Envato Elements

We’ve all met those people who, within minutes of meeting them, raise an eyebrow or two.

Maybe it’s a weird comment, an off-putting attitude, or just a general vibe that screams, “Run!” Whether it’s a potential date, a new acquaintance, or even a coworker, paying attention to those initial red flags can save you from a whole lot of drama down the line. So, keep your ears peeled for these phrases because they might just reveal more about a person than they intend to.

1. “I’m not like other people.”

Source: Unsplash

Sure, we all want to feel unique, but this phrase often masks insecurity or a superiority complex. People who genuinely feel confident in their individuality don’t need to announce it. This could be a sign that they’re trying too hard to stand out or have difficulty connecting with people on a deeper level.

2. “My ex was crazy.”


Blaming all relationship problems on an ex is a major red flag. It might indicate an inability to take responsibility for their own actions or a tendency to demonize past partners. Healthy relationships involve compromise and understanding, and this statement shows a lack of both.

3. “I’m not really a people person.”


While introverts exist, this phrase can be a cover for social awkwardness, a fear of intimacy, or even misanthropy. It’s important to distinguish between genuine introversion and a complete disinterest in forming meaningful connections with the people around them.

4. “I’m brutally honest.”

David Pereiras

Honesty is valued, but brutal honesty is often a euphemism for rudeness and insensitivity. People who brag about being brutally honest often lack tact and empathy, and might use “honesty” as an excuse to hurt people’s feelings.

5. “I don’t trust anyone.”


While a healthy dose of scepticism is wise, a complete lack of trust in people can be a sign of unresolved personal issues or paranoia. It can make it difficult to build healthy relationships and often stems from past traumas or negative experiences.

6. “I always get what I want.”

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This statement screams entitlement and a lack of consideration for other people. People who believe they are always entitled to have their way are often difficult to deal with and may not respect boundaries.

7. “I’m too good for this.”

Source: Unsplash

This phrase might come off as arrogant and dismissive. It suggests a sense of superiority and a lack of appreciation for their current situation or the people around them.

8. “I’m not into drama.”

Source: Unsplash

While everyone prefers a drama-free life, this phrase can sometimes be a warning sign. It could mean they run away from conflict, avoid addressing issues directly, or even create drama themselves without realizing it.

9. “I’m not good at emotions.”

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While some people may struggle with emotional expression, this statement can be a way to avoid responsibility for their feelings or a lack of emotional maturity. Healthy relationships require emotional intelligence and communication.

10. “I need you all to myself.”

Source: Unsplash

This might sound romantic at first, but it’s a red flag for possessiveness and codependency. Healthy relationships allow for independence and individual interests. This statement can be a sign of insecurity and a need to control their partner’s time and attention.

11. “I’m always right.”

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Nobody is always right, and people who claim to be are often stubborn, arrogant, and unwilling to compromise. A healthy relationship involves listening to each other’s perspectives and being open to different viewpoints.

12. “You’re lucky to have me.”

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This statement reeks of arrogance and a lack of appreciation for their partner. It implies that their partner is somehow inferior or doesn’t deserve them, which can be damaging to self-esteem and create an unhealthy power dynamic in the relationship.

13. “I don’t need anyone.”

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While self-reliance is admirable, denying the need for human connection is a sign of emotional unavailability or fear of intimacy. We are social beings, and healthy relationships are built on mutual support and interdependence.

14. “I’m not the jealous type.”


This might seem like a positive trait, but a complete lack of jealousy can sometimes be a sign of disinterest or emotional detachment. A healthy level of jealousy indicates that someone cares about you and values the relationship.

15. “I don’t believe in therapy.”

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Therapy can be a valuable tool for personal growth and overcoming challenges. Dismissing therapy out of hand could indicate a resistance to self-reflection, an unwillingness to address personal issues, or a lack of understanding about mental health.

16. “My way or the highway.”

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This phrase signifies an inflexible and uncompromising attitude. It suggests a lack of willingness to negotiate or consider other viewpoints, which can lead to conflict and resentment in a relationship.

17. “I’m a workaholic.”

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While dedication to one’s career is admirable, using work as an excuse to avoid personal relationships or responsibilities can be a sign of workaholism. This can lead to burnout, neglect of personal relationships, and an inability to maintain a healthy work-life balance.