Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

You’ve probably been given the advice to “listen to your gut” many times in life, but how often do you actually follow it?

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Your intuition is there to guide you, helping to steer you away from danger and keep you on the right path. Of course, it only works if you actually notice when it’s flashing the warning lights. If you’re not that tuned into your gut instincts, here are some signs that should come through loud and clear.

1. You’re feeling inexplicably uneasy about a situation.

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Sometimes, you might feel anxious or uncomfortable about a situation without knowing why. The truth is that your unease could be your intuition picking up on something that your conscious mind hasn’t yet processed. It’s worth taking a moment to stop and think about what might be causing this feeling.

2. You’re experiencing recurring dreams or nightmares.

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Our subconscious often communicates through dreams. If you’re having the same dream repeatedly, or experiencing vivid nightmares, it might be your intuition trying to bring something to your attention. These dreams could be highlighting fears, unresolved issues, or potential dangers that you need to address.

3. You’re noticing a lot of coincidences or ‘signs’.


When your intuition is active, you might start noticing patterns or coincidences more often. These could be repetitive numbers, certain animals, or specific phrases you keep hearing. While it’s important not to read too much into everything (because it really could be random/coincidental), these ‘signs’ could be your intuition guiding you to pay attention to something important.

4. You’re feeling physically uncomfortable around certain people.

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Have you ever felt a knot in your stomach or tension in your shoulders around specific people, even if they haven’t done anything overtly wrong? Your body might be picking up on some cues that your conscious mind is missing. Your physical discomfort could be your intuition warning you about potential red flags. Either way, don’t ignore it.

5. You’re having sudden, random thoughts about someone.

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If you find yourself thinking about someone out of the blue, especially if it happens repeatedly, it might be your gut trying to send you a message. Maybe this person needs your help, or there’s an unresolved issue between you that needs addressing. It could also be a reminder to reach out and reconnect. Hey, you never know!

6. You’re experiencing déjà vu more often.

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While déjà vu is a common experience, feeling it more often than usual might be important. It could be your intuition heightening your awareness of your surroundings and experiences. Your increased sensitivity might be preparing you for an important decision or change coming your way.

7. You’re feeling drawn to or repelled by certain places.

woman in beanie looking to sideSource: Unsplash

If you suddenly want to be around or want to avoid certain locations, it could be your gut at work. Your subconscious might be picking up on energies or memories associated with these places that your conscious mind isn’t aware of. Listening to these feelings could lead you to new opportunities or help you avoid potential trouble.

8. You’re having sudden mood changes in certain situations.

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Abrupt shifts in your mood, especially in specific situations or around certain people, could be your intuition trying to get your attention. These changes might be your subconscious reacting to subtle cues in your environment. Pay attention to what triggers these shifts — there might be important information there.

9. You’re having strong gut reactions to seemingly minor decisions.

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When you have to make a choice, even a seemingly insignificant one, you might feel a strong pull in one direction, and this could be your intuition guiding you towards the best path. While it’s important to consider facts and logic, don’t discount these gut feelings entirely. They often stem from a deeper understanding than we realise.

10. You’re noticing increased synchronicities in your life.

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Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that seem to be more than just random chance. If you’re experiencing more of these, it could be a sign that your instincts are becoming more active. These events might be guiding you towards important realisations or opportunities.

11. You’re feeling a strong urge to make a change in your life.

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

Sometimes, you might feel a persistent nudge to make a big change, even if everything seems fine on the surface. This could be your intuition recognising that you’ve outgrown your current situation. While it’s scary to make big changes, these feelings shouldn’t be ignored — they often lead to personal growth and new opportunities.

12. You’re having weird physical sensations.

guy sitting outside in woods looking thoughtfulSource: Unsplash

Unexplained goosebumps, tingling sensations, or a sudden chill could be physical manifestations of your intuition (or it could just be the unpredictable British weather, but hey ho). In all seriousness, your body might react when you’re in a situation that your subconscious recognises as important or potentially dangerous. Pay attention to when and where these feelings occur — they could be important warning signs.

13. You’re finding it hard to make decisions you’d normally find easy.

sad blonde woman head in handsSource: Unsplash

If you’re usually decisive but suddenly find yourself struggling with choices, it could be your intuition telling you to slow down and reconsider. Your hesitation might be because your subconscious has picked up on something that doesn’t quite add up. Take the time to explore why you’re feeling unsure before moving forward.

14. You’re experiencing a sudden burst of creativity or inspiration.

serious woman looking out windowSource: Unsplash

An unexpected surge of creative ideas or inspiration could be your intuition opening up new pathways in your mind. Maybe your creativity is guiding you towards a new direction or solution that you hadn’t considered before. Don’t dismiss these ideas as random — they could lead to exciting opportunities.

15. You’re feeling an unexplained sense of urgency.

serious woman sitting outdoors on stepsSource: Unsplash

Sometimes, you might feel a strong need to do something immediately, without knowing why. This sense of urgency could be your intuition trying to push you into action. While you shouldn’t be totally impulsive, it’s worth exploring why you’re feeling this way. There might be a time-sensitive opportunity or issue that needs your attention.

16. You suddenly have a heightened sensitivity to your surroundings.

guy on his own side viewSource: Unsplash

If you’re suddenly more aware of the energies, moods, or subtle dynamics in your environment, it could be your instincts becoming more active. They might be preparing you to notice important details or changes that you might otherwise miss. Use this heightened awareness to gain deeper insights into your situations and relationships.

17. You just can’t focus on tasks you usually find interesting and engaging.

unhappy womanSource: Unsplash

When you’re struggling to focus on activities you normally enjoy, it could be your intuition trying to redirect your attention. There might be an important issue or decision that needs your focus. Take some time to reflect on what might be distracting you — your subconscious might be trying to bring something crucial to your attention.

18. You’re feeling a strong connection or disconnection with certain objects.

Source: Unsplash

Sometimes, you might feel oddly drawn to or repelled by specific things without a clear reason. This could be your intuition picking up on the energy or significance of these items. Perhaps they’re connected to a memory, a person, or a potential future event. Pay attention to these feelings — they might be guiding you towards important realisations or decisions.

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