Envato Elements

Everyone wants to come across as competent and capable at work, but sometimes we do things that send the opposite message.

If you find yourself doing any of these things while on the clock, it can make you look like a less than ideal employee. You’re so much better than this — don’t do it to yourself!

1. You consistently miss deadlines.

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

We all slip up occasionally, but consistently missing deadlines can make you appear unreliable and disorganised. It suggests you lack time management skills or don’t take your responsibilities seriously. Try breaking down tasks into smaller chunks, setting realistic timelines, and using productivity tools to stay on track. Communicating with your team about any potential delays is also crucial.

2. You lack attention to detail.

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Small errors can add up and create a bigger problem. Whether it’s typos in emails, incorrect calculations, or overlooking important details in a project, these mistakes can signal that you’re not thorough or meticulous in your work. Double-check your work, proofread carefully, and consider using tools like spell-checkers or Grammarly to catch any errors. Paying attention to the finer points demonstrates professionalism and competence.

3. You’re always late.

Vadym Drobot

Punctuality is a basic professional courtesy. Arriving late to meetings, appointments, or deadlines can be perceived as disrespectful and suggest that you don’t value other people’s time. Plan your day effectively, set reminders, and factor in travel time or potential delays. If you’re running late, inform the relevant parties as soon as possible.

4. You don’t take initiative.


Waiting for instructions and always needing to be told what to do can make you seem passive and unmotivated. Instead, try to anticipate needs, proactively offer solutions, and take ownership of your work. This demonstrates that you’re a self-starter and eager to contribute.

5. You avoid asking for help.

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Everyone needs help sometimes. Refusing to seek assistance when you’re struggling can lead to mistakes, delays, and frustration for everyone involved. Don’t hesitate to reach out to colleagues, mentors, or supervisors for clarification or guidance. This shows that you’re willing to learn and collaborate, rather than trying to muddle through on your own.

6. You complain excessively.

male and female colleaguesSource: Unsplash

A little venting can be healthy, but constantly complaining about your workload, colleagues, or company can make you seem negative and unproductive. Focus on solutions instead of dwelling on problems. Offer constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement, rather than simply complaining.

7. You interrupt people constantly.

man and woman working at laptopsSource: Unsplash

Interrupting people during conversations or meetings can be perceived as rude and disrespectful. It shows that you’re not listening attentively and that you value your own thoughts and opinions more than other people’s. Practice active listening, let people finish their thoughts, and wait your turn to speak.

8. You’re disorganised and messy.

colleagues standing around in officeSource: Unsplash

A cluttered workspace can reflect a cluttered mind. If your desk is constantly piled high with papers, files, and random objects, it can give the impression that you’re disorganised and overwhelmed. Take some time to tidy up your workspace and create a system for keeping things organised. This will help you to be more productive and efficient, and it will also make a better impression on your colleagues and superiors.

9. You don’t follow through on commitments.

Wavebreak Media LTD

Making promises you can’t keep can damage your reputation and make people lose trust in you. If you say you’re going to do something, make sure you actually do it. If something unexpected comes up and you can’t follow through, communicate that as early as possible and offer an alternative solution.

10. You overpromise and underdeliver.

Envato Elements

Setting unrealistic expectations and failing to meet them can be a major red flag. It can make you appear unreliable and incapable of handling your workload. Be honest about your capabilities and limitations, and set realistic goals that you can actually achieve. It’s better to underpromise and overdeliver than the other way around.

11. You’re always on the defensive.

Envato Elements

When receiving feedback or criticism, it’s important to listen and consider the other person’s perspective. Becoming defensive and making excuses can make you seem resistant to growth and unwilling to learn from your mistakes. Be open to feedback, acknowledge your shortcomings, and demonstrate a willingness to improve.

12. You gossip excessively.

Yuri Arcurs

Engaging in office gossip can make you appear unprofessional and untrustworthy. It can also create a toxic work environment and damage relationships with your colleagues. Instead of participating in gossip, focus on building positive relationships and contributing to a healthy workplace culture.

13. You take credit for other people’s work.

Yuri Arcurs peopleimages.com

Taking credit for ideas or work that isn’t yours is not only unethical, but it can also damage your reputation and relationships with your colleagues. Always give credit where credit is due, and acknowledge what other people bring to the table. This will not only make you look more competent, but it will also create a more collaborative and supportive work environment.

14. You’re constantly distracted by your phone.

Envato Elements

Checking your phone every few minutes during meetings or work sessions can be incredibly disruptive and disrespectful. It signals that you’re not fully engaged and that you prioritise your personal life over your professional responsibilities. Put your phone away during work hours, and set specific times to check messages and notifications.

15. You lack basic tech skills.

Envato Elements

In today’s digital age, having basic tech skills is essential for almost every job. If you struggle with using common software, navigating online platforms, or troubleshooting simple tech issues, it can make you appear out of touch and incompetent. Invest time in learning the necessary tech skills for your role, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

16. You dress inappropriately.

Envato Elements

Dressing professionally shows respect for your workplace and colleagues. While the dress code may vary depending on your company culture, it’s generally best to err on the side of being more formal than too casual. Avoid wearing revealing or distracting clothing, and make sure your clothes are clean and well-maintained.

17. You have poor communication skills.

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Clear and effective communication is essential for success in the workplace. If you struggle with expressing your ideas clearly, writing professional emails, or actively listening to people, it can hinder your ability to collaborate and contribute effectively. Practice your communication skills, ask for feedback, and consider taking a communication course or workshop if needed.

18. You have a negative attitude.

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A positive attitude can go a long way in the workplace. If you’re constantly complaining, gossiping, or being pessimistic, it can bring down the morale of your team and make you seem difficult to work with. Focus on the positive aspects of your job, offer solutions instead of just complaints, and try to be a supportive and encouraging colleague.