Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Successful people often have a way of speaking that sets them apart from everyone else.

Sometimes it’s the words they choose, and other times it’s the way they express their ideas. While anyone can achieve success, certain words and phrases tend to be more common among the people who are already well-off. Here are some of the words you’ll likely hear come out of their mouths.

1. Philanthropy

people at a party at nightSource: Unsplash

Giving back to the community is something that many people value, regardless of their income level. However, those who have achieved financial success might use the word “philanthropy” to describe their charitable activities. It suggests a more organised and impactful approach to giving back, such as establishing foundations or funding specific projects. While not everyone can donate large sums of money, the spirit of philanthropy can inspire us all to find ways to make a positive difference in the world.

2. Portfolio

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Most of us have some form of investment, whether it’s a savings account or a retirement plan. Wealthy people might use the word “portfolio” to describe their diversified investments across different asset classes. This reflects a more strategic approach to building wealth over time. While not everyone has access to the same investment opportunities, understanding the concept of a portfolio can help anyone make informed financial decisions.

3. Equity

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In the context of wealth, “equity” often refers to ownership in a company or property. It represents a stake in something that has the potential to grow in value. While not everyone can own a business or multiple properties, the concept of equity can inspire us to think about how we can build ownership and create long-term value in our own lives.

4. Bespoke

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While “bespoke” traditionally referred to custom-made clothing, it now encompasses anything that is personalised or tailored to an individual’s needs. It reflects a desire for quality, craftsmanship, and unique experiences. While not everyone can afford bespoke items, the idea of investing in quality and personalisation can inspire us to make choices that enhance our lives and reflect our individual tastes.

5. Curator

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Traditionally associated with art museums, the term “curator” has expanded to describe anyone who carefully selects and manages a collection of items or experiences. It implies a thoughtful and intentional approach to creating a meaningful and fulfilling life. Whether it’s curating a wardrobe, a playlist, or a circle of friends, we can all embrace the idea of being deliberate about the things we choose to surround ourselves with.

6. Steward

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Being a good steward means taking responsibility for something and managing it wisely. This can apply to our finances, our relationships, or even our environment. While wealthy people might use this word to describe their role in managing their wealth, the concept of stewardship is relevant to everyone. It encourages us to be mindful of our impact and make choices that benefit ourselves and other people in the long run.

7. Legacy

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We all leave behind a legacy, whether it’s in the memories we create or the impact we have on other people. Rich people might think more consciously about their legacy, but the concept is universal. It reminds us that our actions and choices today can shape the future and leave a lasting impression on the world.

8. Discerning

woman mobileSource: Unsplash

Being discerning means having good judgment and taste. It involves being selective about the information we consume, the products we buy, and the people we spend time with. While wealth can provide access to more options, the ability to be discerning is a valuable skill for everyone. It helps us make informed decisions and focus on what truly matters in life.

9. Leverage

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We all have resources available to us, whether it’s our skills, knowledge, or network of contacts. Wealthy people often use the term “leverage” to describe how they utilise these resources to achieve their goals. It’s about finding ways to multiply our efforts and make the most of what we have. While not everyone has the same level of resources, we can all learn to leverage our strengths and opportunities to create a better future for ourselves.

10. Cultivate

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Building strong relationships is important for success in any field. Rich people often talk about “cultivating” relationships, which means nurturing connections with people who can offer support, guidance, or opportunities. While we might not all have access to the same networks, we can all benefit from creating positive relationships with mentors, colleagues, and friends who can help us grow and achieve our goals.

11. Optimise

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Making the most of our time and resources is a valuable skill for anyone. Wealthy people often talk about “optimising” their routines, habits, and systems to achieve greater efficiency and productivity. While we might not all have the same amount of time or money, we can all benefit from finding ways to streamline our lives and make the most of what we have.

12. Diversify

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“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is a common piece of advice, and it’s one that rich people often follow. They diversify their investments, their income streams, and even their skills to reduce risk and create more opportunities. While not everyone can invest in multiple assets or start multiple businesses, the concept of diversification can inspire us to explore different paths and create multiple sources of income and fulfilment.

13. Value Proposition

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Whether we’re considering a purchase, a job offer, or a relationship, it’s important to understand the “value proposition” – what we’re getting in return for our investment. People with money often use this term to assess the potential benefits and drawbacks of a decision. By adopting this mindset, we can make more informed choices that align with our values and goals.

14. Synergy

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When different elements work together to create something greater than the sum of their parts, that’s synergy. Wealthy people often look for opportunities to create synergy in their businesses, investments, and relationships. While we might not all be in a position to create large-scale collaborations, we can still apply the concept of synergy to our own lives. By finding ways to combine our strengths with other people’s, we can achieve more together than we ever could alone.

15. Mentorship

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Learning from experienced and successful people can accelerate our own growth and development. People with money often look for mentors who can offer guidance, advice, and support. While not everyone has access to high-profile mentors, we can all benefit from finding people who inspire us and who are willing to share their knowledge and experience.

16. Due Diligence

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Before making any important decision, it’s crucial to do our research and gather all the relevant information. This process is often referred to as “due diligence.” Wealthy people often perform due diligence before making investments or entering into business deals. By adopting this practice, we can make more informed choices and reduce the risk of making costly mistakes.

17. Calculated Risk

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Success often involves taking risks, but it’s important to be strategic about it. Rich people often talk about taking “calculated risks,” which means carefully weighing the potential rewards and consequences before making a move. By understanding the risks involved and taking steps to mitigate them, we can increase our chances of success while minimising the potential for loss.