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Even the strongest marriages have their ups and downs.

However, there are some things which, once said, can not just create a load of drama and hurt, but potentially end your relationship for good. Communication is important, of course, but you also need to think before you speak. Be careful, because these toxic phrases that you should definitely avoid if you want to keep your marriage intact.

1. “I regret marrying you.”

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This one’s a doozy. It’s like ripping the plaster off the deepest wound. This phrase negates every vow, every shared dream, and every beautiful moment you’ve built together. It plants a seed of doubt that can fester and grow, creating a chasm between you and your spouse that may be difficult to bridge.

2. “You’re just like your mother/father.”


Ouch! This is a low blow that strikes at the core of your partner’s identity. It not only insults them but also their family, which can trigger deep-seated insecurities and resentment. Even if you see some similarities, there are far more constructive ways to address any concerns or issues you have with their behaviour.

3. “I wish I had never met you.”

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This phrase is like a time bomb, exploding the very foundation of your relationship. It erases all the good times, the laughter, the love, and the shared experiences that brought you together. It’s a hurtful declaration that can leave a lasting scar on your partner’s heart.

4. “You’re worthless.”

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Verbal abuse in any form is unacceptable, but this phrase is particularly damaging. It attacks your partner’s self-worth, making them feel small, insignificant, and unlovable. It’s a cruel and demeaning statement that can have long-lasting consequences for their emotional well-being.

5. “I’m not in love with you any more.”

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These words can shatter your partner’s world. It’s a cold and dismissive statement that can leave them feeling rejected, abandoned, and unsure of their own value. Even if you’re feeling disconnected or unhappy in the relationship, there are more compassionate ways to express your concerns and explore ways to reconnect.

6. “It’s all your fault.”

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Playing the blame game is toxic for any relationship, but it’s especially damaging in a marriage. It creates a cycle of defensiveness and resentment, preventing any real communication or resolution. In any conflict, both partners share some responsibility, and it’s important to acknowledge that and work together to find solutions.

7. “You’re crazy/insane.”

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Labelling your partner as “crazy” or “insane” is a form of gaslighting, a manipulative tactic that can make someone doubt their own sanity and reality. It’s a way of dismissing their feelings, opinions, and concerns, and it can be incredibly damaging to their self-esteem and mental health.

8. “I’m leaving/I want a divorce.”

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Threatening to leave or divorce is a manipulative tactic that can create fear and insecurity in your partner. It’s a way of trying to control them and get them to comply with your demands. It’s also a deeply hurtful statement that can undermine trust and create lasting damage to the relationship.

9. “You’re pathetic.”


This phrase is designed to belittle and humiliate your partner. It attacks their character, their abilities, and their sense of self-worth. It’s a cruel and degrading statement that can have a devastating impact on their emotional well-being and your relationship.

10. “I hate you.”

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Hate is a powerful emotion, and using it against your partner is a form of verbal abuse. It expresses extreme disdain and animosity, and it can leave your partner feeling wounded, rejected, and unworthy of love. Even in the heat of the moment, it’s important to choose your words carefully and avoid using such destructive language.

11. “I’m not attracted to you any more.”

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Physical attraction is a complex aspect of any relationship, and it can ebb and flow over time. However, bluntly stating that you’re no longer attracted to your partner can be incredibly hurtful. It attacks their self-esteem and leaves them feeling undesirable and unwanted. If you’re struggling with attraction, it’s important to communicate your concerns in a more sensitive and constructive way.

12. “You’re boring.”


This simple word can cut deep, suggesting that your partner is dull, uninteresting, and lacks the spark to keep you engaged. It’s a dismissive and demeaning remark that can make them feel inadequate and unimportant. If you’re feeling bored in the relationship, try to explore new activities together or communicate your desire for more excitement in a way that doesn’t put your partner down.

13. “You’re always wrong.”

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Nobody likes to be told they’re always wrong. This phrase invalidates your partner’s opinions, feelings, and experiences, making them feel unheard and disrespected. It’s guaranteed to escalate conflict and create a toxic atmosphere of negativity and resentment. Even if you disagree with your partner, it’s important to acknowledge their perspective and find common ground.

14. “You’re not good enough.”

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This sweeping statement attacks your partner’s self-worth at the core. It suggests that they’re lacking in some fundamental way and that they’ll never be able to meet your expectations. It’s a cruel and demoralising remark that can leave lasting emotional scars. Instead of focusing on their perceived shortcomings, try to appreciate their strengths and offer support and encouragement.

15. “You’re lucky to have me.”


This arrogant and self-centred phrase implies that your partner is somehow beneath you and should be grateful for your presence in their life. It’s a way of exerting power and control over them, making them feel indebted to you and less likely to challenge your behaviour. A healthy relationship is built on mutual respect and appreciation, not on a sense of superiority.

16. “You’re a terrible parent.”

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Attacking your partner’s parenting skills is a particularly sensitive issue. It can trigger feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and self-doubt. Even if you have concerns about their parenting style, there are more constructive ways to address them. Try to have an open and honest conversation, focusing on specific behaviours or concerns, and work together to find solutions that benefit your children.

17. “You’re embarrassing me.”


Everyone has embarrassing moments, and it’s important to support your partner through them, not shame them for it. This phrase can make them feel self-conscious, insecure, and ashamed of their behaviour. It’s a way of putting them down and making them feel like they need to change to meet your standards.

18. “You’re being too sensitive.”

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Invalidating your partner’s feelings will inevitably create distance and resentment. This phrase dismisses their emotions and makes them feel like their concerns are unimportant. It’s a way of shutting down communication and avoiding responsibility for your actions. If your partner is feeling sensitive, try to be understanding and supportive, even if you don’t fully understand their perspective.

19. “You’re overreacting.”

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Similar to “You’re being too sensitive,” this phrase minimises your partner’s emotions and makes them feel like their concerns are invalid. It’s a dismissive and condescending remark that can quickly escalate conflict and create a sense of distrust. If your partner is upset, try to listen to their concerns with empathy and validate their feelings, even if you don’t agree with their reaction.

20. “You’re not the person I married.”

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People change and evolve over time, and it’s important to embrace those changes in your partner. This phrase suggests that you’re disappointed with who they’ve become and that they’re no longer meeting your expectations. It can create a sense of insecurity and make them feel like they have to conform to your idealized image of them.

21. “I don’t care.”

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Apathy is the enemy of intimacy. This phrase conveys a lack of interest or concern for your partner’s feelings, thoughts, and experiences. It’s a cold and dismissive response that can leave them feeling alone, unimportant, and unloved. Even if you’re feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, it’s important to communicate your needs in a way that doesn’t hurt your partner.

22. “I’m done.”

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Throwing in the towel without trying to work through problems is a sign of defeatism and a lack of commitment to the relationship. This phrase shuts down communication and leaves little room for resolution. Even if you’re feeling discouraged, it’s important to remember the vows you made and to try your best to work through challenges together.

23. “I never loved you.”

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This is perhaps the most devastating phrase of all. It erases the entire history of your relationship and negates every expression of love and affection you’ve shared. It’s a cruel and manipulative statement that can leave your partner feeling betrayed, heartbroken, and questioning everything they thought they knew about your relationship.