Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Some people just have a natural talent for being able to read between the lines in life.

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If you’re someone who always seems to have a bit more insight into people and situations than everyone else in your social circle, it could be because you have crazy good observation skills. If you relate to any of the following, that’s definitely the case.

1. You always spot the tiny details that no one else picks up on.

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If you’re the one who notices when someone’s changed their hairstyle or got a new watch, you’ve got a keen eye. While other people might walk past without a second glance, you’re picking up on all those little changes.

2. Reading body language comes naturally to you.

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You don’t need words to understand what’s going on with people. Tiny clues like a little frown, a bit of fidgeting, or a change in posture speak volumes to you. No matter how convincing people think they’re being, you see the truth beneath the surface.

3. You’re always the first to notice when something’s out of place.

Whether it’s a picture hanging slightly crooked or a book out of alphabetical order, you spot it instantly. It’s like your brain has a built-in ‘spot the difference’ game running all the time. Noticing what’s amiss all the time can be both a blessing and a curse — great for tidying up, not so great for relaxing in a slightly messy room!

4. Remembering faces is easy for you.


Even if you’ve only met someone briefly, you can pick them out of a crowd years later. It’s a skill that comes in handy at parties and networking events, but it can lead to awkward moments when you remember someone who’s completely forgotten you!

5. You can remember tiny details from past conversations.


Your friends are often amazed when you bring up something they mentioned in passing months ago. It’s not that you’re trying to memorise everything — your brain just seems to file away these little nuggets of information automatically. This makes you great at remembering birthdays, but terrible at forgetting embarrassing moments!

6. You’re a pro at finding lost items.

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When something goes missing, you’re the go-to person for finding it. Your ability to retrace steps and spot that tiny glint of a lost earring is almost legendary. You have some kind of mental map of where everything should be, making you the household hero when the TV remote mysteriously vanishes.

7. Noticing patterns comes easily to you.

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Whether it’s in nature, behaviour, or even in the way traffic flows, you’re quick to spot recurring patterns. As a result, you’re great at puzzle games and predicting outcomes. Your brain is always busy connecting the dots, that’s for sure.

8. You’re often the first to notice when someone’s upset.

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Even when someone’s trying to hide their feelings, you can tell something’s off. A slight change in tone, a forced smile, or a lack of enthusiasm are flashing lights for you. This makes you a great friend, but can also mean you pick up on tension that no one else notices.

9. Your memory for places is incredibly detailed.

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You can navigate a city you visited years ago like you were there yesterday. Your mental map is so detailed, you remember not just the streets, but the colour of the shopfronts and the pattern of the paving stones. You definitely have a photographic memory!

10. You notice subtle changes in people’s appearance immediately.

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New glasses, a slight tan, or a different shade of lipstick — you spot these changes in a heartbeat. While other people might vaguely sense something’s different, you can pinpoint exactly what’s changed. Because of this, you’re great at giving compliments, but it can be tricky when someone’s hoping their new haircut will go unnoticed!

11. You’re excellent at picking up on social dynamics in a group.

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When you enter a room, you quickly get a sense of who’s who and what’s what. You notice who’s avoiding eye contact, who’s trying to impress whom, and where the tension lies. Uh oh!

12. Your attention to detail makes you great at certain hobbies or jobs.

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Whether it’s photography, proofreading, or quality control, your eagle eye serves you well. You’re really good at spotting the imperfections or capturing the perfect moment that other people skim past.

13. You often notice background details in films and TV shows.

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While other people are focused on the main action, you’re spotting the continuity errors or interesting background events. You’re the one who notices the extra in the Harry Potter film wearing trainers, or the coffee cup in ‘Game of Thrones’.

14. You’re quick to spot when something’s not quite right.

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From a change in routine to a slight discrepancy in a story, your internal alarm bells start ringing. This intuition for when things are ‘off’ can be incredibly useful, especially because it makes you great at troubleshooting or detecting fibs. You’re a walking, talking fact-checker.

15. You’re often complimented on your attention to detail.

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People around you regularly comment on how observant you are. Whether it’s noticing a new piece of jewellery or remembering someone’s coffee order from weeks ago, your keen eye doesn’t go unnoticed. You’re the Sherlock Holmes of your social circle!

16. You can easily spot the differences in ‘spot the difference’ puzzles.

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These games are a breeze for you. While everyone else is squinting and scratching their heads, you’ve already circled all the differences. It’s not just that you’re good at the game — your brain seems wired to instantly notice what’s not the same.

17. You often find yourself noticing things other people consider unimportant.

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Details like the way someone taps their fingers when they’re thinking, the specific shade of green of a traffic light, or the pattern of cracks on a pavement fascinate you. While other people might think you’re odd for pointing these out, to you, they’re an integral part of understanding the world around you.

18. Your friends often rely on you to recount stories of things you’ve experienced together.

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When reminiscing about the past, you’re the one who remembers all the little details that bring the memory to life. From what everyone was wearing to the song playing in the background, your recollections are vivid and precise.

19. You’re great at describing people and places.

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Your descriptions are so detailed and accurate that people feel like they can see what you’re describing. Whether you’re giving directions or describing a suspect to the police, your ability to paint a picture with words is unparalleled.

20. You often notice things before they happen.

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Your observational skills are so sharp that you often anticipate events before they occur. You might notice the bus coming before anyone else, or predict when a waiter is about to drop a tray. It’s not that you’re psychic — but sometimes it certainly feels that way!

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