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When someone says something rude to you, it can be hard to know what to say back (that’s not profane, anyway).

However, instead of stooping to their level or losing your cool, try one of these responses the next time someone insults you. You can have your say and still take the high road.

1. “Interesting perspective.”

two women talking at workSource: Unsplash

This is a polite yet non-committal way to acknowledge their insult without engaging in a debate. It shows you’re not taking their words to heart and that you’re not interested in escalating the situation. It’s a simple, yet effective way to deflect the negativity and move on. It can also leave them wondering if their insult actually landed, which can be satisfying in its own right.

2. “Hmm, that’s not very original.”

Envato Elements

This comeback highlights the lack of creativity in their insult, suggesting they’re not putting much effort into their negativity. It’s a way to dismiss their comment and imply that you’re not impressed with their attempt to bring you down. It’s a subtle way of calling them out on their uninspired attempt at an insult, and it might even make them rethink their approach next time.

3. “You seem to be having a rough day.”


This flips the script by showing empathy and concern for the insulter. It suggests that their rudeness might stem from personal issues and that you’re willing to listen if they need to vent. It’s a disarming tactic that can defuse the situation and potentially open up a dialogue. Even if they don’t take you up on your offer, it shows that you’re not going to stoop to their level of negativity.

4. “Is there a reason you’re being so negative?”

Envato Elements

This comeback directly addresses their behaviour without resorting to insults or sarcasm. It puts them on the spot and forces them to justify their negativity. It’s a good way to call out their behaviour and make them aware of how their words are affecting you. By asking a direct question, you’re inviting them to reflect on their actions and potentially change their behaviour.

5. “Wow, you’re really determined to be rude, aren’t you?”

Envato Elements

This acknowledges their rudeness without stooping to their level. It’s a way to call out their behaviour without engaging in a tit-for-tat insult exchange. It shows you’re not going to let them get under your skin and that you’re above their petty attempts to provoke you. This comeback can be particularly effective if delivered with a calm and confident tone.

6. “Your words say a lot more about you than they do about me.”

Envato Elements

This comeback reminds the insulter that their words reveal more about their own character than yours. It’s a way to shift the focus back onto them and make them question their own behaviour. It’s a powerful way to assert your self-worth and dismiss their negativity. By highlighting their own flaws, you’re taking away their power and regaining control of the situation.

7. “I must be doing something interesting to have caught your attention.”

Envato Elements

This is a clever way to reframe their insult as a form of attention. It suggests that they’re only criticising you because you’re interesting or noteworthy. It’s a way to turn their negativity into a positive and boost your own confidence. By taking their insult and spinning it into a compliment, you’re showing them that their words have no power over you.

8. “I’d rather have you leave me alone than continue this conversation.”

Envato Elements

This comeback sets a clear boundary and lets the insulter know that you’re not interested in engaging with them. It’s a direct and assertive way to end the conversation without resorting to insults or sarcasm. It shows you’re in control of the situation and that you won’t tolerate their negativity. By prioritising your own well-being, you’re sending a message that you won’t allow yourself to be disrespected.

9. “Interesting. You seem to be projecting a lot onto me.”

Envato Elements

This comeback takes the high road and reframes their insult as a reflection of their own issues. It’s a subtle way to call them out without engaging in a direct confrontation. It can also throw them off balance, as they may not be used to being called out on their behaviour in this way.

10. “I’ll take that as a compliment, considering the source.”

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This witty response acknowledges the insult while simultaneously dismissing it as irrelevant. It suggests that the insulter’s opinion doesn’t matter to you, as you have more self-worth than to be affected by their words. It’s a clever way to turn their negativity back on them.

11. “I’m not sure why you’re so obsessed with me, but it’s kind of flattering.”


This comeback playfully acknowledges their insult while subtly turning it into a compliment. It implies that their obsession with you is a sign that you’re doing something right. It’s a way to disarm them with humour and confidence.

12. “You seem to know a lot about me. Are you sure you’re not a fan?”

Envato Elements

This sarcastic response mocks their insult by suggesting that they’re secretly interested in you. It’s a way to turn the tables on them and make them question their own motives. It’s a great option for dealing with people who are constantly criticising you or trying to bring you down.

13. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you were an expert on my life. When did you get your PhD?”


This comeback questions their authority to insult you by pointing out that they don’t actually know you well enough to make a valid judgment. It’s a way to expose their ignorance and dismiss their opinion as irrelevant. It’s a great option for dealing with people who are quick to judge or criticise people.

14. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here, but it’s not working.”

Envato Elements

This is a calm and collected way to shut down their insult. It shows them that you’re not fazed by their attempt to provoke you and that you’re not going to engage in their negativity. It’s a good choice for dealing with people who are trying to start drama or get a rise out of you.

15. “I appreciate your concern, but I’m perfectly capable of handling my own life.”


This is a polite yet firm way to let them know that you don’t need their unsolicited advice or criticism. It’s a way to set boundaries and assert your independence. It’s a good choice for dealing with people who are always trying to tell you what to do or how to live your life.

16. “Are you trying to start a fight? Because I’m not interested.”

Envato Elements

This directly confronts their aggressive behaviour and sets a clear boundary. It shows you’re not going to tolerate their attempts to provoke you, and that you’re not afraid to stand up for yourself. It’s a good way to shut down their negativity before it escalates.

17. “I’m surprised you think that’s a good way to make friends.”

Envato Elements

This comeback calls out their social skills (or lack thereof) by implying that their behaviour is not conducive to building positive relationships. It’s a way to highlight the social consequences of their actions and make them think twice about their approach.

18. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, maybe you shouldn’t say anything at all.”

Envato Elements

This is a classic response that reminds the insulter of basic manners and social etiquette. It’s a simple yet effective way to shut down their negativity and encourage them to reconsider their words. It’s a good option for dealing with people who seem to have forgotten their manners.

19. “You know, there are other ways to get attention besides being rude.”

Envato Elements

This suggests that their insulting behaviour is a desperate attempt to get noticed. It implies that they’re looking for validation through negative attention and that you’re not going to give it to them. It’s a way to call out their attention-seeking behaviour and encourage them to find more positive ways to express themselves.

20. “I’m not sure why you’re trying so hard to offend me, but I’m not offended.”

Envato Elements

This comeback shows them that their words have no power over you. It’s a way to demonstrate your resilience and confidence, even in the face of negativity. It can be a powerful way to disarm the insulter and take away their sense of control.

21. “If you’re going to insult me, at least be creative about it.”

Source: Unsplash

This challenges them to come up with a better insult, implying that their current attempt is weak and unoriginal. It’s a light-hearted way to dismiss their negativity and show that you’re not easily offended. It can also be a way to turn the situation into a humorous exchange.

22. “I think you’re confusing me with someone who cares about your opinion.”

Yuri Arcurs peopleimages.com

This comeback is a direct and assertive way to dismiss their insult as irrelevant. It highlights the fact that their opinion doesn’t matter to you and that you’re not going to let them affect your self-worth. It’s a good choice for dealing with people who think their opinion is more important than it actually is.

23. “I’m not interested in playing your games.”

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This lets them know that you’re not going to engage in their manipulative behaviour. It sets a clear boundary and establishes your unwillingness to participate in their drama. It’s a good way to take control of the situation and end the interaction on your terms.

24. “I’m going to take the high road and not stoop to your level.”

Yuri Arcurs peopleimages.com

This comeback shows that you’re above their negativity and that you refuse to engage in their petty behaviour. It’s a way to maintain your dignity and self-respect while also highlighting their immaturity and lack of class. It’s a good choice for dealing with people who are trying to drag you down to their level.