Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Sometimes, relationships survive long past their sell-by dates not because of deep feelings, but because they’re comfortable or convenient.

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It can be tough to spot when this is happening, and it really sucks to confront, especially when you’ve invested so much time, energy, and love in your partner and thought you’d always receive the same in return. Nevertheless, you can’t keep going with your head stuck in the sand. Here are 20 signs your partner might be with you for convenience rather than love.

1. They never initiate plans.

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If you’re always the one suggesting dates or activities, it might be a red flag. When someone’s truly invested, they make an effort to spend time with you. If your partner’s just going along with your plans without ever making their own, they might be in it for the easy ride.

2. They’re always “too busy” for your important events.

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Whether it’s your birthday, a work do, or a family gathering, they always seem to have an excuse. When someone loves you, they make time for the things that matter to you. If they’re constantly bailing, they might not be as invested as you think.

3. They don’t know much about your life.

Marko Ristic

If your partner can’t name your best friend or doesn’t know what you do for work, it’s a bad sign. People who are genuinely interested in you want to know about your life. If they’re not asking questions or remembering details, they might not really care.

4. They’re overly dependent on you financially.

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While it’s normal to help each other out sometimes, if your partner’s always relying on you to pay for everything or cover their bills, they might be sticking around for the financial support rather than genuine feelings.

5. They avoid talking about the future.

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If any mention of future plans makes them change the subject, it’s worth noting. Someone who sees a future with you won’t shy away from these conversations. If they’re dodging talk about what’s ahead, they might not see you in their long-term picture.

6. They’re not affectionate unless they want something.

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Pay attention to when your partner shows affection. If it’s only when they need a favour or want something from you, that’s not a good sign. True affection shouldn’t come with strings attached.

7. They don’t put effort into resolving conflicts.

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Every couple has disagreements, but if your partner always brushes them off or refuses to engage in sorting things out, they might not be invested in improving the relationship. They might just find it easier to stay than to deal with the hassle of breaking up.

8. They’re always on their phone when you’re together.

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If your partner’s constantly glued to their phone when you’re spending time together, it shows a lack of interest. Someone who values your company will give you their full attention, not treat you like background noise.

9. They don’t introduce you to their friends or family.

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If you’ve been together for a while, but you’ve never met their mates or family, it’s worth wondering why. When someone sees a real future with you, they want to integrate you into their life. If they’re keeping you separate, they might not see the relationship as permanent.

10. They only show interest in physical intimacy.

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If your partner’s only affectionate or attentive when they want to get physical, it’s a red flag. A loving relationship involves emotional intimacy too. If they’re only interested in the physical side, they might be using you for convenience rather than valuing you as a whole person.

11. They don’t remember important things about you.

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If they consistently forget your birthday, your allergies, or other important details about you, it shows a lack of care and attention. Someone who loves you will make an effort to remember the things that matter to you.

12. They’re not supportive of your goals.

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A partner who loves you will cheer you on and support your dreams, even if they’re challenging. If your partner seems indifferent or even discourages you from pursuing your goals, they might not have your best interests at heart.

13. They’re only around when it’s convenient for them.


If your partner’s always available when they need something but mysteriously busy when you need support, it’s a bad sign. A loving relationship involves being there for each other, not just when it’s easy or beneficial.

14. They don’t make an effort with your friends or family.

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If your partner’s always got an excuse not to hang out with your loved ones, or they’re rude when they do, it shows they’re not interested in being part of your life. Someone who cares about you will make an effort with the people who matter to you.

15. They’re not interested in your day-to-day life.

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If your partner never asks about your day or seems bored when you talk about your experiences, it’s a red flag. Someone who loves you will be genuinely interested in what’s going on in your life, even the mundane stuff.

16. They don’t celebrate your achievements.

Myron Standret

When you share good news, your partner should be excited for you. If they’re dismissive or try to downplay your successes, it might be because they’re not truly invested in your happiness and growth.

17. They’re always comparing your relationship to other people.

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If your partner’s constantly pointing out how other couples do things or wishing your relationship was more like someone else’s, it’s a sign they’re not content. They might be sticking around because it’s easier than finding something new.

18. They don’t make an effort with their appearance around you.

Yuri Arcurs

While it’s normal to be comfortable around each other, if your partner never makes any effort to look nice for you, it might show they’re taking you for granted. Someone who values you will want to make an effort sometimes, even if it’s just for a casual date night.

19. They’re secretive about their life.

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If your partner’s always vague about where they’ve been or who they’ve been with, it’s worth questioning why. In a loving relationship, there’s usually a desire to share your life with each other. Excessive secrecy might mean they’re keeping their options open.

20. They don’t express gratitude.

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If your partner never says thank you or shows appreciation for the things you do, they might be taking you for granted. Someone who truly values you will acknowledge your efforts and express gratitude, not just expect you to do things for them.

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