Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

It’s nice to be told you’re beautiful/handsome, but it’s also probably the least creative and meaningful compliment you could be given.

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After all, you’re much more than your physical appearance, and when your external beauty fades, you’d like to be appreciated for all the other incredible qualities that make you who you are. Everyone would! With that in mind, here are some better compliments to give someone the next time you want to say something nice.

1. Your kindness is truly inspiring.

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Kindness is in short supply these days, so pointing out how considerate and genuinely lovely someone is means the world. It shows that they stand out for how they carry themselves, and who wouldn’t want to be praised for that?

2. Your creativity never fails to amaze me.

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Creative people tend to have unique ways of thinking and problem-solving, and it can be really inspiring to witness. If you know someone who thinks about things in a whole different way, let them know that you notice it, and you think it’s impressive!

3. I admire the strength you show in the face of challenges.

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Some people crumble when things get tough, but others seem to become more resilient and even thrive in the face of challenges. While it’s not nice for anyone to go through tough times, it’s nice to acknowledge how well they’re doing despite the setbacks they’re facing.

4. Your sense of humour always brightens my day.


Someone who can make you laugh, no matter the mood you’re in, is someone you want in your life. If there’s someone who always brightens your day with a silly joke or even an off-hand remark, let them know, just in case the permanent smile on your face when they’re around isn’t enough!

5. I’m impressed by your dedication to learning.

Giuseppe Lombardo

We should all be lifelong learners, especially since it’s impossible to know everything and there’s always more knowledge to soak up. Letting someone know how much you admire their dedication to expanding their brainpower and world-view is one of the best compliments ever.

6. Your empathy makes people feel truly understood.

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Recognising someone’s ability to connect with people on an emotional level is a powerful compliment. Again, it shows you notice just how kind and sympathetic they are, no matter who they’re dealing with or what the situation.

7. I value your honest and straightforward communication.

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A lot of people would rather lie or mince words than say what’s really on their mind. That’s why it’s so refreshing when you come across someone who’s upfront and honest, no matter how tough it might be. It shows how much they respect you, so respect them in return with this compliment.

8. Your passion for your work is contagious.

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When you work with someone who’s passionate about what they do, you can’t help but pick up on their attitude and sort of adopt it yourself. Without even realising it, you start applying that same passion to your own position, and it’s all thanks to them. Let them know!

9. I admire your ability to remain calm under pressure.


People who are easily stressed will immediately notice anyone who can stay cool as a cucumber when the chips are down. How do they do it? I don’t know, but I do know I find it admirable, and I’ll let those people know whenever possible!

10. Your generosity with your time and knowledge is incredible.

Not all intelligent, accomplished people are all that keen to share their knowledge or success with other people. That’s why those who are generous with their time and resources are so incredible, and they deserve to be recognised for it.

11. I’m inspired by your commitment to your values.

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Given how wishy-washy many people tend to be when it comes to their morals and values, it’s heartening when you come across someone who’s steadfast in what they believe, no matter what. Compliment those people for their strength of character — it’s truly remarkable!

12. Your ability to see the best in people is admirable.

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I’m a natural cynic, so when I meet people who always give the benefit of the doubt and look for the good in people, I find it really remarkable. If you know someone like this, compliment them on it — it’s a true gift, especially in today’s world.

13. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in remembering the little things.

Source: Unsplash

This compliment recognises the person’s attention to detail and their consideration for other people, and it lets them know that their small acts of kindness and remembrance don’t go unnoticed.

14. Your leadership skills bring out the best in your team.

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There are a LOT of bad bosses out there, which is why it’s so important to compliment the good ones. Let your superior know how much their approach to teamwork and morale makes a positive difference in your life. You’ll make their day!

15. I admire your courage in standing up for what you believe in.

colleagues standing around chattingSource: Unsplash

Again, it’s totally worth recognising when someone isn’t shy about standing up for what they believe in despite any opposition to the contrary. That takes guts, and it’s well worth a compliment.

16. Your storytelling keeps everyone captivated.

Source: Unsplash

Acknowledging someone’s talent for narrative, whether in writing or speech, is a unique compliment. It recognises their skill in engaging people, sharing ideas, and creating memorable experiences through their words.

17. I’m impressed by your ability to find creative solutions to tough problems.

This recognises the person’s analytical skills and creativity in problem-solving, both of which are true talents. You know you can go to them when you’re dealing with something complex — they tend to have some great, unique answers, and they need to know how much you appreciate that!

18. Your positive energy is truly infectious.


Recognising someone’s ability to uplift the mood and motivate people through their attitude is a meaningful compliment. It points out the positive impact they have on the people around them, and isn’t that all anyone wants?