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We’ve all encountered that one person who seems to drain the energy from every room they enter. They might be charming at first, but their true colours eventually reveal themselves, leaving a trail of frustration and annoyance in their wake. If you’re worried you might be that person, here are 20 habits that might be making you a nightmare to be around.

1. You never let anyone finish their sentence.

Envato Elements

It’s as if you’re in a race to get your words out before anyone else can finish their thought. This shows a lack of respect and makes it impossible for people to feel heard or valued in your presence. Remember, conversations are a two-way street, not a monologue.

2. You always have to be right.


There’s no room for differing opinions or perspectives when you’re around. You’re always ready to argue, defend your stance, and prove everyone else wrong. This makes discussions feel more like battles, leaving people feeling exhausted and defeated.

3. You complain about everything all the time.

Seva Levitsky

Everything is always wrong, and you’re not afraid to voice your displeasure about every little thing. The weather, the traffic, the coffee, your job, your friends – nothing is ever good enough for you. This constant negativity is contagious and quickly wears down the people around you.

4. You always have to outdo everyone.

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Someone shares a story about their trip to Europe? You’ve been to every country in Europe, twice. They got a promotion? You’ve already climbed the corporate ladder. This constant need to outdo everyone else makes people feel insignificant and undervalued.

5. You’re a gossip.

© Milenko Đilas - Veternik

You thrive on drama and love to spread rumours and share juicy tidbits about other people’s lives. This behaviour not only hurts those being gossiped about, but also makes you seem untrustworthy and unreliable. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who can’t keep a secret.

6. You never show up on time.

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You act like you have all the answers and are always eager to share your unsolicited advice, even when nobody asked for it. This can make people feel belittled and frustrated, as if you don’t trust their ability to make their own decisions.

8. You’re passive-aggressive.

Source: Unsplash

Instead of addressing issues directly, you resort to snide remarks, backhanded compliments, and subtle digs. This creates a toxic atmosphere of tension and resentment, leaving people feeling confused and hurt.

9. You’re overly critical.

Anna Bizon

Nothing is ever good enough for you, and you’re quick to point out flaws in everything from someone’s outfit to their cooking. Your constant criticism can make people feel self-conscious and insecure, dreading your judgment.

10. You’re always on your phone.

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Whether you’re scrolling through social media, texting, or checking your email, you’re glued to your phone, even in the middle of a conversation. This lack of engagement makes people feel ignored and unimportant, as if your virtual world is more interesting than their real presence.

11. You’re always trying to be the centre of attention.

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Every conversation becomes a platform for you to share your own experiences, opinions, or accomplishments. You interrupt, talk over people, and steer the conversation back to yourself. This self-centredness can make people feel like their contributions aren’t valued or important.

12. You’re emotionally draining.

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Whether you’re constantly complaining, oversharing personal problems, or demanding attention, you leave people feeling exhausted after spending time with you. Your emotional needs seem insatiable, leaving little room for anyone else’s feelings or concerns.

13. You’re unreliable and flaky.

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You make promises you don’t keep, cancel plans at the last minute, and forget important dates or commitments. This inconsistency makes it difficult for people to trust you or rely on you for anything, eroding the foundation of any relationship.

14. You’re insensitive and tactless.

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You blurt out hurtful comments, make inappropriate jokes, and share embarrassing stories without considering the impact on other people. Your lack of empathy and social awareness can leave people feeling wounded and uncomfortable.

15. You’re a poor listener.

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When someone else is talking, you’re already formulating your response or waiting for your turn to speak. You interrupt, change the subject, or offer unsolicited advice instead of truly listening and engaging with what the other person is saying.

16. You’re constantly seeking validation.


You need constant reassurance, compliments, and approval from other people. You fish for compliments, brag about your achievements, and get upset if you don’t receive the attention you crave. This neediness can be exhausting for those around you.

17. You’re judgmental and quick to criticise.

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You’re always ready to judge people for their choices, opinions, or lifestyles. You make snap judgments based on appearances or assumptions, and you’re not afraid to voice your disapproval. This creates an atmosphere of negativity and intolerance.

18. You have a victim mentality.

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You always see yourself as the victim, blaming external circumstances or other people for your problems. You refuse to take responsibility for your own actions and choices, making it hard for people to offer support or help you find solutions.

19. You hold grudges and refuse to forgive.

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You cling to past hurts and resentments, refusing to let go and move on. You bring up old arguments, hold on to anger, and punish people for their mistakes. This bitterness and unforgiveness can poison your relationships and prevent you from building healthy connections.

20. You’re disrespectful of boundaries.

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You ignore people’s requests, push their limits, and overstep their boundaries without regard for their feelings or comfort. You might be overly touchy, pry into their personal lives, or share confidential information without permission. This lack of respect for personal space and privacy is a major turn-off.