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Being in a relationship is great, but sometimes, a little part of you might yearn for the carefree days of singledom.

Maybe it’s just a fleeting thought, or maybe it’s a sign that something deeper is going on. Either way, it’s worth paying attention to those subtle hints your heart might be dropping. Here are some subtle but telling signs that you might be secretly craving the single life again.

1. You daydream about solo adventures.

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Remember those spontaneous road trips or weekend getaways you used to take? If you find yourself fantasising about embarking on solo adventures again, it might be a sign you’re missing the freedom and independence that comes with being single. Maybe you long for the thrill of exploring new places on your own terms, without having to consider anyone else’s preferences or schedules.

2. You miss having the bed to yourself.

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Sure, cuddling is nice, but there’s something undeniably luxurious about having the entire bed to yourself. If you find yourself reminiscing about those nights of sprawling out, hogging the covers, and not having to worry about someone else’s sleep habits, it might be a sign you’re craving a little more personal space.

3. You get annoyed by little things.

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Does their snoring suddenly sound like a freight train? Or does the way they chew their food make you want to scream? If you find yourself getting increasingly irritated by your partner’s quirks and habits, it could be a sign that you’re not as happy in the relationship as you used to be. Those little annoyances might be a manifestation of a deeper dissatisfaction.

4. You crave “me time” more than ever.

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Spending quality time with your partner is important, but so is having time to yourself. If you find yourself constantly craving alone time to recharge, pursue your own interests, or simply relax without distractions, it might be a sign that you’re feeling overwhelmed or suffocated in the relationship. It’s healthy to have your own space and independence, even when you’re in a committed relationship.

5. You scroll through dating apps out of curiosity.

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Maybe you’re not actively looking to cheat, but if you find yourself mindlessly swiping through dating apps or browsing profiles out of curiosity, it could be a sign that you’re subconsciously exploring your options. It might be a harmless distraction, or it could be a sign that you’re not fully satisfied with your current relationship.

6. You get a thrill from flirting with other people.

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A little harmless flirting can be fun and boost your ego, but if you find yourself getting a little too excited about flirting with someone new, it might be a sign you’re craving the validation and attention that comes with being single. It’s important to be honest with yourself about your intentions and make sure you’re not crossing any boundaries.

7. You reminisce about your single days.

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Do you often find yourself thinking back to your carefree single days with a tinge of nostalgia? Maybe you miss the spontaneity, the freedom to date whoever you wanted, or the excitement of not knowing what the future holds. If those memories bring a smile to your face and a longing in your heart, it could be a sign that you’re not entirely content with your current relationship status.

8. You feel a sense of relief when plans are cancelled.

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If you secretly breathe a sigh of relief when date night gets cancelled or your partner has to work late, it might be a sign you’re not as enthusiastic about spending time with them as you used to be. It’s natural to want some time apart, but if you consistently feel relieved when plans fall through, it’s worth examining why.

9. You fantasise about a different life.

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Do you catch yourself daydreaming about a life where you’re not tied down to anyone? Maybe you envision a glamorous career that requires frequent travel, or perhaps you simply imagine a quiet life of solitude and self-discovery. If your fantasies consistently exclude your current partner, it might be a sign that you’re yearning for a different path.

10. You compare your relationship to other people’s.

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It’s natural to observe other couples and compare their dynamics to your own, but if you find yourself constantly feeling envious or dissatisfied with what you see, it could be a red flag. Maybe you idealise the freedom of your single friends or romanticise the passionate spark of new relationships. This comparison game can be a sign that you’re not fully content with your current situation.

11. You avoid making future plans.

man looking a his phoneSource: Unsplash

If the thought of making long-term plans with your partner fills you with dread or anxiety, it might be a sign that you’re subconsciously hesitant about committing to a future together. Maybe you’re unsure if this is the right person for you, or perhaps you’re simply not ready to give up your independence. Either way, avoiding future plans can be a subtle way of keeping your options open.

12. You find excuses to avoid intimacy.

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Intimacy is an important part of any healthy relationship, but if you find yourself consistently coming up with excuses to avoid physical or emotional closeness, it could be a sign that you’re feeling disconnected from your partner. Maybe you’re not attracted to them anymore, or perhaps you’re simply not feeling the spark. This lack of intimacy can be a major warning sign that something is amiss.

13. You feel a sense of freedom when your partner is away.

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Do you feel a surge of excitement and liberation when your partner goes out of town for work or a weekend trip? If you find yourself relishing the time alone, enjoying your own company, and feeling a sense of relief from the usual routines and obligations of the relationship, it might be a sign that you’re craving more independence and autonomy.

14. You’re hesitant to introduce your partner to new people.

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If you find yourself making excuses or feeling hesitant to introduce your partner to new friends or colleagues, it could be a sign that you’re not as invested in the relationship as you used to be. Maybe you’re not sure if this person is “the one,” or perhaps you’re simply not proud of them for some reason. This reluctance to integrate them into your social circle can be a subtle way of keeping them at arm’s length.

15. You prioritise your own needs and desires.

Yuri Arcurs

While it’s important to have your own individual needs and desires in a relationship, if you find yourself consistently prioritising them over your partner’s, it could be a sign that you’re not as committed to the partnership as you should be. Maybe you’re putting your career goals first, or perhaps you’re simply not willing to compromise on certain aspects of your lifestyle. This self-centredness can create distance and resentment in the relationship.

16. You feel trapped or suffocated.


If you often feel like you’re suffocating in the relationship, like you can’t breathe or express yourself freely, it might be a sign that you’re not in the right place. Maybe your partner is too controlling, or perhaps you simply need more space to grow and evolve as an individual. This feeling of being trapped can be a major sign that you’re not meant to be in this relationship anymore.

17. You start picking fights for no reason.

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If you find yourself starting arguments over trivial matters or nitpicking your partner’s every move, it could be a sign that you’re subconsciously trying to create distance and conflict. Maybe you’re hoping that these fights will lead to a breakup, or perhaps you’re simply trying to express your dissatisfaction in a passive-aggressive way. Either way, this behaviour is destructive and can quickly destroy the foundation of the relationship.

18. You have a gut feeling that something is wrong.

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Sometimes, the most telling sign that you secretly want to be single again is simply a gut feeling. You might not be able to pinpoint exactly what’s wrong, but you just know that something isn’t right. Maybe you feel a sense of unease or dissatisfaction, or perhaps you just don’t feel as happy as you used to be. If you have a nagging feeling that something is off, it’s important to trust your intuition and explore those feelings further.