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Some people just can’t bring themselves to voice their true opinions, no matter how important it is to be open and honest.

It’s like they’re afraid to rock the boat or offend anyone. However, what they don’t realise is that by stifling their thoughts and feelings, they’re only making their lives harder for themselves — and making it harder for people to truly get to know them. Here are some things you’re likely to hear come from the mouths of people who are too scared to speak up and say what they really think.

1. “I’m not sure if this is the right time to say this, but…”

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This phrase often precedes a hesitant opinion or criticism. It’s a way of testing the waters before diving in, hoping to gauge the reaction before fully committing to a statement. While caution can be wise, overusing this phrase can make you seem overly timid or unsure of yourself.

2. “I could be wrong, but…”

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This phrase is a classic disclaimer used to soften the blow of a potentially controversial opinion. It’s a way of saying, “Don’t hold me to this if it turns out to be wrong.” While acknowledging the possibility of error is humble, using this phrase too often can undermine your credibility.

3. “It’s just my opinion, but…”

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This phrase is a common way to introduce a personal viewpoint without claiming it as absolute truth. It’s a way of saying, “I’m not trying to impose my views on you, but here’s how I see it.” While acknowledging that other people may disagree is respectful, constantly qualifying your opinions can make them seem less valuable.

4. “I don’t want to offend anyone, but…”

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This phrase often precedes a statement that is likely to be controversial or unpopular. It’s a way of trying to avoid conflict or negative reactions. While it’s important to be considerate of other people’s feelings, overusing this phrase can make you seem overly cautious or afraid to express yourself.

5. “Maybe it’s just me, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is another way to introduce a personal opinion while acknowledging that other people may not share it. It’s a way of saying, “I might be the only one who feels this way, but it’s worth mentioning.” While understanding that your perspective is unique is healthy, constantly doubting your own opinions can make you seem insecure.

6. “I’m not an expert, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is a common disclaimer used to downplay one’s knowledge or experience on a particular topic. It’s a way of saying, “Don’t take my word for it, but here’s what I think.” While acknowledging your limitations is honest, using this phrase too often can make you seem hesitant or unsure of yourself.

7. “I don’t know how to say this without sounding rude, but…”


This phrase is often used as a preface to a critical or negative statement. It’s a way of acknowledging the potential for hurt feelings while still wanting to express an opinion. While tact is important, overusing this phrase can make you seem overly worried about offending people.

8. “I’m not trying to start an argument, but…”


This phrase is often used when introducing a controversial topic or disagreeing with someone. It’s a way of trying to avoid conflict while still expressing a differing viewpoint. While trying to find common ground is admirable, constantly fearing disagreement can hinder honest communication.

9. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is similar to “I could be wrong, but…” It’s a way of inviting correction or clarification while still sharing an opinion. It’s a sign of humility and openness to learning, but overusing it can make you appear unsure of your own knowledge.

10. “I don’t mean to be negative, but…”


This phrase is often used to preface a criticism or complaint. It’s a way of acknowledging that the statement might be perceived negatively while still wanting to express it. While being mindful of other people’s feelings is kind, overusing this phrase can make you seem overly apologetic or hesitant to voice concerns.

11. “To be honest…”

Konstantin Postumitenko

This phrase often precedes a statement that someone has been hesitant to reveal. It’s a way of signalling a shift to greater honesty or transparency. While honesty is valued, overusing this phrase can raise questions about the truthfulness of previous statements.

12. “I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is another way to express an opinion while trying to avoid offending people. It’s a way of acknowledging potential sensitivities while still wanting to contribute to a discussion. While being considerate is important, excessive worry about causing offence can hinder open communication.

13. “With all due respect…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is often used to preface a statement that disagrees with or challenges someone else’s viewpoint. It’s a way of trying to maintain politeness while expressing a differing opinion. However, it can also be perceived as passive-aggressive, especially if the following statement is not respectful.

14. “I’m not saying this to be difficult, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is similar to “I don’t mean to be negative, but…” It’s a way to introduce a potentially challenging statement while trying to avoid conflict. However, overusing it can make you seem overly concerned about being perceived as difficult or uncooperative.

15. “I’m just playing devil’s advocate, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is often used to present an opposing viewpoint for the sake of argument or to test the strength of an idea. While playing devil’s advocate can be a useful intellectual exercise, constantly taking the opposite side can be frustrating for people.

16. “I’m not sure how to put this delicately, but…”

Anna Bizon

This phrase is another way to introduce a sensitive or potentially offensive statement. It’s an attempt to soften the blow by acknowledging the difficulty of finding the right words. However, overusing this phrase can make you seem overly hesitant or afraid of causing offence.

17. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is used to introduce negative or unwelcome information. It’s a way of preparing the listener for something unpleasant while acknowledging the discomfort it might cause. While being mindful of other people’s feelings is considerate, overusing this phrase can make you seem overly dramatic or hesitant to deliver bad news.

18. “I don’t want to overstep, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is often used when offering advice or opinions that might not be solicited. It’s a way of acknowledging the potential for intrusiveness while still wanting to help or contribute. While offering help can be appreciated, constantly worrying about overstepping can make you seem hesitant or unsure of yourself.

19. “It’s none of my business, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is often used to introduce a comment or question about something that is not directly relevant to the speaker. It’s a way of acknowledging that the topic might be considered personal or private, while still expressing curiosity or concern. However, overusing this phrase can make you seem nosy or intrusive.

20. “I might be overthinking this, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is a common way to introduce a worry or concern that might seem trivial or unfounded. It’s a way of looking for reassurance or validation while acknowledging the possibility of being overly anxious. While recognising that you might be overthinking is healthy, constantly doubting your own perceptions can be self-defeating.

21. “It’s probably nothing, but…”

Envato Elements

This phrase is often used to introduce a suspicion or concern that might seem insignificant. It’s a way of testing the waters before fully expressing a worry. While being cautious is wise, overusing this phrase can make you seem hesitant or unwilling to trust your own instincts.