Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Ageing, they say, is a privilege denied to many, but it also comes with its fair share of frustrations.

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Things that once barely registered on your radar can suddenly become major annoyances as you get older. Sure, people might call you grumpy or crotchety, but who could blame you? Here are some of the most obnoxious things for an older person.

1. People who walk slowly in front of you, blocking the entire pavement

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You’re in a rush, you have places to be, and there they are, strolling leisurely in front of you, oblivious to the world around them. You try to politely manoeuvre around them, but they seem to have a sixth sense for blocking your path. It’s enough to make you want to tap dance with impatience.

2. Loud music or conversations in public spaces

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Remember those days when you could blast your favourite tunes without a care in the world? Well, as you get older, those decibels start to feel like a personal attack on your eardrums. Loud music in shops, restaurants, or public transport can be incredibly irritating, making it hard to relax or enjoy your surroundings. And don’t even get us started on people shouting into their phones on the bus!

3. Technology that seems to change faster than you can keep up

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Just when you’ve finally mastered the latest smartphone or social media platform, a new one comes along with a whole new set of features and functions. It can be overwhelming and frustrating, leaving you feeling like you’re constantly playing catch-up in the tech world. Who needs all these updates anyway?

4. Unnecessarily complicated packaging that’s impossible to open

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You just want to enjoy your new gadget or snack, but first, you have to wrestle with a fortress of plastic, cardboard, and twist ties. It’s a battle of wills, and you often end up resorting to scissors, knives, or even your teeth in a desperate attempt to access the contents. Can’t we just go back to simple packaging that doesn’t require a degree in engineering to open?

5. People who don’t use their indicators when driving

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Is it really that hard to flick a switch? Not using indicators when changing lanes or turning is not only dangerous but also incredibly frustrating for other drivers. It’s like they’re playing a guessing game with your safety, and it’s not a game you want to play.

6. Queues that seem to take forever, especially when you’re in a hurry

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Waiting in line is never fun, but as you get older, your patience for queues seems to dwindle. Whether it’s at the supermarket, the post office, or the doctor’s surgery, those minutes spent shuffling forward at a snail’s pace can feel like an eternity. You start to question the efficiency of the entire system and wonder if there’s a secret fast-track lane for people who value their time.

7. Telemarketers or cold callers who interrupt your day with unwanted sales pitches

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You’re just settling down to enjoy a cuppa and a biscuit when the phone rings. It’s another telemarketer trying to sell you something you don’t need or want. You politely decline, but they persist, their cheerful voice grating on your nerves. It’s enough to make you want to unplug the phone and live off the grid.

8. People who talk during films or performances, ruining the experience for everyone else

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You’ve paid good money to see a film or a play, and you’re trying to immerse yourself in the story. But then, someone behind you starts chatting, rustling their popcorn, or kicking your seat. It’s distracting and disrespectful, and it ruins the entire experience. Can’t people just enjoy the show in silence?

9. Restaurants or cafés that play music too loudly, making it impossible to have a conversation

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You’re out for a meal with friends or family, looking forward to catching up and enjoying each other’s company. But the music is so loud that you have to shout to be heard. It’s frustrating and makes it difficult to relax and connect. Can’t we just enjoy a meal in peace without having our eardrums assaulted?

10. People who leave their shopping trolleys in the middle of the supermarket aisle

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You’re trying to navigate the supermarket aisles, but it’s like an obstacle course of abandoned shopping trolleys. People leave them haphazardly in the middle of the aisle, blocking your path and forcing you to perform awkward manoeuvres to get around them. It’s inconsiderate and adds unnecessary stress to your shopping trip.

11. Drivers who tailgate or cut you off in traffic, putting your safety at risk

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You’re trying to drive safely and responsibly, but there’s always that one driver who insists on tailgating you or cutting you off without warning. It’s not only frustrating but also incredibly dangerous. Can’t people just chill out and follow the rules of the road?

12. Technology that constantly needs updating or troubleshooting

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You just want your computer, phone, or TV to work, but it seems like there’s always some update or glitch that needs fixing. You spend hours on the phone with customer service, trying to decipher technical jargon and troubleshoot problems that shouldn’t even exist. It’s a time-consuming and frustrating process that can leave you feeling technologically inept.

13. People who don’t RSVP to events or cancel at the last minute

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You’ve put time and effort into planning a party or gathering, and you’re excited to see your friends and family. But then, people start cancelling at the last minute or simply don’t show up without any explanation. It’s disrespectful and inconsiderate, and it can leave you feeling disappointed and frustrated.

14. Uncomfortable chairs or seating arrangements that leave you with a sore back or neck

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You’re trying to enjoy a meal, a film, or a concert, but the chairs are so uncomfortable that you can barely focus on anything else. Your back aches, your neck is stiff, and you’re constantly shifting in your seat trying to find a comfortable position. It’s a distraction and a major buzzkill.

15. People who chew with their mouths open or make loud noises while eating

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There’s nothing worse than trying to enjoy a meal while someone next to you is chomping away with their mouth open or slurping their soup. It’s distracting, unappetising, and just plain rude. Can’t people just eat quietly and mind their manners?

16. Long, rambling stories that go nowhere and have no point

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You’re engaged in a conversation, eager to hear what the other person has to say. But they launch into a long, meandering story that seems to have no point or direction. You try to stay focused, but your mind starts to wander, and you find yourself zoning out. It’s a waste of time and energy, and it leaves you feeling bored and unfulfilled.

17. People who are constantly late or always have an excuse for not being on time


You value punctuality and respect other people’s time. But there are those individuals who seem to have a chronic inability to be on time. They’re always running late, offering flimsy excuses, and expecting you to be understanding. It’s frustrating and disrespectful, and it can make you question their reliability and commitment.

18. Unreliable Wi-Fi or slow internet connections that disrupt your work or leisure time

Valerii Honcharuk

In today’s digital age, a reliable internet connection is essential. But slow speeds, dropped connections, or buffering videos can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re trying to get work done or relax with some online entertainment. It’s a modern-day annoyance that can test even the most patient person’s limits.

19. People who don’t clean up after themselves, leaving messes for other people to deal with

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Whether it’s leaving dirty dishes in the sink, not picking up after their pets, or littering in public spaces, people who don’t clean up after themselves are a major source of irritation. It’s inconsiderate and disrespectful, and it creates unnecessary work and frustration for other people. Can’t people just take a few moments to tidy up and show some consideration for their surroundings?