Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

We often think we know people inside out, especially the ones we’re closest to.

However, the truth is that there’s a lot about other people we can never fully understand. Here’s a list of 18 things that’ll always be a bit of a mystery, no matter how perceptive you are, how much you’ve shared with one another, or how many years they’ve been in your life.

1. Their inner thoughts

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We can never really know what’s going on in someone else’s head. Even when people share their thoughts, there’s always more they keep to themselves. Everyone’s got a whole world going on up there that we just don’t see.

2. Their true feelings about you

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No matter how close you are to someone, you can’t be 100% sure how they feel about you. People’s emotions are complicated and they change. Sometimes they might not even be sure themselves how they feel.

3. The full extent of their fears

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Everyone’s afraid of something, but the reasons behind these fears can be really personal. What scares one person might seem no big deal to another. Sometimes, people don’t even understand their own fears fully.

4. Their private habits

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We all do things when we’re alone that we might not do around other people. These little quirks and habits are part of who we are, but they’re not something we usually share. Your best friend probably has a few you’d never guess.

5. The true motivation behind their actions

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People’s reasons for doing things are often more complex than they seem. Even when someone explains why they did something, they might not fully understand or reveal their true reasons. There’s usually more to it than meets the eye.

6. Their deepest regrets

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Everyone has regrets, but the ones that really bother a person are often kept private. The things that keep someone up at night, wishing they could change the past — those are usually not shared, even with close friends.

7. How they see themselves

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The way people view themselves is often very different from how other people see them. We all have our own ideas about our strengths, flaws, and worth. Their true self-image is something only they know.

8. The full extent of their life experiences

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Even if someone tells you their life story, there are always details and moments they leave out. Some experiences are too personal to share, others might seem unimportant but actually had a big impact. We never know someone’s full story.

9. Their true capacity for love or hate

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The depth of someone’s emotions is hard to measure. How strongly a person can feel, whether it’s love or hate, is something only they truly know. We might see glimpses, but never the full picture.

10. Their unrealised potential

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We all have talents and abilities we might never discover or fully develop. What someone could have been or could still become is something we can’t really know. There’s always more to people than what we see.

11. The weight of their responsibilities

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We might know about someone’s job or family situation, but we can’t fully understand how it feels for them. The stress, the worry, the sense of duty — that’s something only they really feel the full weight of.

12. Their spiritual or existential beliefs

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Even if someone talks openly about their beliefs, the way they truly see the world and their place in it is deeply personal. The comfort or struggles their beliefs bring them is something we can’t fully understand from the outside.

13. How they process grief

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Dealing with loss is different for everyone. While we might see how someone acts when they’re grieving, what’s going on inside is a very personal journey. The ups and downs, the ways they find to cope — that’s all unique to them.

14. The full impact of their childhood

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Our early years shape us in ways we don’t always realise. The effect someone’s childhood has had on them isn’t always clear, even to them. It influences their adult life in complex ways we can’t fully see or understand.

15. Their unfulfilled dreams

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Everyone has dreams they haven’t pursued or achieved. The hopes someone has given up on, or still holds on to privately, are often kept to themselves. The “what ifs” that cross their mind now and then aren’t something we usually get to know about.

16. How they experience physical sensations

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We can’t know exactly how things feel to other people. What’s painful for one person might be bearable for another. The way someone’s body reacts to different sensations is unique to them.

17. The battles they fight every day

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Everyone faces their own struggles, whether it’s with mental health, self-doubt, or personal problems. The effort it takes for someone to get through each day, the things they’re dealing with privately — we don’t always see or understand that.

18. How they’ll react in every situation

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People can always surprise us. Even if we’ve known someone for years, we can’t predict exactly how they’ll react to every situation. People are complex, and sometimes they do things we never expected.

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