Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Trust is one of those things that’s incredibly hard to earn but ridiculously easy to break.

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You should never give someone your trust before they’ve proven themselves worthy of it. Sure, you like to see the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt, but you also don’t want to get hurt. These types of people will never be trustworthy, so save yourself the trouble and don’t even go there.

1. The chronic liar

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These people have what we’ll call a “loose relationship with the truth”. They lie about big things, small things, and everything in between. Often, they lie even when telling the truth would be easier. Their dishonesty is so ingrained that trusting them becomes a risky gamble. It’s hard to build any kind of meaningful relationship when you’re constantly second-guessing everything they say.

2. The gossip

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They always seem to have the latest scoop on everyone’s personal business. While their stories might be entertaining, remember: if they’re sharing other people’s secrets with you, they’re likely sharing yours with other people. They thrive on drama and love to twist information for maximum impact. Trusting them with sensitive information is like broadcasting it to the world.

3. The fair-weather friend

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They’re there for the good times, but mysteriously disappear when things get tough. They’re happy to enjoy your success but can’t be counted on for support when you’re not at your best. Their unreliability in difficult times makes them unworthy of deep trust.

4. The promise breaker

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Their words and actions rarely align; they make grand promises but consistently fail to follow through. Whether it’s small commitments or major ones, they seem incapable of keeping their word. They really don’t respect people’s time or feelings, which makes them untrustworthy in both personal and professional settings.

5. The opportunist

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These people are always looking out for number one — themselves. They see relationships primarily in terms of what they can gain. While they might be charming, their self-interest always takes precedence over loyalty or integrity. Trusting an opportunist often leads to feeling used or betrayed when their true motives become clear.

6. The gaslighter

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They deny saying or doing things you clearly remember, or insist events happened differently than you know they played out. It’s incredibly damaging and destroys your ability to trust not just them, but your own judgement. It’s a form of emotional abuse that no one should tolerate.

7. The constant victim

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Nothing is ever their fault. They always have an excuse or someone else to blame for their mistakes or misfortunes. While life can obviously be unfair, those who never take responsibility for their actions can’t be trusted to be accountable.

8. The jealous type

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Their jealousy colours every interaction. They struggle to celebrate people’s successes and often try to undermine them to make themselves feel better. This toxic jealousy can lead them to spread rumours or sabotage people. Trusting someone who’s constantly comparing and competing is risky, and really not worth your time.

9. The control freak

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These people have an intense need to manage every aspect of their environment, including the people around them. They often disguise their controlling behaviour as care or concern. However, their lack of trust in people to make decisions or handle tasks independently makes it hard to form balanced, trusting relationships with them.

10. The flip-flopper

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Their opinions and loyalties seem to change with the wind. While it’s healthy to evolve your views as you learn more, these people shift dramatically and constantly, often aligning with whoever has the most to offer at the moment. Their inconsistency makes it hard to know where you stand with them, so how could you ever trust them?

11. The secret keeper

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Not to be confused with someone who respects confidentiality, these people thrive on knowing things other people don’t. They collect secrets and information, often using them as currency in social situations. Trusting them with personal information is dangerous because they’re likely to use it for their own gain or entertainment.

12. The grudge holder

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They never forget a slight, whether it was real or all in their head. They hang onto resentment, allowing past issues to colour all future interactions. Their inability (or unwillingness) to forgive or move on makes it hard to build trust, as any misstep could lead to long-lasting consequences in the relationship.

13. The attention seeker

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They always need the spotlight and will often go to extreme lengths for attention. This can include exaggerating stories, creating drama, or even betraying confidences if it gets them the focus they crave. Their need for attention often outweighs their respect for other people’s privacy or feelings.

14. The emotional manipulator

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They know exactly how to play on people’s emotions, and they’ll use guilt, sympathy, or flattery to get what they want. They’re good at identifying and exploiting emotional vulnerabilities. Trusting them often leads to feeling emotionally drained and used, especially since calculated manipulation replaces genuine care.

15. The passive-aggressive type

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Instead of addressing problems directly, they resort to subtle jabs, silent treatments, or backhanded compliments. This behaviour creates an atmosphere of tension and unspoken resentment. Trusting someone who won’t openly communicate their feelings or grievances is a bad idea all around.

16. The perpetual taker

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Relationships with people like this are distinctly one-sided. They’re always happy to receive help, favours, or resources, but rarely reciprocate. Their self-centred approach to relationships makes it hard to trust that they’ll be there when you need them (because they probably won’t be).

17. The oversharer

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While it’s good not to be too guarded, these people lack boundaries when it comes to personal information. They freely share intimate details about themselves and other people without discretion. They don’t have a filter, which means they’re likely to be careless with any information you give them.

18. The chameleon

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They drastically change their personality depending on who they’re with. While it’s good to be adaptable, their extreme shifts make it hard to know who they truly are. Trusting someone who doesn’t present a consistent self is risky because you can never be sure which version you’re dealing with.

19. The scorekeeper

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They meticulously track every favour, gift, or kind act, expecting precise reciprocation. Relationships with them feel transactional rather than genuine. Not only that, but their tit-for-tat mentality erodes the foundation of trust, replacing it with a sense of constant debt or obligation.

20. The boundary pusher

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These people consistently test and overstep personal boundaries. They might pressure you to share information you’re not comfortable revealing or insist on levels of intimacy you’re not ready for. How can you trust someone who doesn’t respect your comfort zones?

21. The eternal pessimist

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While realism has its place, these people take negativity to an extreme. They consistently expect and focus on the worst possible outcomes. Their persistent negativity can be draining and may even sabotage projects or relationships. Trusting them with your hopes or dreams often leads to discouragement rather than support.

22. The unreliable planner

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They’re consistently late, often cancel at the last minute, or forget commitments entirely. While everyone has off days, they make a habit of it. Their chronic unreliability makes it hard to trust them with your time or to include them in important plans.

23. The rumour monger


Similar to gossips, but with a more malicious edge, these people actively spread unverified or false information. They tend to create or perpetuate rumours without regard for their accuracy or the harm they might cause. Don’t trust them as far as you can throw them!

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