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Being smart often feels like a blessing and a curse. Sure, you grasp complex concepts quickly and solve problems not many other people can, but that doesn’t mean life is any easier. In fact, it sometimes brings unique challenges. Here are a few life problems that only fellow smart people will truly understand.

1. You overthink everything.

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That quick wit of yours has a downside. You analyse every detail, every conversation, every decision to the point of exhaustion. What other people see as simple choices, you see as a web of potential consequences, making even minor decisions feel monumental.

2. You struggle to relate to people.

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Conversations can feel superficial, like wading through shallow waters when you crave the depths of intellectual discourse. Finding people who match your intellectual curiosity and passion for learning can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

3. You’re constantly underestimated.

Adrian Exposito Ruiz

People assume intelligence equals instant success, but it’s not that simple. You face the same struggles as everyone else, yet your failures are often amplified. People may dismiss your challenges, assuming you’ll effortlessly overcome any obstacle.

4. You feel pressure to be perfect.

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Your achievements set a high bar, creating an expectation of continued brilliance. This can be paralysing, as the fear of failure looms large. The pressure to live up to your own potential can be a heavy burden to bear.

5. You get bored easily.

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Routine tasks and predictable conversations feel like a slow death. You crave novelty and stimulation, constantly seeking new challenges to keep your mind engaged. The mundane aspects of life can feel particularly draining.

6. You’re always questioning yourself.

Yuri Arcurs

Imposter syndrome is a constant companion. You doubt your abilities, wondering if you’re truly as smart as other people believe. This self-doubt can really knockĀ  your confidence and make it difficult to embrace your achievements.

7. You have trouble finding your place in the world.


You don’t fit neatly into any box. Your interests are diverse, your passions intense. You may feel like an outsider, struggling to find a community where you truly belong. The search for your tribe can be a lifelong journey.

8. You’re prone to existential angst.

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

Your mind constantly grapples with big questions about life, the universe, and everything. You ponder the meaning of existence, the nature of reality, and the purpose of it all. These deep thoughts can lead to moments of profound existential angst.

9. You have a love-hate relationship with your brain.

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Your intelligence is your greatest asset, but it can also feel like a burden. You may find yourself wishing for a simpler mind, one that doesn’t constantly analyse and dissect everything. You may even envy those who seem blissfully unaware of the complexities of the world.

10. You find it hard to relax.

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Your mind is always racing, even when you try to unwind. You may find it difficult to quiet your thoughts, especially at night. This can lead to sleep problems and a constant feeling of restlessness.

11. You’re sensitive to criticism.

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Because you hold yourself to such high standards, any feedback that falls short of perfection can sting. You may take criticism personally, even if it’s constructive. This sensitivity can make it difficult to learn and grow.

12. You have trouble making decisions.

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You see all sides of every issue, weighing the pros and cons endlessly. This can lead to analysis paralysis, where you’re so afraid of making the wrong choice that you end up making no choice at all.

13. You have high expectations for other people.

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You naturally gravitate towards intelligent, curious people. When people don’t meet your standards, you may become frustrated or disappointed. This can make it difficult to form lasting relationships.

14. You’re prone to burnout.

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Your constant pursuit of knowledge and achievement can take a toll. You may push yourself too hard, neglecting your physical and emotional needs. This can lead to burnout, a state of exhaustion and disillusionment.

15. You’re often misunderstood.

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

Your unique perspective and way of thinking may not always be appreciated by other people. You may be labelled as arrogant, aloof, or even eccentric. This can lead to feelings of isolation and alienation.

16. You struggle to find meaning in your work.

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You’re capable of great things, but you may find it difficult to find a career that truly fulfils you. Many jobs feel too repetitive or intellectually unchallenging. You long for work that makes a real difference in the world.

17. You’re a perfectionist.

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You have a strong desire to do things perfectly, which can lead to procrastination and anxiety. You may avoid starting projects because you’re afraid of not being able to meet your own high standards.

18. You have a hard time saying no.

Liubomyr Vorona

You’re often asked to take on more responsibility because people know you’re capable. You may find it difficult to say no, even when you’re already overwhelmed. This can lead to burnout and resentment.

19. You feel like you’re different.

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You may feel like you don’t quite fit in with the rest of the world. You may have different interests, values, and ways of thinking. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

20. You’re constantly searching for more.

Source: Unsplash

You’re never satisfied with the status quo. You’re always looking for new challenges, new ideas, and new ways to grow. This constant striving can be both a blessing and a curse.