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Relationships should be built on trust, respect, and mutual affection.

Sadly, that doesn’t always happen, and sometimes we end up entangled with someone whose behaviour raises major red flags. While it’s important not to jump to conclusions, recognising certain patterns can help protect ourselves from potentially harmful situations. Here are some subtle signs that might suggest you’re in a relationship with someone exhibiting psychopathic tendencies.

1. They lack empathy and remorse.

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A key trait of psychopathy is a lack of empathy – they just don’t “get” or care about other people’s feelings. They might seem cold, callous, and uncaring, even when you’re hurting or upset. They might also show a lack of remorse for their actions, even when they’ve caused harm or pain.

2. They’re incredibly charming and charismatic.

Anna Bizon

Psychopaths are often skilled at charming and manipulating people. They might shower you with compliments, attention, and affection, making you feel special and valued. However, this charm is often superficial and can be used to mask their true intentions.

3. They lie compulsively and easily.

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Lying is second nature to a psychopath. They might lie about small things or big things, and they often have elaborate stories and excuses to cover their tracks. They might even lie to your face without batting an eye, making it difficult to trust anything they say.

4. They’re manipulative and controlling.


Psychopaths are skilled at manipulating people to get what they want. They might use guilt trips, emotional blackmail, or threats to control your behaviour. They might try to isolate you from friends and family or make you feel dependent on them.

5. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance.

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Psychopaths often believe they’re better than everyone and entitled to special treatment. They might brag about their accomplishments, exaggerate their abilities, or belittle people to make themselves feel better. They might also have a sense of entitlement and expect you to cater to their every whim.

6. They’re impulsive and irresponsible.

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Psychopaths often act on impulse without considering the consequences. They might engage in risky behaviours, make impulsive decisions, or fail to fulfil their responsibilities. This can create chaos and instability in your relationship and leave you feeling constantly on edge.

7. They have a history of unstable relationships.

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If your partner has a string of failed relationships or a pattern of leaving partners abruptly, it could be a red flag. Psychopaths often struggle to maintain healthy relationships due to their lack of empathy, impulsivity, and manipulative tendencies.

8. They lack genuine emotional connections.

Ihor Pukhnatyy

While they might appear charming and attentive, psychopaths often struggle to form deep emotional connections. They might not understand or reciprocate your feelings, and they might use your emotions against you. Their affection might feel superficial and insincere.

9. They have a superficial charm that quickly fades.


Their initial charm and charisma can be intoxicating, but it often wears off quickly as their true colours start to show. You might start to notice inconsistencies in their behaviour, or you might feel like they’re not the person you initially fell for.

10. They blame people for their problems and mistakes.


Psychopaths rarely take responsibility for their actions. They’ll often blame people for their problems, failures, or mistakes. They might even try to turn the situation around and make you feel guilty or responsible for their behaviour.

11. They seem too good to be true.

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Psychopaths often create a facade of perfection. They might seem like the ideal partner in the beginning – attentive, charming, and successful. However, this idealised image often masks a darker reality. If they seem too perfect, too smooth, or too good to be true, it’s important to be cautious and look for signs of authenticity.

12. They have a history of criminal or antisocial behaviour.

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While not all psychopaths are criminals, a history of illegal activities, violence, or a disregard for social norms can be a significant red flag. This could include anything from petty theft to more serious offences. Pay attention to their past behaviour and any patterns that might suggest a disregard for rules or other people’s well-being.

13. They’re skilled at gaslighting and manipulation.


Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that involves making someone doubt their own sanity or perception of reality. Psychopaths are often skilled at gaslighting, twisting words, denying events, or shifting blame to make you question your own memory and judgment. This can leave you feeling confused, insecure, and dependent on them for validation.

14. They lack emotional depth and intimacy.

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Despite their charm and charisma, psychopaths often struggle with genuine emotional connection and intimacy. They might not understand or reciprocate your feelings, and their expressions of love might feel shallow or insincere. They might also have difficulty with physical intimacy, as they view it as a means to an end rather than an expression of love.

15. They have a parasitic lifestyle.

Ihor Pukhnatyy

Psychopaths often rely on other people for financial support, emotional validation, or other needs. They might be charming and manipulative in order to secure resources and benefits from other people. They might also take advantage of your generosity or kindness without showing any gratitude or reciprocation.

16. They have a lack of realistic long-term goals.

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While they might talk about big dreams and ambitions, psychopaths often lack realistic long-term goals. Their plans might be impulsive, unrealistic, or based on manipulating people to achieve their desires. They might also be unwilling to put in the necessary work to achieve their goals, preferring to take shortcuts or exploit people

17. They show a disregard for safety and well-being.

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Psychopaths might engage in risky behaviours without considering the consequences for themselves or anyone else. They might drive recklessly, abuse substances, or put themselves in dangerous situations. This disregard for safety can be a major concern, as it can put you and other people at risk.

18. They display a sense of entitlement and superiority.

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Psychopaths often believe they’re above the rules and entitled to special treatment. They might feel like they deserve whatever they want, regardless of the impact on other people. This sense of entitlement can lead to exploitative behaviour, as they might feel justified in taking advantage of people to achieve their goals.

19. They exhibit a callous disregard for other people’s feelings.


Psychopaths might hurt or humiliate people without any remorse. They might make cruel jokes, spread rumours, or engage in bullying behaviour. This callous disregard for other people’s feelings can be incredibly damaging and can leave lasting emotional scars.

20. They lack guilt or shame for their actions.

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Even when confronted with the consequences of their behaviour, psychopaths might not show any remorse or guilt. They might rationalise their actions, blame people, or simply dismiss the harm they’ve caused. This lack of accountability can be a major obstacle in resolving conflicts and rebuilding trust.