
There’s nothing worse than someone who manages to make you feel small, unimportant, or just plain disrespected.

They don’t always do it with obvious insults or grandiose behaviour; sometimes, it’s the subtle actions, the little things they do or say, that reveal their lack of regard for other people. Ever wondered if someone in your life might fit the bill? Here are some signs that someone might not have much respect for anyone, including themselves.

1. They constantly interrupt people.

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It’s like their thoughts are the only ones that matter. They’ll cut you off mid-sentence, talk over you, and generally dominate the conversation. This not only shows a lack of basic manners, but also a complete disregard for your right to be heard.

2. They dismiss other people’s feelings and opinions.

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Whether you’re sharing a personal story or expressing a different viewpoint, they brush it off as unimportant or invalid. They might roll their eyes, make sarcastic remarks, or simply change the subject. This can leave you feeling unheard, undervalued, and even a little bit crazy.

3. They constantly criticise and put people down.

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They seem to take pleasure in pointing out other people’s flaws, mistakes, or shortcomings. They might make snide comments about someone’s appearance, intelligence, or choices. This negativity can be incredibly hurtful and damaging to those on the receiving end.

4. They never apologise or admit when they’re wrong.

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Even when they’ve clearly messed up, they refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They point the finger, make excuses, or simply pretend nothing happened. This lack of accountability can be infuriating and destroy trust in the relationship.

5. They make promises they don’t keep.

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They’re all talk and no action. They might promise to help you with something, show up on time, or change their behaviour, but they rarely follow through. This unreliability can be frustrating and make it difficult to depend on them for anything.

6. They have a sense of entitlement.

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They act like the world owes them something and expect special treatment from everyone. They might demand your attention, your time, or your resources without considering your own needs or limitations. This entitlement can be exhausting to deal with and leave you feeling used and unappreciated.

7. They talk down to everyone.

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They speak to you like you’re a child or an idiot, using a condescending tone and vocabulary. They might explain things you already know, offer unsolicited advice, or simply belittle your intelligence. This is incredibly disrespectful and can make you feel small and insignificant.

8. They take credit for other people’s work or ideas.

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They have no qualms about stealing the spotlight and claiming other people’s accomplishments as their own. They might present your ideas as their own, take credit for your work, or even try to erase your contributions altogether. This dishonesty can be incredibly demoralising and make it difficult to collaborate with them.

9. They’re always late and inconsiderate of other people’s time.

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Whether it’s a meeting, a date, or a casual hangout, they show up late without a valid excuse or even a hint of remorse. They seem to think their time is more valuable than yours and don’t consider the inconvenience they’re causing. This disregard for punctuality is a sign of disrespect and a lack of consideration for other people.

10. They flake on plans and commitments.

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They’re notorious for cancelling plans at the last minute or simply not showing up at all. They don’t seem to value your time or friendship, and leave you hanging without a second thought. This flakiness can be hurtful and make you feel like you’re not a priority in their life.

11. They don’t listen when you talk.

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During conversations, they’re more focused on their own thoughts and opinions than actually listening to what you have to say. They might interrupt you, change the subject, or simply zone out. This lack of engagement can make you feel invisible and unimportant.

12. They gossip and spread rumours about people.

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They have a penchant for drama and enjoy talking behind people’s backs. They might spread rumours, exaggerate stories, or reveal personal information to gain attention or power. This hurts the people they gossip about and reveals their own lack of integrity and trustworthiness.

13. They constantly make everything about themselves.

Vadym Drobot

Conversations with them always seem to circle back to their own experiences, problems, or achievements. They have difficulty showing genuine interest in other people and often hijack conversations to make them all about themselves. This self-centredness can be exhausting and make it difficult to form a deeper connection with them.

14. They don’t respect other people’s boundaries.

Liubomyr Vorona

They might overstep your personal boundaries, pry into your private life, or offer unsolicited advice. They don’t seem to understand (or care) about your need for personal space and autonomy. This lack of respect can leave you feeling violated and uncomfortable.

15. They’re manipulative and controlling.

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They try to control your thoughts, feelings, and actions through guilt trips, emotional blackmail, or subtle manipulation tactics. They might try to isolate you from your friends and family or make you feel dependent on them. This behaviour is toxic and can really knock your self-esteem and independence.

16. They’e verbally abusive or aggressive.

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They use their words as weapons, resorting to insults, name-calling, or belittling remarks to hurt and demean people. They might raise their voice, become easily angered, or even threaten violence. This is unacceptable and can create a hostile and unsafe environment.

17. They lack basic manners and social etiquette.


They might burp, fart, or pick their nose in public without a second thought. They might be messy, inconsiderate, or simply rude. This lack of basic manners can be embarrassing and make it difficult to be around them in social situations.