Liubomyr Vorona

We all want to be able to trust people, but let’s be real, not everyone has our best interests at heart. Some people might seem charming and trustworthy on the surface, but they’re actually hiding some not-so-great intentions. With that in mind, here are some people you should probably remain sceptical of (if you allow them into your life at all).

1. Pathological liars

Liubomyr Vorona

This one should be pretty obvious. If someone constantly lies about big or small things, it’s a clear sign they can’t be trusted. Their words simply don’t hold any weight. It’s like they’re living in their own little world of make-believe, and who knows what they’re capable of when the stakes are higher? Trust is built on honesty, and without it, there’s no foundation for a real relationship.

2. Manipulators

Igor Emmerich

These people are skilled at pulling your strings and getting you to do what they want. They use guilt trips, emotional blackmail, or even flattery to get their way, Choosing Therapy explains. They’re masters of disguise, often appearing charming and helpful on the surface, but their true intentions are always self-serving. It’s like they’re playing a game of chess, and you’re just a pawn in their grand scheme.

3. Gossipers

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Everyone enjoys a little gossip now and then, but some people take it to the extreme. They thrive on drama and can’t resist spreading rumours or sharing info people clearly told them in confidence. They may even make up stories to seem more exciting or to paint themselves in a better light. This kind of behaviour is toxic and can destroy relationships. If someone is constantly gossiping about other people, it’s only a matter of time before they turn their attention to you.

4. Users

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These people see other people as a means to an end. They befriend you for your connections, your resources, or your ability to help them achieve their goals, but don’t be fooled — they’re not interested in genuine connection or mutual support. They’ll take what they can get from you and then disappear when they don’t need you anymore. They’re total vampires and are best avoided at all costs.

5. Flakes

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This is the person who’s always cancelling plans, showing up late, or simply not following through on their commitments. They’re unreliable and inconsiderate of your time and feelings, and it’s rather obnoxious. Their flaky behaviour can mess up your plans and leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed. This is a pretty obvious sign they don’t value you or your relationship enough to try.

6. Boundary violators

Dmytro Sheremeta

Everyone has their limits, and it’s important to respect them, but some people just don’t seem to get it. They overstep your boundaries by asking ridiculously personal questions, making inappropriate remarks, or invading your personal space. They may also ignore your requests for privacy or try to control your decisions. This behaviour shows a lack of respect for you as a person and can make you feel uncomfortable and unsafe.

7. Perpetual victims

Yuri Arcurs

These people always seem to be going through some kind of crisis. They’re always the victim, always blaming others for their problems, and always looking for sympathy and attention. While it’s important to be compassionate and supportive, it’s also important to recognize when someone is using their victimhood to manipulate you or avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. As WebMD acknowledges, their constant negativity can be draining and drag you down emotionally.

8. Energy vampires

Envato Elements

Ever spent time with someone who just seems to suck the life out of you? These are the energy vampires. They complain non-stop, dump their emotional baggage on you, and are overly demanding of your time and attention. They leave you feeling like you just want to run away into the wilderness and never speak to anyone again. It’s like they feed off your energy, leaving you feeling drained and worn out. It’s important to protect your own energy and not allow yourself to be sucked dry by these emotional vampires.

9. Judgmental people

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We all have opinions, but some people take it too far. They constantly judge everyone for how they look, the decisions they make, their beliefs, or even their economic background. They’re quick to criticize and slow to understand. This kind of negativity is really toxic, and it ends up making you feel insecure and self-conscious.

10. Braggarts

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They really can’t help but toot their own horn all the time. They’re constantly boasting about accomplishments, the latest thing they bought, how popular they are… the list goes on and on. It’s like they’re trying to prove their worth by constantly putting themselves above everyone else (even if only in their own minds). This behaviour can be incredibly annoying and off-putting, and it’s a sign of insecurity and a lack of genuine confidence. True confidence doesn’t need constant validation, mate.

11. Temperamental people

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These people are always flying off the handle over nothing because they have a short fuse and are quick to anger. They lash out verbally or even physically when they don’t get their way or when things don’t go according to plan. This kind of volatility can be scary and unpredictable. It’s important to protect yourself from their outbursts and not allow their anger to control you.

12. Jealous people

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We all get a little jealous sometimes, but when left unchecked, it’s a toxic emotion that can destroy relationships and make people look petty. Some people can’t seem to be happy for anyone else’s or good fortune. They write off your achievements, make snide remarks, or even try to sabotage your happiness. This kind of behaviour stems from their own insecurities and dissatisfaction with their lives, so distance yourself and keep on shining.

13. Control freaks

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These people need to be in charge of everything. They have a hard time letting go and trusting others to make their own decisions. They try to micromanage you, dictate your choices, or even manipulate you into doing what they want. This controlling behaviour can be suffocating and can damage your self-esteem. Maintain your independence and not let them control you.

14. Backstabbers

Envato Elements

These people may seem like your friends, but they’ll throw you under the bus the minute it suits them. They talk behind your back, spread rumours, or even betray your trust in more serious ways. This kind of disloyalty can be devastating and can leave you feeling really hurt. Be cautious about who you confide in and to be aware of any red flags that suggest someone isn’t as trustworthy as they seem.

15. Overly competitive people

Source: Pexels

A little healthy competition can be fun and motivating, but some people take it way too far. They see everything as a contest and are always trying to outdo you. They belittle your accomplishments, sabotage your efforts, or even try to steal your thunder. This kind of behaviour can be toxic and can create a hostile and stressful environment. It’s important to surround yourself with people who support and uplift you, not those who constantly try to compete with you.

16. Drama queens (or kings!)

Source: Unsplash

They thrive on drama and chaos, so they’re always creating problems, stirring up trouble, or exaggerating minor issues. They blow things out of proportion, play the victim, or even manufacture conflict just to get attention. Their dramatic behaviour can be exhausting and emotionally draining. It’s important to distance yourself from their drama and not allow yourself to get sucked into their vortex of negativity.

17. People who take way more than they give

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Relationships should be balanced, with both people giving and taking. However, some people are always taking and rarely giving back. They constantly ask for favours, borrow money or belongings, or expect you to always be there for them, but they rarely (if ever) reciprocate. This one-sided dynamic can leave you feeling drained, resentful, and unappreciated. It’s important to set boundaries and make sure that your relationships are mutually beneficial.