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Fellow women, we’ve all encountered that man who seems charming at first, but then those little red flags start popping up.

You know, the ones that make you wonder if he’s emotionally mature enough to handle a real relationship. There are many subtle signs that you might be dealing with an emotionally juvenile man that are usually on display, so here are a few to keep an eye out for. You haven’t got time or energy to waste, right?

1. He avoids serious conversations like the plague.

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Whenever you try to discuss your feelings, the future, or anything remotely deep, he changes the subject, cracks a joke, or suddenly remembers a pressing engagement. It’s like trying to have a meaningful conversation with a brick wall. This avoidance of emotional intimacy can leave you feeling unheard and disconnected.

2. He throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.

Whether it’s a minor inconvenience or a major disagreement, he reacts with disproportionate anger, pouting, or even silent treatment. His emotional outbursts make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells, always afraid to upset him. It’s exhausting and frustrating to constantly deal with his tantrums.

3. He blames everyone else for his problems.

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Nothing is ever his fault. It’s always his boss, his ex, his parents, or even the traffic that’s to blame for his misfortunes. He lacks accountability and refuses to take ownership of his actions. This blame-shifting behaviour can make you feel like you’re constantly playing the therapist, trying to fix his problems instead of building a healthy partnership.

4. He’s overly competitive and needs to win at everything.

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Whether it’s a board game, a friendly debate, or even a casual conversation, he always has to be right and come out on top. He can’t stand losing, even if it’s just for fun. This constant need for validation and superiority can make you feel like you’re always in a competition with him, instead of being on the same team.

5. He’s insecure and needs constant reassurance.

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He needs constant validation from you and everyone else. He wants to be told how great he is, how smart he is, how funny he is, etc. He fishes for compliments and gets jealous easily if you pay attention to other people. This constant need for reassurance can be draining and make you feel like you’re responsible for his self-esteem.

6. He can’t handle constructive criticism.

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If you offer any feedback or suggestions, even if it’s done constructively and with love, he takes it as a personal attack. He gets defensive, shuts down, or lashes out. This inability to accept feedback hinders personal growth and makes it difficult to address issues in the relationship.

7. He’s unable to empathise with your feelings.

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When you’re upset or going through a difficult time, he seems indifferent or dismissive of your emotions. He might even tell you to “get over it” or “stop being so sensitive.” This lack of empathy makes you feel alone and unsupported in the relationship.

8. He makes promises he doesn’t keep.

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He’s full of grand gestures and promises, but he rarely follows through. He might promise to change, help you with something, or make plans for the future, but then he conveniently “forgets” or comes up with excuses. This unreliability can destroy trust and make you feel like he doesn’t value your time or feelings.

9. He has a short attention span and gets bored easily.

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He has trouble focusing on one thing for too long, whether it’s a conversation, a film, or even a relationship. He constantly needs novelty and excitement, which can make you feel like you’re not enough to keep him interested. This can lead to a lack of commitment and emotional intimacy in the relationship.

10. He’s addicted to video games or other distractions.

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He spends countless hours playing video games, scrolling through social media, or engaging in other mindless activities. He prioritises these distractions over spending quality time with you, which can make you feel neglected and unimportant.

11. He’s constantly seeking approval from his friends.

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He needs his friends’ validation for everything, from his clothes to his major life decisions. He’s overly concerned with what they think and often prioritises their opinions over yours. This lack of independence and reliance on external validation can make you feel like you’re in a relationship with a whole group of people, not just him.

12. He refuses to talk about the future.

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Whenever you try to discuss future plans, like moving in together, getting married, or having kids, he gets uncomfortable and avoids the conversation. He might even joke about it or dismiss it as “too serious.” This avoidance of long-term commitment can leave you feeling insecure and uncertain about the future of your relationship.

13. He’s always the victim.

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No matter what the situation, he always finds a way to play the victim. He blames other people for his shortcomings and refuses to take responsibility for his own choices. This victim mentality can be draining and frustrating, as it prevents him from taking ownership of his life and working towards personal growth.

14. He’s overly jealous and possessive.

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He constantly questions your whereabouts, checks your phone, and gets upset if you spend time with your friends or family. He tries to control your actions and limit your interactions with other people. This possessiveness stems from his own insecurities and can make you feel suffocated and trapped in the relationship.

15. He holds grudges and refuses to forgive.

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If you make a mistake or hurt his feelings, even unintentionally, he holds it against you for a long time. He might bring it up in arguments, use it as ammunition to manipulate you, or simply give you the cold shoulder. This inability to forgive and let go of past hurts can create a toxic and resentful atmosphere in the relationship.

16. He lacks ambition and motivation.

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He’s content with mediocrity and has no drive to improve himself or his life. He lacks goals and dreams, and he’s happy to coast along without any real purpose or direction. This lack of ambition can be frustrating if you’re someone who values personal growth and achievement.

17. He avoids conflict resolution and prefers to sweep things under the rug.

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Instead of addressing issues head-on, he avoids conflict and pretends everything is fine. This can lead to unresolved resentment and build up over time, ultimately damaging the relationship. A healthy relationship requires open communication and a willingness to work through challenges together.

18. He’s financially irresponsible.

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He has no concept of budgeting or saving money. He spends impulsively, racks up debt, and expects you to bail him out. This financial irresponsibility can create stress and conflict in the relationship, especially if you have different values and priorities when it comes to money.

19. He has a fragile ego and can’t handle being challenged.

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He takes everything personally and gets easily offended if you disagree with him or challenge his opinions. He needs constant validation and can’t handle any form of criticism, even if it’s constructive. This fragile ego can make it difficult to have honest and open communication in the relationship.

20. He lacks self-awareness and refuses to take responsibility for his own happiness.

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He expects you to make him happy and fulfil all his needs. He blames you if he’s unhappy and doesn’t take any initiative to improve his own life. This lack of self-awareness and reliance on other people for happiness can be draining and ultimately unsustainable in a relationship. Remember, you’re not responsible for anyone’s happiness but your own.