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Loneliness is a universal experience, of course, but it can manifest in different ways for everyone.

For men, it often takes on unique forms, sometimes hidden behind layers of bravado or simply unrecognised. If you’re wondering whether you or someone you know might be grappling with loneliness, here are 21 subtle signs that might offer some insight.

1. They overshare on social media.

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It’s not just about posting selfies or food pics. We’re talking about constantly updating their status with every little detail of their day, seeking validation through likes and comments. When someone’s world feels a little empty, the online world can seem like a quick fix for connection.

2. They hesitate to make plans.

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Not because they’re busy, but because they fear rejection or cancellation. If they do make plans, they might overthink it, worrying about what to wear, what to say, or how to act. It’s like a constant internal battle between wanting to connect and fearing the potential disappointment.

3. They hold on to toxic friendships.


Even if the friendship isn’t healthy, it’s still a connection, right? Sometimes, lonely men cling to relationships that aren’t good for them simply because they fear being alone. This might mean putting up with negativity or disrespect, just to avoid the emptiness of being alone.

4. They fill their time with mindless distractions.

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Video games, endless scrolling, binge-watching—these can all be ways to numb the feeling of loneliness. It’s easier to get lost in a virtual world than to face the reality of an empty social calendar or lack of meaningful connection.

5. They always seem to be “working late.”

Source: Unsplash

Work can be a convenient excuse to avoid social situations or to simply fill the void of loneliness. It might seem counterintuitive, but throwing themselves into work can be a way to distract themselves from their feelings of isolation.

6. They have a hard time saying “no.”

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Lonely people often feel like they need to say “yes” to every invitation, even if they don’t want to go. They worry that if they decline, they’ll miss out on a chance to connect with people, even if it’s a forced or superficial connection.

7. They avoid deep conversations.

Source: Unsplash

Talking about the weather or the latest sports scores is easy. But delving into personal feelings or experiences? That’s a whole other ballgame. Lonely men might stick to surface-level topics to avoid vulnerability or the risk of being judged.

8. They romanticise past relationships.

Source: Unsplash

When you’re feeling lonely, it’s easy to look back on past relationships with rose-tinted glasses. Suddenly, that ex who wasn’t so great seems like the perfect partner, and the loneliness of the present amplifies the longing for the past.

9. They have difficulty maintaining eye contact.

Source: Unsplash

Eye contact can be a powerful tool for connection, but for someone who’s feeling lonely, it can also be intimidating. They might look away, fidget, or avoid eye contact altogether, making it harder to build rapport.

10. They overthink social interactions.

Source: Unsplash

Did they say the right thing? Were they funny enough? Did they make a good impression? After a social interaction, a lonely person might replay the conversation over and over again, analysing every detail and looking for flaws. This can make socialising feel like a stressful performance rather than a genuine connection.

11. They become overly invested in fictional characters.

Source: Unsplash

Whether it’s a TV show, a book, or a video game, getting emotionally attached to fictional characters can be a way to fill the void of real-life connection. It’s a safe way to experience emotions and relationships without the risk of rejection or disappointment that comes with real-life interactions.

12. They have difficulty accepting compliments.

man guySource: Unsplash

A simple “you look nice today” can send a lonely person into a spiral of self-doubt. They might dismiss the compliment, deflect it, or even feel uncomfortable receiving it. It’s a reflection of their low self-esteem and lack of positive reinforcement from other people.

13. They withdraw from physical touch.

man guySource: Unsplash

Physical touch is a basic human need, but loneliness can create a barrier to it. A lonely man might shy away from hugs, handshakes, or even casual touch, further isolating himself from potential sources of comfort and connection.

14. They become overly critical of themselves and other people.

man guySource: Unsplash

Loneliness can breed negativity. A lonely man might start to see flaws in everything, from their own appearance to the choices their friends make. This critical mindset can further alienate them from everyone around them and make it harder to form meaningful bonds.

15. They struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Alex Papin

When you’re feeling lonely, it’s easy to let healthy habits fall by the wayside. Skipping meals, neglecting exercise, or relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms like alcohol or drugs can become a way to numb the pain of isolation.

16. They avoid eye contact during conversations.

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Eye contact is a key component of communication, but for a lonely person, it can feel like a spotlight they’re not ready for. They might look down, avert their gaze, or fidget, making it difficult to establish a genuine connection with people.

17. They spend an excessive amount of time reminiscing.


While everyone revisits memories from time to time, lonely men might get stuck in the past. They might spend hours scrolling through old photos, listening to nostalgic music, or reliving past experiences, all in an attempt to fill the void of the present.

18. They have difficulty expressing their emotions.

Yuri Arcurs peopleimages.com

Bottling up emotions can become a habit for men who are lonely. They might feel ashamed of their loneliness, afraid of being judged, or simply unsure of how to express their feelings. This can create a cycle of isolation, as unexpressed emotions can further distance them from people.

19. They become overly sensitive to rejection.

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When you’re already feeling lonely, even the smallest rejection can feel like a major blow. A cancelled plan, an unanswered text, or a perceived slight can trigger feelings of inadequacy and reinforce the belief that they’re not worthy of connection.

20. They compare themselves to other men constantly.

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Social media can be a breeding ground for comparison, and lonely men might find themselves constantly measuring their lives against other people’s curated highlights. This can lead to feelings of envy, inadequacy, and a distorted view of reality.

21. They isolate themselves from friends and family.

Source: Unsplash

This might seem counterintuitive, but sometimes lonely people withdraw from the very people who could offer them support. They might feel ashamed of their loneliness, afraid of being a burden, or simply unable to reach out for help. This can create a vicious cycle of isolation, making it even harder to break free from the loneliness trap.