It’s hard to admit when your marriage has lost the love that once held it together.

Denial can keep you stuck for a long time, but the signs are often right in front of you. Here’s what to look out for — if you notice any of these things happening, it may be time to walk away so that you can free yourself up to receive the love you truly deserve.
1. You avoid spending time together.

If you find yourself constantly looking for excuses to avoid spending time with your partner, it’s a major red flag. Whether it’s staying late at work or making other plans, avoiding time together signals emotional distance. It’s easier to deny the issue when you’re apart.
2. Physical affection is non-existent.

Physical intimacy plays a huge role in a loving relationship. When the hugs, kisses, and small touches disappear, it often means the emotional connection is fading. You might tell yourself it’s just a phase, but it’s usually a sign of deeper problems.
3. You feel relieved when your partner isn’t home.

If you feel a sense of relief when your partner is away, it’s likely because the relationship has become emotionally draining. Instead of looking forward to spending time together, you feel more at ease alone. This is a sign you’re emotionally checked out.
4. You focus on distractions.

Whether it’s work, hobbies, or scrolling through your phone, if you’re constantly distracting yourself, it’s often a way to avoid facing the reality of your marriage. Filling your time with anything but your partner means you’re avoiding the truth.
5. Arguments have become rare.

While constant fighting is a bad sign, no arguments at all can be just as concerning. If you’ve stopped arguing altogether, it may not be because things are fine but because neither of you cares enough to engage. Indifference can be more dangerous than anger.
6. You feel emotionally drained.

A loveless marriage can leave you feeling emotionally exhausted, even if you’re not actively fighting. The constant tension of being in an unfulfilling relationship takes a toll. Denial might make you brush off these feelings as just being stressed, but they’re often tied to the marriage itself.
7. You fantasise about a different life.

If you frequently daydream about what life would be like without your partner, it’s a clear sign something is wrong. Whether it’s imagining a life alone or with someone else, these thoughts indicate you’re not satisfied in your current situation.
8. You’ve stopped trying to fix things.

In a healthy relationship, both people put in the effort to solve problems. If you’ve reached a point where you don’t bother anymore, it shows that you’ve mentally checked out. Denial might make you think things will improve on their own, but that rarely happens.
9. You feel like roommates, not partners.

If your marriage feels more like living with a roommate than a spouse, the emotional connection is likely gone. You may share a space, but you’re not sharing your lives. This lack of closeness is a sign the love has faded.
10. Intimacy feels forced.

When intimacy feels like a chore rather than something you enjoy, it’s a big red flag. Going through the motions without any real emotional connection shows the distance between you and your partner. Denial might make you think this is normal, but it’s not.
11. You avoid talking about the future.

In a loving marriage, couples talk about their future plans together. If you’ve stopped doing that, it’s often because you can’t picture a future with your partner anymore. Denial may have you thinking it’s just a temporary lack of conversation, but it often points to deeper issues.
12. You feel lonely, even when you’re together.

Being in the same room as your partner doesn’t mean you’re emotionally connected. If you feel lonely despite being physically together, it’s because the emotional bond has weakened. This feeling of loneliness is a key sign of a loveless marriage.
13. You avoid talking about your feelings.

Communication is crucial in any relationship, but in a loveless marriage, you might stop sharing how you feel altogether. If discussing emotions has become uncomfortable or non-existent, it’s because you’ve stopped relying on each other for emotional support.
14. You stop doing things you used to enjoy together.

Think about the activities you used to enjoy as a couple. If you’ve stopped doing those things and neither of you seems to care, it’s a sign that you’ve grown apart. When shared interests fade away, the emotional connection usually goes with them.
15. You feel resentment building.

If small things your partner does constantly irritate you, or you feel resentment towards them, it’s likely because the love and respect have been destroyed. Denial can make you think it’s just stress or a bad mood, but resentment is a strong indicator of deeper problems.
16. You communicate only about practical matters.

If your conversations revolve only around things like bills, schedules, or chores, it’s a sign that the emotional depth in your relationship has faded. You’re no longer connecting on a personal level, just managing the logistics of life together.
17. You tell yourself this is normal.

Perhaps the biggest sign you’re in denial is convincing yourself that this is how all marriages are. Telling yourself it’s normal to feel disconnected or indifferent is a way to avoid facing the truth. But deep down, you know something is missing.