
Every relationship has its up and downs, but there comes a time in many marriages when things truly are sink or swim.

If you notice any of the following things happening with your wife, she’s pulling away from you, even if she doesn’t realise it herself. The sooner you recognise these red flags and address the reasons they’re happening in the first place, the more quickly you can hopefully get your relationship back on track.

1. She’s less interested in physical touch.

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Remember those spontaneous hugs and cuddles? If they’ve become less frequent, or she seems to pull away when you reach for her, it might be a sign that something’s amiss. Physical touch is a fundamental way of expressing love and connection, so a decrease in this can indicate an emotional distance.

2. She avoids eye contact.

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Eye contact is a powerful form of non-verbal communication. If your wife avoids looking you in the eye during conversations, it could signal discomfort or a desire to create distance. She might be avoiding emotional intimacy or trying to hide her true feelings.

3. She spends more time alone or with friends.

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Everyone needs alone time, but if your wife is suddenly seeking solitude more often or prioritising her friends over spending time with you, it’s worth paying attention. This could indicate that she’s not finding the emotional fulfilment she needs in your relationship.

4. Her communication style has changed.

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Has she become less talkative or more monosyllabic in her responses? Does she seem disinterested in your conversations or offer only brief, perfunctory answers? This could be a sign that she’s emotionally checked out or struggling to connect with you on a deeper level.

5. She’s more critical or irritable.

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If your wife seems to find fault in everything you do or say, it could be a reflection of her own internal struggles. She might be projecting her unhappiness onto you or using criticism as a way to create distance.

6. She stops sharing her thoughts and feelings.

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Open communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. If your wife has become less forthcoming about her day, her worries, or her dreams, it could be a sign that she’s pulling away emotionally. She might be losing trust in you or feeling like you no longer understand her.

7. She’s less interested in sex.

© Eugenio Marongiu

While a decrease in sexual frequency can be attributed to various factors, like stress or hormonal changes, a sudden disinterest in intimacy can also be a sign of emotional distance. Sex is often a barometer of emotional connection, so a lack of interest could be a red flag.

8. She stops making future plans with you.

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Remember those talks about weekend getaways or future vacations? If she’s stopped initiating or participating in these conversations, it might indicate that she’s not envisioning a future with you. This could be a subconscious way of preparing for a potential separation.

9. She seems emotionally distant during conversations.

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Even if she’s physically present, does she seem mentally checked out during conversations? Does she offer minimal responses, avoid eye contact, or seem preoccupied with something else? This emotional distance can be a sign that she’s not fully invested in the relationship anymore.

10. She picks fights more often.

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While occasional disagreements are normal, frequent arguments over trivial matters can be a sign of underlying discontent. She might be subconsciously trying to create conflict as a way to justify her emotional withdrawal or create distance between you.

11. She’s constantly busy or has new hobbies.

Yuri Arcurs

While having individual interests is healthy, a sudden influx of new activities or a packed schedule that consistently excludes you could be a sign she’s seeking fulfilment elsewhere. It’s important to communicate and ensure you’re both making time for each other amidst busy lives.

12. She’s less affectionate in public.

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Remember those stolen kisses and hand-holding strolls? If those public displays of affection have dwindled or become non-existent, it could indicate a shift in her feelings. This could be due to emotional withdrawal or a desire to appear unattached.

13. She’s more secretive about her phone or online activity.

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Has she suddenly become protective of her phone or computer? Does she turn away when you enter the room or quickly change screens? While everyone deserves privacy, increased secrecy can be a sign she’s emotionally investing in someone or something else.

14. She compares you to other people.

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Whether it’s a friend’s husband, a celebrity, or even an ex, comparing you to other people is a sign of dissatisfaction. It can chip away at your self-esteem and create a feeling of inadequacy. This behaviour often stems from a lack of appreciation for your unique qualities.

15. She seems indifferent to your accomplishments or struggles.

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In a healthy relationship, partners celebrate each other’s successes and offer support during challenges. If your wife seems uninterested in your achievements or dismissive of your struggles, it could be a sign that she’s emotionally disconnected from you.

16. She avoids making eye contact during intimacy.

Source: Unsplash

Intimacy is about more than just physical touch; it’s about emotional connection. If your wife avoids eye contact during intimate moments, it could signal a lack of emotional intimacy. This could be due to feeling vulnerable, insecure, or simply disconnected.

17. She’s less forgiving or understanding.

Source: Unsplash

Everyone makes mistakes, but a loving partner is usually quick to forgive and move on. If your wife holds grudges, brings up past grievances, or seems unwilling to let go of minor disagreements, it could be a sign of underlying resentment or emotional withdrawal.

18. She’s started dressing differently or paying more attention to her appearance.

Source: Unsplash

While self-care is essential, a sudden change in appearance can sometimes signal a desire for attention or validation from other people. If your wife is dressing provocatively or putting in extra effort to look her best, it might be a sign she’s seeking external affirmation.

19. She seems bored or restless in your company.

Ihor Pukhnatyy

Does she seem easily distracted, check her phone frequently, or constantly look for ways to escape your presence? This boredom or restlessness can be a sign that she’s not finding joy or excitement in your relationship anymore.

20. You feel it in your gut.

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Sometimes, the most telling sign is your intuition. If you have a nagging feeling that something is off, trust your gut. Your subconscious often picks up on subtle cues that your conscious mind might miss. Don’t ignore your intuition, as it could be trying to alert you to a potential problem in your relationship.