Relationships change the longer they go on, and sometimes, the changes aren’t necessarily good ones.

While it’s normal for the initial honeymoon phase to fade, if your partner’s behaviour changes entirely, or the vibe of your relationship just feels “off,” there may be something more serious going on. Is it possible your partner is falling out of love? If these things are happening, it’s worth considering.
1. They no longer prioritise spending time with you.

If your partner consistently chooses other activities or people over spending time with you, it might be a red flag. While having separate interests is healthy, a noticeable decrease in their desire to be around you could signal a change in their feelings.
2. Physical intimacy has significantly decreased.

A reduction in physical affection, such as hugs, kisses, or hand-holding, can be a sign of emotional distance. If your partner seems to avoid intimate moments or appears disinterested in physical closeness, it might indicate a waning emotional connection.
3. They’ve stopped sharing their daily experiences with you.

When partners are emotionally connected, they typically want to share their day-to-day experiences, no matter how mundane. If your partner no longer tells you about their day or seems uninterested in hearing about yours, it could suggest a growing emotional gap.
4. Future plans no longer include you.

If your partner has started making long-term plans without considering your involvement, it might indicate they’re envisioning a future without you. This could manifest in career decisions, travel plans, or even smaller day-to-day choices that don’t take you into account.
5. They’re increasingly critical of you.

While constructive criticism can be helpful in a relationship, a sudden increase in negative comments or constant nitpicking might signal that your partner is focusing on your flaws. This behaviour could be a manifestation of their changing feelings towards you.
6. They seem disinterested in resolving conflicts.

If your partner appears apathetic during arguments or shows little interest in finding resolutions to your disagreements, it might suggest they’re emotionally checking out of the relationship. A lack of effort in conflict resolution can indicate a diminishing investment in the partnership.
7. Their body language has become closed off.

Non-verbal cues can speak volumes about a person’s feelings. If your partner has started to physically distance themselves, cross their arms when talking to you, or avoid eye contact, it could be a sign of emotional withdrawal.
8. They’re less attentive to your needs and feelings.

A partner who is falling out of love might become less responsive to your emotional needs. If they seem indifferent to your joys or sorrows, or fail to offer support during challenging times, it could indicate a shift in their emotional investment.
9. They’ve developed new interests that exclude you.

While personal growth is important, if your partner has suddenly taken up new hobbies or interests that consistently leave you out, it might be a way of creating distance. This is especially concerning if they show no interest in involving you or sharing these new passions.
10. Communication has become superficial.

If your conversations have become limited to practical matters like household chores or schedules, without delving into deeper topics or emotional sharing, it could signal emotional disconnection. Meaningful communication is crucial for maintaining intimacy in a relationship.
11. They’re increasingly secretive about their phone or social media.

A sudden increase in privacy around digital devices or social media accounts can be a red flag. While everyone deserves some privacy, a drastic change in behaviour, such as password protecting everything or being overly protective of their phone, might indicate they’re hiding something.
12. They no longer put effort into special occasions.

If your partner has stopped making an effort for birthdays, anniversaries, or other significant dates that were once important to your relationship, it could suggest a decrease in their emotional investment. This lack of effort might extend to everyday gestures of love and appreciation as well.
13. They’ve stopped using terms of endearment.

The absence of pet names or affectionate language that was once common in your relationship can be telling. If “honey” or “darling” has been replaced with a more formal or distant way of addressing you, it might reflect a change in their feelings.
14. They’re more easily irritated by your quirks.

Traits or habits that your partner once found endearing might now seem to annoy them. If you notice an increase in their frustration over small things that never bothered them before, it could indicate a shift in their overall perception of you.
15. They’ve stopped asking for your opinion or advice.

When partners value each other, they typically ask for each other’s thoughts on important things. If your partner has stopped consulting you on decisions or seems disinterested in your perspective, it might suggest they’re emotionally distancing themselves.
16. They no longer talk about shared dreams or goals.

A lack of discussion about future plans or shared aspirations can be a sign that your partner is no longer envisioning a long-term future with you. If conversations about joint goals have ceased, it might indicate they’re reconsidering the relationship’s longevity.
17. They’ve become more selfish in their decisions.

If your partner has started making choices that primarily benefit themselves without considering your needs or the relationship’s wellbeing, it could signal a shift in their priorities. This self-centred behaviour might indicate they’re emotionally detaching from the partnership.
18. They’re less interested in your friends and family.

A partner who is invested in the relationship typically shows interest in the important people in your life. If they’ve become disengaged or consistently avoid family gatherings or meetups with your friends, it might suggest they’re pulling away from your shared social circle.
19. They no longer compliment you or express appreciation.

A decrease in verbal affirmation, such as compliments or expressions of gratitude, can indicate a change in feelings. If your partner has stopped acknowledging your efforts or expressing admiration for you, it might reflect a diminishing sense of appreciation in the relationship.
20. They seem happier or more animated when you’re not around.

If you notice that your partner appears more relaxed, joyful, or energetic in situations where you’re not present, it could be a sign that they’re finding more fulfilment outside the relationship. While it’s normal to enjoy time apart, a stark contrast in their demeanour might indicate deeper issues.