a person feel small and unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

2. “I’m always the one reaching out first.”

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Lonely people often find themselves scrolling through their phone, realising they’re always the one initiating conversations. It feels like if they didn’t make the effort, their phone would never buzz. They start to question if their friends actually want to talk to them, or if they’re just responding out of obligation. It can make someone feel unwanted, like they’re forcing themselves into people’s lives.

3. “Everyone else is out having fun without me.”

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Social media becomes the enemy when someone’s feeling lonely. They see pictures of friends hanging out, having a great time, and they weren’t invited. Their mind starts racing — did people forget about them? Or worse, did they intentionally leave them out? It feels like missing out on life while everyone else is living it up. It’s a gnawing feeling that makes an empty room feel even emptier.

4. “I’ll probably die alone.”

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This thought usually creeps in late at night. Lonely folks start imagining a future where they’re old and still alone. No partner, no kids, just them. It’s scary and makes them feel like they’re running out of time to find someone. They might even start to convince themselves that being alone is their destiny, no matter how much they don’t want it to be.

5. “What’s wrong with me?”

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Lonely people often catch themselves wondering why they can’t seem to connect with anyone. Is it their personality? Their looks? They start picking apart every aspect of themselves, trying to figure out what’s making people keep their distance. It’s a rabbit hole of self-doubt that can leave someone feeling defective and unlovable.

6. “I’m just a burden to everyone.”

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This thought often comes after reaching out to someone and feeling like they were bothering them. Lonely individuals start to believe that their presence in people’s lives is nothing but an annoyance. They might even start to pull away from other people, thinking they’re doing them a favour by not being around. It’s a heavy feeling, like carrying the weight of being unwanted.

7. “No one really knows the real me.”

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Lonely people might have friends or family, but still feel like no one truly understands them. It’s like wearing a mask all the time, showing people what they think everyone wants to see. The real them, with all their thoughts and feelings, stays hidden. They long for someone to see past the surface and really get them, but it feels impossible.

8. “I’ll never find someone who loves me.”


When alone, it’s easy to fall into thinking that love just isn’t in the cards. Seeing couples everywhere stings. Lonely folks start to believe that there’s no one out there who could love them with all their flaws and quirks. The idea of growing old without a partner becomes a scary reality in their mind.

9. “I’m wasting my life away.”


Sitting alone, lonely people might start feeling like life is passing them by. They think about all the things they haven’t done, the experiences they’re missing out on. It feels like everyone else is out there living life to the fullest while they’re stuck in a rut. The fear of regret starts to creep in, making them feel like they’re wasting their best years.

10. “I’m not interesting enough for people to want to be around me.”


Lonely individuals start doubting their own worth as a friend or potential partner. They convince themselves that they’re boring, that they don’t have enough exciting stories or witty things to say. This thought makes them hesitant to reach out to people or try to make new friends. They feel like they don’t have enough to offer in a relationship, platonic or romantic.

11. “I’ll always be the odd one out.”

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This thought often comes when remembering group situations where they felt like they didn’t quite fit in. Lonely people start to believe that they’ll always be on the outside looking in, never truly part of any group. It makes them feel like there’s no place where they truly belong, like they’re always going to be the misfit, no matter where they go.

12. “My best days are behind me.”

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When feeling lonely, it’s easy to romanticise the past. People might find themselves thinking about times when they felt more connected, more alive. It leads to the sad thought that their happiest days are over, that life will never be as good as it once was. This can make the present feel bleak, and the future seem hopeless.

13. “I’m not worthy of love or friendship.”

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In their lowest moments, lonely folks might start to believe that they don’t deserve good things in their life. They convince themselves that there’s a reason they’re alone — because they’re not worthy of companionship or love. This thought can be paralysing, making them pull away from opportunities to connect with people because they don’t think they deserve it.

14. “I’m going to be stuck feeling this way forever.”

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Loneliness can feel never-ending when someone’s in the thick of it. They start to lose hope that things will ever change. The idea of being trapped in this feeling of isolation becomes overwhelming. They can’t imagine a future where they don’t feel this way, and it makes each day feel like an uphill battle.

15. “Nobody would understand how I feel, even if I tried to explain it.”

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Lonely people might find themselves wanting to reach out, to tell someone how they’re feeling. But then this thought creeps in, convincing them that no one would get it. They feel like their loneliness is unique, and that people wouldn’t understand the depth of what they’re going through. This thought keeps them silent, suffering alone instead of getting some much-needed support.

16. “I’m missing out on all the good stuff in life.”


When alone, it’s easy to imagine that all the best parts of life are happening somewhere else, to other people. Lonely individuals think about all the experiences they’re not having — the parties, the trips, the inside jokes with friends. It feels like life is a big party that they weren’t invited to, and they’re missing out on all the memories and moments that make life worth living.

17. “Maybe I’m just meant to be alone.”

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This thought often comes after a string of disappointments or failed attempts to connect. Lonely people start to wonder if loneliness is just their natural state. Maybe it’s easier to accept being alone than to keep trying and getting hurt. It’s a sad thought that can lead to giving up on forming connections altogether, resigning themselves to a life of solitude even though it’s not what they truly want.

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