Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Some people are just more highly strung than others, but pretty much everyone wishes they were more laid-back and easygoing.

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People who are naturally pretty chill just have a way of going through life with an aura of calm that’s comforting, reassuring, and actually kind of inspiring. Here are some things that never bother many of them that would get some of the rest of our pants in a twist!

1. Last-minute changes to plans

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They don’t lose their cool when people need to cancel or change plans last minute. They get that life is unpredictable and things happen, so they just roll with it. They realise that getting het up over something so silly is a waste of their time and energy.

2. Being stuck in traffic

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While other people might fume and honk, easygoing people tend to shrug off traffic jams. Losing it isn’t going to make the cars move any faster, is it? They’ll pop on some good tunes or catch up on a podcast while they wait.

3. What other people think of them

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They’re not overly concerned with other people’s opinions, especially since they can’t control what people think. They make much better use of their time by focusing on themselves instead. They’re not inconsiderate, by any means, they’re just not going to let a fear of judgement dictate their behaviour.

4. Making small mistakes

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When they spill coffee on their shirt or make a minor mistake at work, easygoing people don’t spiral into self-criticism. They recognise that everyone messes up sometimes and that the little things aren’t worse stressing over it. They own up to it, learn from it, and move on with their day.

5. Being unproductive occasionally

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While they value hard work, they also don’t beat themselves up over the occasional lazy day. They understand that downtime is important for recharging, and that productivity naturally ebbs and flows. They don’t have to be hustling 24/7!

6. Not being invited to every social event

Valerii Honcharuk

When they hear about a gathering they weren’t invited to, easygoing people don’t take it personally. They realise that not every event is for everyone, and that missing out on some social activities is normal. Frankly, sometimes they’re glad not to have to turn down an invite in favour of vegging out on the sofa.

7. Waiting in queues

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Long queues that might irritate other people don’t phase more laid-back ones. They accept that waiting is sometimes part of life and find ways to make the time pass pleasantly. Again, whinging isn’t going to speed up the process.

8. Having a different opinion from other people

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Easygoing people are comfortable holding views that differ from the majority. They don’t feel the need to convince everyone to agree with them or to change their own opinions to fit in. They back themselves and respect other people, and that’s all that matters.

9. Things they can’t control

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Whether it’s the weather, things happening around the world, or other people’s actions, laid-back people don’t stress about things beyond their influence. They focus their energy on what they can affect and accept what they can’t. As a result, they feel less overwhelmed when times are tough.

10. Having a less-than-perfect appearance

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A bad hair day or a few extra pounds don’t send them into a panic. They have a realistic view of personal appearance and don’t let small imperfections affect their self-worth. They have a more relaxed attitude toward appearance, and this just so happens to be extremely attractive to other people.

11. Keeping up with the latest trends

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Easygoing people don’t feel pressured to follow every new trend that comes along. They’re content with what they like, whether it’s fashionable or not. This doesn’t mean they’re stuck in their ways; they simply choose what appeals to them rather than what’s popular.

12. Occasional awkward social moments

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When conversation lulls, or they do something awkward in public, they don’t dwell on it. They understand that everyone is a bit weird sometimes, and that it’s usually forgotten quickly. They know how to laugh it off and not make a big deal out of nothing.

13. Not being the best at everything

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They accept that they can’t excel at everything, and that’s okay. They don’t feel the need to compete in every aspect of life. Instead, they focus on their strengths and enjoy the process of learning and improving in areas where they’re not as strong. Isn’t that the way we should all approach life?

14. The need for constant productivity

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While they can be hard-working, laid-back people don’t feel the need to be productive every waking moment. They understand the value of rest and leisure time, which means they’re unlikely to ever have to deal with burnout. Score!

15. Minor inconveniences

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A cancelled TV show, a sold-out item, or a rainy day don’t ruin an easygoing person’s mood. They’re able to put these small annoyances into perspective and not let them overshadow the bigger picture.

16. The pace of their personal progress

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They don’t constantly compare their life progress to other people’s. They understand that everyone’s journey is different and that life isn’t a race. They’re patient and confident about the path they’re on, so comparisons never come into play.

17. Having a perfect social media presence

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Unlike those who meticulously curate their online image, easygoing people don’t stress about presenting a flawless life on social media. They’re comfortable sharing authentic moments and don’t feel pressured to act like their life is perfect because no one’s is.

18. The need for constant excitement

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They can find contentment in routine and don’t feel the need for constant thrills or new experiences. They can appreciate the simple pleasures in life and find joy in everyday moments, and we can all learn from that.

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