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We’ve all heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

However, we all do it to some extent. It’s human nature to form quick impressions based on initial observations. Whether we like it or not, certain aspects of ourselves are more likely to be judged instantly by other people. Here are a few things that people tend to notice right away and might form opinions about, fairly or not.

1. Your appearance.

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It’s the most obvious one, isn’t it? Our clothing, hairstyle, and grooming choices are the first things people notice. Whether we like it or not, appearance plays a role in those initial impressions. A polished look might suggest professionalism and attention to detail, while a more casual style might give off a relaxed vibe.

2. Your body language.

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Even before you say a word, your body language speaks volumes. Are you standing tall with confidence, or are you slouching and avoiding eye contact? Are your arms crossed defensively, or are you open and approachable? These non-verbal cues can shape people’s perception of you before you even exchange a single word.

3. Your facial expressions.

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A smile can light up a room, while a frown can make people wonder what’s wrong. Our facial expressions are powerful communicators of our emotions, and people tend to pick up on them instantly. A warm and friendly expression can make you seem approachable, while a cold or stern face might create distance.

4. Your tone of voice.


How you say something can be just as important as what you say. A confident and assertive tone can convey authority, while a hesitant or meek voice might suggest insecurity. The tone we use can influence how people perceive our message and even our personality.

5. Your grammar and vocabulary.

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The way you speak and the words you choose can also be subject to judgment. Using proper grammar and a rich vocabulary can impress people, while frequent grammatical errors or slang might be seen as less polished. It’s important to remember that communication is key, and how you express yourself can significantly impact how other people see you.

6. Your punctuality.

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Are you always on time, or do you have a reputation for being fashionably late? Punctuality can be seen as a sign of respect for other people’s time, while chronic lateness might be interpreted as inconsiderate or disorganised. It’s a small detail that can leave a lasting impression, especially in professional settings.

7. Your online presence.


In today’s digital age, our online presence can be just as important as our real-world interactions. What you share on social media, the comments you leave, and even your profile picture can be scrutinised by other people. A well-curated online presence can showcase your interests and accomplishments, while a messy or controversial one might raise eyebrows.

8. Your handshake.

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A firm handshake can be a sign of confidence and assertiveness, while a weak or limp one might suggest a lack of conviction. This brief physical interaction can leave a lasting impression, especially in business or networking situations. A good handshake can make you seem more approachable and trustworthy, while a weak one might do the opposite.

9. Your taste in music.

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Believe it or not, the music you listen to can be a conversation starter or a potential point of judgment. Some people might associate certain genres with specific personality traits or lifestyles. While it’s important to be true to your own taste, it’s worth noting that your musical preferences can sometimes be a factor in how people see you.

10. Your choice of car.

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In some circles, the type of car you drive can be a status symbol. A luxury car might be associated with wealth and success, while a more modest vehicle might not make the same impression. Of course, not everyone cares about cars, but for some, it’s a factor they might consider when forming an opinion about you.

11. Your phone etiquette.

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Are you constantly glued to your phone, even in social settings? Or do you practice good phone etiquette, putting it away when you’re engaged in conversation? Our phone habits can say a lot about our priorities and how we value personal interactions. Excessive phone use might be seen as rude or inconsiderate.

12. Your table manners.

Carlo Prearo

Whether you’re at a fancy restaurant or a casual dinner with friends, your table manners can be observed and judged. Using proper utensils, chewing with your mouth closed, and not talking with your mouth full are basic etiquette rules that many people value. Poor table manners might be seen as a lack of refinement or consideration for other people.

13. Your tattoos and piercings.

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While body art and piercings are becoming more accepted, some people still hold certain stereotypes about them. Visible tattoos or piercings might be associated with rebelliousness or nonconformity. While it’s a matter of personal preference, it’s worth acknowledging that some individuals might form opinions based on your body modifications.

14. Your drink of choice.

Marko Ristic

What you order at a bar or social gathering can sometimes be a point of judgment. Some people might associate certain drinks with specific personality traits or social groups. Whether you prefer a craft beer, a fancy cocktail, or a simple soda, your drink of choice can sometimes spark conversation or assumptions.

15. Your sense of humour.


Humour is subjective, and what one person finds hilarious, another might find offensive or not funny at all. Your jokes and comedic style can reveal a lot about your personality and world-view. While it’s important to be yourself and find humour in what you enjoy, be mindful that not everyone will share your sense of humour.

16. Your political views.

Yuri Arcurs

Given how polarised the world is, political views can be a sensitive topic. Expressing strong opinions on political issues might lead to instant judgment or even heated debates. While it’s important to be informed and engaged, it’s also wise to be respectful of differing viewpoints and choose your battles wisely.

17. Your choice of pets.

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Believe it or not, even your furry friends can be subject to judgment. Some people might associate certain breeds with specific stereotypes or lifestyles. While it’s ultimately your choice what kind of pet you have, it’s worth noting that some individuals might form opinions based on your animal companions.

18. Your hobbies and interests.

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The things you enjoy doing in your free time can also be a topic of conversation and potential judgment. Some hobbies might be seen as more “highbrow” or intellectual, while other people might be seen as more casual or niche. While it’s important to pursue your passions, it’s worth considering how your hobbies and interests might be taken by people, especially in certain social circles.