Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

No woman wants to be seen as being “high-maintenance”, even if this label is usually handed out unfairly by men who want to get away with doing the bare minimum.

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That being said, being a low-maintenance wife isn’t about not demanding respect and consideration from your partner or letting your husband walk all over you. It’s about being comfortable in your own skin and not sweating the small stuff. If you’ve ever wondered whether you fall into this category, here are some signs that might just confirm it.

1. You’re happy with a night in.

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Fancy dinners are nice, but you’re just as content with takeaway and a movie at home. You don’t need elaborate date nights to feel loved and appreciated. Sometimes, just cuddling on the sofa is the perfect evening for you.

2. You don’t expect grand gestures.

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While you appreciate thoughtful acts, you don’t need your partner to constantly prove their love with expensive gifts or over-the-top surprises. A simple “I love you” or a cup of tea made just the way you like it means the world to you.

3. You’re low drama.

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You don’t create issues where there aren’t any. If something’s bothering you, you address it calmly and directly, rather than letting it fester or blowing it out of proportion. You prefer peace over unnecessary drama.

4. You’re comfortable without makeup.

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While you might enjoy getting dolled up occasionally, you’re perfectly fine going barefaced most days. You don’t feel the need to put on a full face of makeup just to pop to the shops or hang around the house.

5. You’re not obsessed with social media validation.

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You don’t feel the need to document every moment of your relationship online. You’re more focused on enjoying experiences than getting the perfect shot for Instagram. Your happiness isn’t dependent on likes and comments.

6. You’re independent.

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While you love spending time with your partner, you’re also happy doing your own thing. You don’t need constant attention or validation from your spouse. You have your own interests and friendships that you maintain.

7. You’re flexible with plans.

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If plans change at the last minute, you’re able to go with the flow. You don’t throw a fit if your partner needs to work late or if a night out turns into a night in. You’re adaptable and understand that life doesn’t always go according to plan.

8. You’re not jealous.

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You trust your partner and don’t feel threatened by their friendships or interactions with other people, especially other women. You don’t snoop through their phone or demand to know their whereabouts at all times. Trust is the foundation of your relationship.

9. You’re content with simple pleasures.

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You find joy in the little things — a good book, a sunny day, a cup of tea. You don’t need constant excitement or expensive experiences to be happy. You appreciate the simple moments of everyday life.

10. You don’t keep score.


You’re not constantly tallying up who did what in the relationship. You understand that sometimes you’ll do more, sometimes your partner will. You focus on being a team rather than competing or keeping track of favours.

11. You’re not high-maintenance about your appearance.

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While you take care of yourself, you don’t spend hours getting ready or obsess over every little detail of your appearance. You’re comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt and don’t need designer labels to feel good about yourself.

12. You’re understanding of your partner’s flaws.

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You accept that your partner isn’t perfect, just like you’re not. You don’t try to change them or nag about every little thing. You love them for who they are, quirks and all.

13. You’re not afraid to get your hands dirty.

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Whether it’s helping with DIY projects around the house or camping in the great outdoors, you’re not afraid to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in. You don’t shy away from tasks that might mess up your nails or hair.

14. You’re easy to please.

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Your happiness doesn’t depend on grand gestures or expensive gifts. You’re genuinely appreciative of small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness. A surprise cup of coffee in the morning can make your day.

15. You don’t need constant reassurance.

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You’re secure in your relationship and don’t need your partner to constantly reaffirm their love for you. You understand that actions often speak louder than words and can see love in the everyday things your partner does.

16. You’re not hung up on traditional gender roles.

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You’re happy to mow the lawn or take out the bins if needed. You don’t insist that certain tasks are “men’s work” or “women’s work”. You’re all about teamwork and doing what needs to be done, regardless of who does it.

17. You’re good at compromise.

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You understand that a successful relationship involves give and take. You’re willing to watch your partner’s favourite show or try their preferred restaurant. You don’t always have to have things your way to be happy.

18. You’re genuinely happy.

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Perhaps the biggest sign of all — you’re content with your life and your relationship. You don’t constantly wish for more or compare your relationship to anyone else’s. You appreciate what you have and find joy in your everyday life with your partner.

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