Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

If you’ve been around the block in terms of relationships enough times, you probably think you could spot the signs of cheating with your eyes closed.

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In a lot of ways, that’s likely true — some infidelity is blatantly obvious and hard to miss. However, there are other more subtle signs you might overlook because they seem like no big deal on the surface. While these things don’t 100% guarantee your partner’s being unfaithful, they should raise the alarm bells.

1. They’re suddenly very protective of their phone.

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Remember when they used to leave their phone lying around without a care in the world? Now it’s like a classified MI5 file. If they’re suddenly glued to their phone and won’t let it out of their sight, it might be time to wonder why.

2. Their work schedule has become unpredictable.

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Late nights at the office used to be a rarity, but now they’re happening all the time. If your partner’s work schedule has become erratic, and they can’t seem to explain why, they might be up to no good. This is especially true if they don’t actually work in a field that would require any extra hours/shifts.

3. They’ve started paying more attention to their appearance.

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A new haircut or a wardrobe refresh isn’t always cause for concern, but if your partner has suddenly become obsessed with their looks, it might be worth asking who they’re trying to impress.

4. They’re being overly nice to you.

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Guilt can make people act in strange ways. If your partner is showering you with unexpected gifts or compliments, it could be their conscience trying to make up for their infidelity.

5. They’re suddenly very interested in your schedule.

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If your partner is constantly asking about your plans and whereabouts, they might be trying to figure out when they can sneak around without getting caught. They want to make sure you won’t be around so they can do their dirty deeds.

6. They’re less interested in physical intimacy.

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A sudden drop in your intimate life could mean they’re getting their needs met elsewhere. Of course, there could be other reasons, but it’s worth noting if it’s paired with other suspicious behaviour.

7. They’ve started accusing you of cheating.

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Sometimes, cheaters project their own guilt onto their partners. If your previously trusting partner is suddenly accusing you of being unfaithful, it might be because they’re the ones with something to hide.

8. They’re spending more time away from home.

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If your homebody partner has suddenly developed a busy social life that doesn’t include you, it could be a red flag. This is especially true if they’re vague about where they’re going and who they’re with.

9. They’ve become more secretive about their finances.

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Unexplained expenses or a sudden interest in keeping their finances private could indicate they’re spending money on someone else. Keep an eye out for mysterious credit card charges or cash withdrawals — what are they spending this money on?!

10. Their friends are acting differently around you.

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If your partner’s friends seem uncomfortable or avoid eye contact when you’re around, they might know something you don’t. Cheaters often confide in their friends, leaving them in an awkward position.

11. They’ve stopped talking about the future.

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If your partner used to chat about your future together but has suddenly gone quiet on the subject, it could mean they’re having doubts or making plans that don’t include you.

12. They’re always “working late” but their pay hasn’t increased.

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Extra hours should mean extra money. If your partner claims to be putting in overtime, but there’s no financial evidence to back it up, they might be using work as a cover for something else.

13. They’ve started mentioning a new “friend” a lot.

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It’s great to make new friends, but if your partner keeps bringing up the same person in conversation, it could be a sign they’re developing feelings for them. This is especially true if they go out of their way to keep you from meeting them.

14. They’re less affectionate in public.

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If your once-cuddly partner now shies away from holding hands or kissing in public, it could be because they’re worried about being seen by the wrong person. Obviously, if they’ve never been into PDA, this is less of a cause for concern.

15. They’ve become extremely critical of you.

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Sometimes cheaters try to justify their behaviour by focusing on their partner’s flaws. If your partner has suddenly become hyper-critical of everything you do, it might be their way of rationalising their behaviour.

16. They’re spending more time on social media.

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Social media can be a breeding ground for infidelity. If your partner is constantly on their phone, smiling at the screen, or being secretive about their online activity, it could be a warning sign. (That, or they’re just looking at cute puppy videos — and who could blame them for that?)

17. They’ve started taking more business trips.

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Frequent business trips, especially to the same location, could be a cover for meeting up with someone else. Be wary if these trips seem unnecessary or if your partner is reluctant to share details about them.

18. They’ve become less interested in your day-to-day life.

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If your partner used to be keen to hear about your day but now seems disinterested or distracted when you talk, it could mean their attention is focused elsewhere. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re thinking about another person, but it’s possible.

19. They’re picking fights over small things.

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Sometimes cheaters will create drama in their relationship to justify their actions or to have an excuse to storm out and meet their lover. If your partner is constantly starting arguments over trivial things, it could be a red flag. They’re looking for a reason to have a blow-up with you.

20. Your gut is telling you something’s wrong.


Never underestimate your intuition. If you have a nagging feeling that something isn’t right in your relationship, even if you can’t put your finger on why, it’s worth paying attention to. Your subconscious might be picking up on subtle cues that your conscious mind hasn’t processed yet.

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