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Relationships are complicated, to say the least. Sometimes, women unintentionally push men away through actions that seem harmless or even positive on the surface. Here are some of the things they do that work against the closeness in their relationship.

1. Playing hard to get for too long

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A little mystery can be alluring, but taking it too far can backfire. If you consistently act disinterested or unavailable, he might assume you’re not interested and move on. Remember, men appreciate clarity and directness. So, if you’re interested, show it!

2. Unleashing constant criticism and negativity

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Everyone has bad days, but a constant stream of negativity can be draining. If you’re always criticising him, complaining, or focusing on the negative aspects of life, it can create a toxic atmosphere. Instead, try to find the positive in situations and focus on building him up.

3. Not showing appreciation or gratitude

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Men, like everyone else, want to feel appreciated. If you take his efforts for granted or fail to acknowledge the things he does for you, he might start to feel unvalued. A simple “thank you” or a gesture of appreciation can go a long way in making him feel loved and respected.

4. Being overly controlling or jealous

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Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. If you’re constantly checking his phone, questioning his whereabouts, or trying to control his every move, it can create a suffocating environment. Let him have his space and independence. A little trust can make a big difference.

5. Neglecting your own needs and happiness

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It’s important to take care of yourself and pursue your own interests. If you’re solely focused on him and neglect your own well-being, it can create an imbalance in the relationship. Remember, a happy and fulfilled you is more attractive than someone who is constantly seeking validation from anyone else.

6. Comparing him to other men

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Comparing your partner to other men, whether it’s exes, celebrities, or even friends, can be incredibly hurtful. It sends the message that he’s not good enough and can really hurt his self-esteem. Instead, focus on his unique qualities and appreciate him for who he is.

7. Being overly dramatic or emotional

Valerii Honcharuk

While expressing your emotions is healthy, being overly dramatic or creating unnecessary drama can be exhausting. If you’re constantly blowing things out of proportion or overreacting to minor issues, it can push him away. Try to communicate your feelings calmly and rationally.

8. Not giving him space to miss you

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Spending every waking moment together can be tempting, especially in the early stages of a relationship. However, it’s important to give him space to miss you. Encourage him to pursue his own hobbies and interests, and don’t be afraid to spend time with your own friends and family. Absence can make the heart grow fonder.

9. Being overly competitive

Valerii Honcharuk

A little friendly competition can be fun, but constantly trying to one-up him or prove you’re better can be a turn-off. Men appreciate women who are supportive and encouraging, not those who are always trying to outshine them.

10. Nagging and complaining about the same things

Alfonso Sangiao Delgado

We all have pet peeves, but constantly harping on the same issues can drive a man crazy. Instead of nagging, try to address concerns calmly and constructively. Find solutions together, rather than dwelling on the problem.

11. Being overly materialistic or demanding

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While it’s nice to be pampered, expecting lavish gifts or demanding a certain lifestyle can put a strain on the relationship. Focus on the emotional connection and shared experiences, rather than material possessions.

12. Trying to change him

Valerii Honcharuk

Accepting your partner for who they are is crucial for a healthy relationship. If you’re constantly trying to mould him into someone he’s not, it can create resentment and frustration. Love him for his strengths and weaknesses, and encourage him to grow in his own way.

13. Being too dependent on him

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Maintaining your independence and having your own life outside of the relationship is important. If you’re relying on him for everything — from emotional support to making decisions — it can become overwhelming for him. Be your own person and show him that you can thrive on your own.

14. Holding grudges/not letting bygones be bygones

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Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s important to forgive and move on. If you’re constantly bringing up past grievances or holding grudges, it can poison the relationship. Focus on the present and build a future together, rather than dwelling on the past.

15. Being closed off emotionally


Vulnerability is essential for building intimacy. If you’re afraid to open up and share your feelings, it can create a barrier between you and your partner. Let him in, and allow yourself to be seen and loved for who you truly are.

16. Not taking care of your appearance

Kniel Synnatzschke

While looks aren’t everything, taking pride in your appearance shows that you care about yourself and the relationship. Put in a little effort to look your best, not just for him, but for yourself as well.

17. Being overly flirtatious with other men

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A little playful flirting can be harmless, but if you’re constantly flirting with other men in front of your partner, it can be hurtful and disrespectful. It can make him feel insecure and question your commitment to the relationship.

18. Trying to be someone you’re not

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Authenticity is key to a lasting connection. If you’re pretending to be someone you’re not just to please him, it won’t be sustainable in the long run. Be yourself, embrace your quirks, and let him fall in love with the real you.

19. Not respecting his boundaries

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Everyone has boundaries, and it’s important to respect them. If he needs time alone or has certain preferences, honour them. Pushing his boundaries can lead to resentment and damage the trust in the relationship.

20. Not communicating your needs and expectations clearly

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Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. If you’re not expressing your needs and expectations clearly, it can lead to misunderstandings and resentment. Be open and honest about what you want and need from the relationship, and encourage him to do the same.