Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Introverts can be tough to figure out, especially for extroverts who are used to wearing their hearts on their sleeves.

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People with more inwardly focused personalities are a bit more mysterious, largely because we tend to be quieter and more subtle than the average bear. And because we may not be as effusive in expressing our emotions, many people don’t even realise how much we love these things. Can you relate?

1. Cancelled plans are a gift from the universe.

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There’s nothing quite like the sweet relief of a cancelled plan. It’s like winning the lottery, but instead of cash, you get a free evening to yourself. Suddenly, you’ve got a date with your sofa and nobody can judge you for it.

2. The ‘do not disturb’ feature is the best invention ever.

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Whoever came up with the ‘do not disturb’ feature deserves a medal. It’s amazing to know that you can block literally everyone and everything out and enjoy some uninterrupted time to yourself. No calls, no messages, just blissful digital silence.

3. Rainy days are the perfect excuse to stay in.

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When the sky opens up, it’s like nature’s giving you permission to cancel all your plans. There’s something cosy about being indoors while the rain patters against the window. It’s the perfect backdrop for a day of reading, gaming, or just lounging about.

4. Being the wallflower at parties isn’t so bad.

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Sure, you might look a bit awkward standing in the corner at parties, but secretly, you’re probably pretty content. You get to people-watch, enjoy the atmosphere without the pressure of constant interaction, and maybe even have a meaningful one-on-one conversation.

5. The end of a night out is often the best part.

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Don’t get me wrong, nights out can be fun, but there’s something magical about that moment when you’re finally home, shoes off, comfy clothes on. You get to exhale that huge breath you didn’t even realise you were holding all night.

6. Eating alone in restaurants can be oddly liberating.

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There’s a certain freedom in dining solo — no need to make conversation, you can eat at your own pace, and you’ve got all the time in the world to savour your meal. Plus, you can people-watch to your heart’s content.

7. Long car rides or train journeys are secretly enjoyable.

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While other people might dread a long journey, for introverts it can be bliss. It’s uninterrupted time to think, listen to music or podcasts, or just watch the world go by. No small talk required.

8. You actually enjoy deep, meaningful conversations.

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Contrary to popular belief, introverts aren’t always silent. We love a good, meaty conversation about life, the universe, and everything. It’s the small talk we find draining. Give us a deep discussion any day, right?

9. Staying in on a Friday night is often preferable to going out.

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While everyone else is gearing up for a night on the town, you’re secretly thrilled to have a night in. Whether it’s catching up on your favourite shows, reading a good book, or just pottering around the house, it’s likely your idea of bliss. (It is mine!)

10. You’re actually quite a good listener.

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Introverts might not always have a lot to say, but we’re often taking everything in. Being a good listener is a skill, and it’s one many introverts have honed to perfection. We might not admit it, but we often know more about what’s going on than people realise.

11. Working from home is a dream come true.

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The rise of remote work has been a godsend for many introverts. No more open-plan offices or constant interruptions. We can work in peace, in our own space, and still be productive. It’s the best of both worlds.

12. You enjoy your own company more than you let on.

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Being alone isn’t the same as being lonely, and introverts genuinely enjoy our own company. Whether we’re practising a hobby, watching a film, or just sitting with our thoughts, we’re quite content in our own little world.

13. Social media can be a comfortable way to stay connected.


Social media can be a blessing for introverts, especially because it helps us to stay connected with friends and family without the drain of constant face-to-face interaction. We can engage when we want, and step back when we need to recharge.

14. You secretly love it when friends understand your need for space.

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There’s nothing quite like a friend who gets it. They understand when you need alone time and don’t take it personally. It’s definitely a weight off your shoulders when you don’t have to explain or justify your need to be on your own for a bit.

15. Holidays at home can be just as refreshing as travelling.


While other people might crave exotic locations, introverts often find a staycation just as rejuvenating. No crowds, no travel stress, just time to relax in familiar surroundings. It’s our kind of paradise.

16. You’re often more observant than people realise.

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Because you’re often quiet, people sometimes think you’re not paying attention. In reality, you’re taking everything in. You notice all the things that no one else is paying attention to, which can be both a blessing and a curse.

17. Having a ‘resting thinking face’ is actually quite useful.

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You know that look people think is us being grumpy or bored? It’s often just our thinking face. It’s quite handy for deterring unwanted conversations and giving us space to process our thoughts.

18. You enjoy the challenge of pushing out of your comfort zone.

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While we might not shout about it, many introverts secretly enjoy the occasional challenge of stepping out of our comfort zone. It’s thrilling in small doses, and it makes us appreciate our quiet time even more.

19. You’re often more creative than you let on.

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All that time spent in your own head often leads to some pretty creative ideas. Whether it’s writing, art, music, or problem-solving, many introverts have a really active imagination and creative world that fuels your creativity.

20. You actually do enjoy socialising, just on your own terms.

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Contrary to popular belief, introverts aren’t hermits. We do enjoy socialising, we just prefer it in smaller doses and in more controlled environments. A dinner with close friends or a small gathering can be just as enjoyable as any big party, sometimes even more so.

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