Why is it that the people who are absolutely rubbish at something are the very ones who seem to think they’re God’s gift at it?

For some reason, the incompetent among us are often the most confident, however misguided that self-assurance might be. Meanwhile, the ones who are actually capable and intelligent are often riddled with insecurity and imposter syndrome. Why is that? Here’s why those who are lacking in the smarts department tend to think they’ve got it all figured out.
1. They don’t know what they don’t know.

When you’re clueless about a subject, you’re also clueless about how much there is to know. It’s like thinking you could run a marathon because you once jogged to the corner shop. These people simply can’t grasp the depth of their ignorance.
2. They overestimate their abilities.

Some people have an inflated sense of their own skills. They might nail one small task and suddenly think they’re experts in the whole field. They don’t get that expertise is much more expansive and nuanced.
3. They can’t recognise true skill in other people.

When you’re not great at something, it’s hard to spot real talent. These people might watch an expert at work and think, “Pfft, I could do that.” They don’t realise how much skill and practice it actually takes.
4. They’ve had limited exposure to criticism.

Some people have floated through life without much constructive feedback. Maybe they’ve been sheltered or surrounded by yes-men. Without honest critiques, they never learn where they need to improve. Are you going to have to be the one to tell them? Ugh!
5. They confuse confidence with competence.

Just because someone speaks loudly or confidently doesn’t mean they know what they’re on about. But some people mistake their own self-assurance for actual skill. They’re not the same thing, mate!
6. They’ve had a few lucky breaks.

Sometimes, incompetent people stumble into success by sheer chance, or because they happen to know the right people. Unfortunately, this reinforces their belief in their own brilliance. They don’t realise that even a broken clock is right twice a day.
7. They surround themselves with yes-people.

Some people only hang out with those who agree with them or are less knowledgeable. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. They never face challenges that might make them question their abilities.
8. They misinterpret polite responses.

When people nod and smile to be polite, these folks might think it’s because their ideas are brilliant. They don’t pick up on the subtle eye-rolls or changed subjects. It’s like thinking you’re hilarious because people laughed at your dad joke out of pity.
9. They’ve bought into the “fake it ’til you make it” mentality.

Some people take this advice way too far. They’re so busy faking it that they never actually try to make it. They’ve convinced themselves that appearing confident is the same as being competent. How wrong they are!
10. They don’t look for learning opportunities.

Why learn more when you already know everything, right? These people don’t bother with reading, taking courses, or having any professional mentors because they think they’ve got it all figured out already.
11. They’re never responsible for their failures.

When things go wrong, it’s never their fault. It’s always the tools, the team, or the circumstances. By blaming everyone else, they never have to confront their own flaws. No wonder they never learn anything new.
12. They focus on quantity over quality.

Some incompetent people think doing lots of mediocre work is better than doing a little high-quality work. They might brag about how many projects they’ve done, not realising that most of them are rubbish.
13. They’ve never faced real challenges.

Without facing tough competition or complex problems, some people never realise their limitations. They’ve been big fish in small ponds for so long that they think they’re sharks in the ocean. Reality would be a rude awakening.
14. They misunderstand what intelligence means.

Some people think being smart is about knowing lots of facts or being good at pub quizzes. They don’t realise that true intelligence involves problem-solving, adaptability, and continuous learning. You’re not a car expert because you can name lots of models.
15. They rely on outdated information.

These people might have been top of their class… in 1985. But they haven’t bothered to update their knowledge since then. They don’t realise that in many fields, what was true yesterday might be obsolete today.
16. They mistake memorisation for understanding.

Some incompetent people can rattle off facts and figures, but they don’t really grasp the underlying concepts. They’re like human encyclopaedias with no ability to analyse or apply the information. It’s an impressive party trick, but not actual intelligence.
17. They’ve never experienced true expertise.

If you’ve never seen a true master at work, it’s hard to gauge your own skill level. These people might think they’re amazing simply because they’ve never encountered anyone who’s genuinely brilliant.
18. They confuse scepticism with intelligence.

Some people think that doubting everything makes them smart. They reject expert opinions and established facts, mistaking their contrarian attitude for critical thinking. It’s like thinking you’re a genius because you don’t believe in gravity – while falling flat on your face. No, thanks!