Envato Elements

When someone insults you, it’s natural to want to give them a piece of your mind.

However, that’s not likely to get you anywhere, and it also means you’re stooping to their level. The next time someone says something offensive, and you’re tempted to unleash some seriously unkind thoughts on them, stop, take a deep breath, and try one of these replies instead.

1. “Thanks for sharing your opinion, but I’m not really interested.”

Source: Unsplash

This simple yet effective response acknowledges their insult without engaging in further conflict. It shows you’re not going to let their words affect you and that you’re choosing to move on. It also politely shuts down any further attempts to bait you into an argument.

2. “I’m sorry you feel that way, but it doesn’t change who I am.”

Envato Elements

This comeback acknowledges their feelings while asserting your own self-worth. It shows you’re not going to let their negativity define you and that you’re confident in your own skin. It also politely disengages from the insult and refuses to fuel the fire.

3. “I’m not sure what your problem is, but I hope you figure it out.”

Source: Unsplash

This response shifts the focus back onto the insulter, highlighting their own negativity and suggesting they need to address their own issues. It’s a subtle way of putting them in their place without stooping to their level.

4. “Wow, you’re really good at pointing out the obvious.”

Source: Unsplash

This sarcastic response dismisses their insult as unoriginal and uncreative. It implies that their attempt to hurt you is failing because their insult is so bland and predictable.

5. “I’m too busy being awesome to care what you think.”

Source: Unsplash

This confident comeback dismisses their insult as irrelevant and unimportant. It shows you’re not going to let their negativity bring you down and that you’re focused on your own success and happiness.

6. “Are you always this charming, or are you making a special effort for me?”

Envato Elements

This sarcastic response highlights the insulter’s rudeness and lack of social graces. It’s a witty way of calling them out on their behaviour without directly engaging in an argument.

7. “I’m not sure why you’re trying to insult me, but it’s not working.”

Envato Elements

This straightforward response shows you’re not intimidated by their insults and that their words are having no effect on you. It’s a confident way of shutting them down and refusing to give them the satisfaction of seeing you upset.

8. “Thanks for the feedback, but I’ll stick to being myself.”

Envato Elements

This response acknowledges their insult as an attempt at feedback, but also asserts your own self-acceptance and refusal to change for their approval. It’s a polite yet firm way of letting them know their opinion doesn’t matter.

9. “I must be doing something right if I’m getting under your skin.”

Envato Elements

This comeback turns the insult into a compliment, suggesting that their negativity is actually a sign of your success or influence. It’s a playful way of defusing the situation and turning the tables on them.

10. “I’m sorry, were you trying to hurt my feelings? Because you’re not doing a very good job.”


This sarcastic response highlights the insulter’s lack of effectiveness in their attempt to hurt you. It’s a witty way of dismissing their insult and showing them you’re not easily offended.

11. “I’m not sure if that was supposed to be an insult, but I’ll take it as a compliment.”


This response is a clever way of flipping the script on the insulter. By interpreting their insult as a compliment, you show them that their words have no power over you and that you can find positivity even in negativity. It’s a light-hearted and disarming way of shutting down their insult.

12. “I’m glad you think so highly of yourself.”

Envato Elements

This sarcastic response implies that the insulter’s negative opinion of you stems from their own inflated ego. It suggests they are projecting their own insecurities onto you and trying to bring you down to their level. It’s a subtle way of putting them in their place without engaging in a direct confrontation.

13. “You’re entitled to your incorrect opinion.”

Envato Elements

This comeback acknowledges their right to their opinion while subtly implying that it’s wrong. It’s a polite yet firm way of disagreeing without escalating the situation. It also shows you’re not going to waste your time trying to convince them otherwise.

14. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove, but you’re not impressing anyone.”

Envato Elements

This response calls out the insulter’s attention-seeking behaviour and highlights the futility of their efforts. It suggests their insult is a desperate attempt to gain validation or attention, but it’s only making them look foolish.

15. “I’m sorry, did you say something? I was too busy enjoying my life.”

Yuri Arcurs peopleimages.com

This dismissive response implies that their insult is so insignificant that it didn’t even register. It shows you’re not going to let their negativity affect your happiness and that you’re too busy living your best life to care about their petty remarks.

16. “Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll be sure to avoid you in the future.”

David Pereiras

This comeback acknowledges their insult as a warning and suggests you’re taking their advice to heart. It’s a sarcastic way of letting them know their negativity is not welcome in your life and that you’re choosing to distance yourself from them.

17. “I’m not sure if that was meant to be funny, but it wasn’t.”


This straightforward response calls out the insulter on their failed attempt at humour. It’s a direct and honest way of letting them know their insult fell flat and that you’re not amused by their negativity.

18. “I’m not sure what your deal is, but I’m not going to let you ruin my day.”

Envato Elements

This response acknowledges their negativity but refuses to let it affect you. It shows you’re in control of your own emotions and that you’re not going to let their bad mood or negativity dictate your happiness.

19. “You know, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be as miserable as you. Now I know.”

Yuri Arcurs peopleimages.com

This sarcastic response implies that the insulter’s negativity is a reflection of their own unhappiness. It’s a witty way of turning their insult back on them and highlighting their own misery.

20. “You’re right, I’m not perfect. But at least I’m not trying to bring people down.”

Yuri Arcurs peopleimages.com

This comeback acknowledges your own imperfections while highlighting the insulter’s negative behaviour. It suggests they are trying to compensate for their own insecurities by putting people down, while you’re focusing on self-improvement and encouraging people.

21. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

Envato Elements

This classic comeback reminds the insulter of basic etiquette and encourages them to refrain from further negativity. It’s a simple yet effective way of shutting down their insult and promoting a more positive and respectful interaction.