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There’s nothing worse than someone who’s constantly negative and frankly, kind of depressing to be around.

No one wants to be around people who bring everyone else down, which is why it’s important to think about what you’re saying before it comes out of your mouth. Are you generally upbeat and cheery? Well, if you say these things regularly, you’re definitely not miserable, that’s for sure!

1. “I’m so proud of you!”

Source: Unsplash

It feels so nice to be applauded for your hard work. Sure, the achievement itself is a great reward, but letting someone know how proud you are of them for going out there and going after what they want in life is a really nice thing to do.

2. “This made my day.”

Yuri Arcurs

When you acknowledge the small joys in life, it shows that you’re not a total nihilist and that you know how to appreciate the simple pleasures. Whether it’s a funny meme, a nice gesture, or your barista giving you a free extra shot of espresso in your morning latte, recognising these moments shows you’re not dwelling on negativity.

3. “I’m here if you need to talk.”

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Offering to be a sounding board for people you care about shows your empathy and willingness to be there for them. It’s a selfless act that reflects your supportive nature and desire to help people through challenging times. Would a miserable person do that? I don’t think so.

4. “I’m grateful for…”

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Being grateful for things in life — and expressing that out loud — not only shows people that you have a positive outlook on life, but it can also give you a boost when you get down, which is bound to happen from time to time. It’s a reminder that even when things are tough, there’s always something to be thankful for.

5. “I believe in you.”

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These three little words carry immense power. When you express your belief in someone’s abilities, it can boost their confidence and inspire them to achieve some pretty amazing things. Your willingness to offer encouragement shows your faith in people’s potential, and that’s super encouraging.

6. “Things will get better.”

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This phrase, even if you say it to yourself, shows a bit of optimism and hope for the future. It shows you believe in resilience and that challenges are temporary. You understand that setbacks are part of life, but you also trust that brighter days are ahead.

7. “How can I help?”

Valerii Honcharuk

Being ready and willing to offer help, whether it’s a simple task or a major endeavour, proves your generosity and kindness. You’re not focused solely on your own needs; you genuinely care about making a difference in other people’s lives too.

8. “I learned a lot from that experience.”

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When you approach setbacks as opportunities for growth, it shows your willingness to learn and evolve. You don’t let mistakes define you; instead, you embrace them as valuable lessons that help you become a better person.

9. “I’m excited for you!”

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Sharing in other people’s excitement, whether it’s a new job, a holiday, or a personal achievement, shows you can be genuinely happy for other people and that you’re not jealous or bitter. It also gets the other person even more excited and keeps the general atmosphere upbeat.

10. “That’s a great idea!”

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Acknowledging and appreciating other people’s ideas is a great way to show off your open-mindedness and willingness to consider different perspectives. It shows you’re not stuck in your own way of thinking and that you value the contributions of those around you.

11. “I’m so happy to see you!”

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When you express genuine joy at seeing someone, it will make them feel like a million bucks. It conveys warmth, affection, and a positive outlook on your relationships.

12. “Let’s celebrate!”


Your enthusiasm for celebrating milestones and achievements, big or small, reveals your appreciation for the good things in life. It shows you’re not one to dwell on the negative and that you’re always looking around for opportunities for joy and connection.

13. “I’m always here for you.”

Anna Bizon

This simple phrase is a great way to show unconditional support and unwavering loyalty. It shows you’re not just a fair-weather friend, but someone who can be counted on through thick and thin. Your willingness to be there for people demonstrates your compassion and reliability.

14. “I’m looking forward to…”

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Getting excited for what’s to come, whether it’s a concert, a holiday, or a simple dinner with friends, shows your ability to find joy in the present moment and look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead. There’s a lot of boring and even downright terrible stuff in life — it’s nice to focus on the good sometimes.

15. “I’m trying my best.”

Monkey Business Images

Acknowledging your own efforts, even when things don’t go as planned, reflects your self-awareness and commitment to personal growth. It shows you’re not afraid to admit your flaws and failures, and that you’re willing to learn and improve.

16. “I appreciate you.”

Yuri Arcurs peopleimages.com

Showing appreciation for the people in your life, whether it’s your partner, your friends, or your colleagues, is a great way to recognise and value the positive impact they have on you. It’s a simple yet powerful way to create connection and gratitude.

17. “I’m sorry.”

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Being able to apologise sincerely when you’ve made a mistake or hurt someone’s feelings shows your humility and willingness to take responsibility for your actions. It also reflects your desire to maintain healthy relationships and make amends when necessary.

18. “Thank you.”

Yuri Arcurs YAPR

Expressing gratitude for people’s kindness and generosity reveals your appreciation for the good things in life. It’s a simple way to acknowledge the positive impact that other people have on you and the fact that they put a lot of effort into making your life a little better/easier, which is really nice of them.

19. “That sounds like fun!”

©Mint Images

Expressing enthusiasm for activities or experiences, even if they aren’t your usual cup of tea, shows your open-mindedness and willingness to try new things. It also shows a positive attitude towards life and a desire to have fun and create memories.

20. “I’m so glad we’re doing this together.”

Xavier Lorenzo

Sharing experiences with other people and expressing your joy in their company highlights your appreciation for connection and shared moments. It also proves that you can find happiness in other people’s company and create meaningful bonds.

21. “What can I do to make things better?”

Seva Levytskyi

Your willingness to take action and find solutions, even when faced with challenges or conflicts, demonstrates your proactive and optimistic approach to problem-solving. It shows you’re not one to dwell on negativity. In fact, you’re always looking for ways to improve situations and relationships.

22. “I forgive you.”

Eugenio Marongiu

Choosing forgiveness over resentment shows your ability to let go of the past and move forward. It reflects your understanding that everyone makes mistakes and that holding onto anger and bitterness only harms yourself and your relationships.

23. “I trust you.”


Expressing trust in someone, whether it’s your partner, your friends, or your colleagues, demonstrates your belief in their good intentions and capabilities. It’s a cornerstone of healthy relationships and fosters a sense of security and mutual respect.

24. “I love you.”

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Sharing your love openly and freely with those you care about is a powerful expression of affection and connection. It reflects your willingness to be vulnerable and to invest your emotions in other people. Your ability to love deeply demonstrates your warmth and compassion.

25. “I’m happy.”

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Letting the world know that you’re feeling happy, whether it’s in a specific moment or in general, reflects your overall contentment with your life. It shows you’re not constantly focused on what’s lacking but rather appreciate the present moment and the blessings you have.